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RWB Project Index, March 2020 Onwards

CONTENTS - R.W. Boyle's History of Geochemistry and Cosmochemistry

RWB Index - History of Geochemistry and Cosmochemistry

Heading Topics
N.B. Items may not be available here at this time - work in progress!
Slide Show Intro, covers Vol. 1 & half Vol. 2: 40 slides, v. 13 Sep 2020. Update to be posted here in late May or June.
Proposal 2017-2023: see Project overview in Explore newsletter
Volume 1 Chapters 1- 4: (2015-2017, 2023 revision: PUBLISHED: SEE BELOW) - keyword summary here
Volume 2 Chapters 5- 8: (2018-2019, 2023...: re-editing, in prep.) - keyword summary here
Volume 3 Chapters 9-14: (Not yet - TBA) - keyword summary here

Acknowledgements: The trilogy is yet to be published *, but there will be numerous acknowledgements in due course (a few appear in the slide show). The research and editing for Volume 1 were conducted pro bono, but were rewarded, as of 2023, by two generous honoraria from private donors, and by commitments toward publishing costs from the Canadian Geoscience Foundation, the Mineralogical Association of Canada and the Geological Association of Canada.

* A complete Volume 1 from the trilogy was published on 02 May 2024! Once permissions were secured, and/or substitutions made, for desired illustrations, there are circa 135 images in 93 numbered figures: the citation is:

Boyle,RW (2024) A History of Geochemistry and Cosmochemistry, from Prehistory to the end of the Classical Period.
Cambridge Scholars Publishing, Newcastle upon Tyne, England (Wilson,GC, Butt,CRM, Garrett,RG and Robinson,HA, editors), 630pp.

See cover data and ordering information here:
Cambridge Scholars Publishing

Document initiated 18 March 2020, last revised 13 May 2024.

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