Figs. 1-2: This magnificent sample is a slab of a fresh pahoehoe flow, from Hawaii. Pahoehoe is a word in the Hawaiian language, describing the characteristic ropy texture of basalt flows whose physical properties and setting allow them to flow from the parent vent or fissure, the surface developing the characteristic texture. The slab is some 76 x 65 x 10 cm in size, and seems absolutely pristine. The interior is highly vesicular (full of gas bubbles, innumerable mm-size cavities in the glassy, congealed lava). Royal Ontario Museum specimen 38173. This marvelous slab was on display in the museum foyer in December 2019. It is from a 1998 eruption in Hawaii, and was donated by the USGS Hawaiian Volcano Observatory.
"Rock of the Month # 258, posted for December 2022" ---
Basaltic lavas, emerging at the Earth's surface, are relatively hot and fluid. They have lower viscosity than more siliceous magmas, and as such tend to be emitted as flows from vents and especially fissures, or from the ends of lava tubes, and their activity is less explosive than the andesites, dacites and rhyolites that are the more chemically evolved products of stratovolcanoes. The behavior of the basaltic lava depends on its temperature, viscosity and rate of cooling, and the topography on which it flows. Lava emitted in pulses may flow below the congealing surface of the earliest pulses, moving in lava tubes towards the toe of the flow. There it is emitted and congeals, one lobe after another, in this way building up what may be great lengths and thicknesses. Somewhat cooler melt, more viscous, generally moves more slowly, and the surface, instead of the smooth, ropy consistency of pahoehoe, is cindery clinker, forming rough and ragged surfaces, known as aa (or a a), another Hawaiian term.
One practical aspect of the different morphologies of the lava flows is the relative ease of travel over them. The pahoehoe flow is quite easy to walk over, but it is best to watch for pits, on a scale of roughly 1-10 m2, that may be evidence of pre-existing lava tubes or other voids. Thus the surface may be quite thin! This (roof of a lava tube or other cavity) may be the origin of the Hawaiian slab (Figs. 1-4). The aa flows, being very rough and jagged, are more of a challenge, whether or not (as in Iceland) they may be colonized by layers of pale moss that make them look deceptively civilized!
Figs. 3-4: A close-up of the surface texture of the Hawaiian sample, and another of the vesicular interior of the flow (upper, outer surface, seen in Figs. 1-3, below). Royal Ontario Museum specimen 38173.
For an excellent guide to the Icelandic geology, starting with the nature of lavas, see Thordarson and Hoskuldsson (2014, pp.14-21). Such elemental aspects of geology are of course covered in physical geology and geography texts, such as Holmes (1965, pp.294-302), or Plummer et al. (2016). For more popular texts, and lots of illustration, see works such as Weisel and Johnson (1994), and, for Hawaii and Iceland respectively, Holland and Lanting (2004) and Sigurdsson (2016).
The flow featured in Figs. 5-8 is on the lava field from the Fagradalsfjall volcano, on the Reykjanes peninsula, the southwestern extremity of Iceland. The area lies near three population centres: it is southwest of the capital, Reykjavik, southeast of the main airport at Keflavik, and near the south-coast port of Grindavik. The rift that generated the Geldingadalur flow hosted eruptive activity for six months, from 19 March to 18 September 2021 (see Global Volcanism Program, 2022).
An elegant first-hand description of a visit to the tourist-attractive volcanic display is provided by Heidi Julavits (2021), who braved the windy hillsides to observe the eruption in the last week of May. She notes that the 2021 lava, at the time the latest scenic feature on the island, was named Fagradalshraun, the Lava of the Beautiful Valley.
Some very recent History (10 eruptions in 2021-2024)
The first volcanism recorded on the Reykjanes peninsula in more than eight centuries, the 19 March to 18 September 2021 event is estimated to have generated some 151 million m3 of lava, covering an area of 4.8 km2. This implies an average thickness of flows of some 31 m, obviously much greater in some valleys and other topographic depressions, thinning to zero on the margins. In one valley, the average depth of new lava was estimated at about 200 feet (61 metres: Julavits, 2021).
On Wednesday, 03 August 2022, across a ridge from Geldingadalur, about 1 km to the northeast, the rift reopened, with lava fountaining and flows emerging from a linear fissure, generating the Meradalir flow (Figs. 9-10). The last significant eruption in this area was some 870 years earlier, in the middle of the 12th century (Pratt, 2022). This eruption, though spectacular, was short, ending on its 19th day, 21 August 2022.
A small fissure eruption began at the nearby location of Litlihrutur on 10 July 2023, marking the third year in a row in which basaltic lava issued from this rift zone. This soon ceased, but rifting (with large fissures in the ground, damaging infrastructure such as roads) and innumerable earth tremors led to the evacuation of the fishing port of Grindavik. Next, at 22:00 hours local time on Monday, 18 December 2023, lava erupted on a 3.5-km rift zone in the area, with a substantial flow rate reported in the first 24 hours as 100-200 m3/second. Within three days, it seems the flow rate had decreased, but the likelihood of protracted activity remains. In the early hours of Sunday, 14 January 2024, lava and gases were emitted for a fifth time in three years, and this time close to Grindavik, soon consuming several buildings on the edge of the small town. A further eruption (Sundhnukagigur) occurred on 08 February 2024, near Grindavik and the Blue Lagoon resort, sending incandescent fluid basalt lava as much as 80 metres into the air. The seventh eruption of the cycle began in the evening of Saturday, 16 March 2024, with lava potentially threatening Grindavik, the Blue Lagoon and a major geothermal station. Thie episode soon quietened down, but spectacular lava fountains appeared again along a fissure on Wednesday, 29 May 2024. Further activity was reported on the evening of 22 August 2024, with rapid opening of a 3.9-km-long fissure, and a second 1-km fissure just to the north. As with earlier activity, the emission rate of lava started high (2,000 m3s-1) but rapidly declined as the initial flow cooled. A tenth eruptive event began on Wednesday, 20 November 2024, with lava submerging part of the parking lots of the Blue Lagoon resort. However, creative use of water from the Blue Lagoon, sprayed on the lava front with fire hoses, slowed the advance and allowed lava berms to be constructed and shaped with gravel moved with heavy equipment, so that, once again, no major damage was done to human infrastructure! See this overnight defensive work in action here, one of innumerable videos on the current eruptive cycle.
Figs. 5-6: Two photographs of the Geldingadalur lava flows erupted in 2021, showing details of the pahoehoe structures preserved on surface. Left: metre-scale development of the ropy texture. Tom Erickson for scale! Right: colourful area of a local small-scale gas vent, the surface colours due to fumarolic sublimates, deposited from sulphur-rich volcanic gases escaping to the atmosphere.
Pahoehoe worldwide (and beyond)
Focusing on pahoehoe, our main topic this month, it will be found that such flows are of worldwide extent (on continents as well as islands), and extend back in the geologic record, far into the Precambrian. Picking out just a few occurrences, across space and time, youngest on back .
Figs. 7-8: Two sides of a pair of small samples from the Geldingadalur flow. These pieces are from the upper portion of the flows, as seen in Figs. 5-6, and so are likely from a later stage of the 6-month eruptive cycle. Vapour (apparently mostly steam) was rising from cavities and fractures in the flows. The flow and samples were scarcely one year old, when the field photographs were taken and the samples collected, on 26 July 2022.
Left: the top surface, with pahoehoe structure and, right: the underside, displaying the vesicular interior of the lava (compare with the Hawaiian sample, Fig. 4). Close-up, the top surface of each piece displays a submetallic lustre, varying in hue from bronze to bluish-grey. Scattered through the bubbly, glassy black fabric of the rock are sparse 1-3-mm phenocrysts of glassy-lustred plagioclase feldspar. The colourful patina is very delicate, more of a lustre than a thick surface layer! However, blue glassy pahoehoe is a lava found in small amounts (<5% of total pahoehoe) in the active Kalapana flow field of Kilauea (Oze and Winter, 1997). It has a thick outer rind, large pockets of vesicles in the flow centre and distinctive blue-silver surface colouration.
Notes on the two samples: a) larger, 386 grams, 13x9x4 cm, magnetic susceptibility (mean of 3 readings) 0.896x10-3 SI units (not appreciably magnetic), and b) smaller, 155 grams, 9x8x3 cm, magnetic susceptibility (mean of 3 readings) 0.207x10-3 SI units (not appreciably magnetic). Both samples have very low "heft", due to their high porosity. Some basalts are highly magnetic, but these evidently carry next to no magnetite.
Figs. 9-10: Two dramatic views of the 2022 Meradalir eruption at night. In each case, the source fissure is obvious. In Fig. 9, the photo records a good sense of the flow of the lava, and one can imagine that a pahoehoe sheet will soon be the result (in an extended sequence of eruptions, of course, one flow can be overlain by the next, and in some cases the final surface flow may be blocky aa, not more pahoehoe). These were taken in the early hours of Sunday 07, which was to be day 5 of the event, which stretched over 19 days in August 2022. Photographs (c) Tom Hart.
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