15 titles in AGID Canada Catalogue 2001/1

0759 DOHR,G (1974) Geology of Petroleum, Volume 1 - Applied Geophysics. John Wiley & Sons, New York, 272pp.

0760 DURAND,B (editor) (1980) Kerogen - Insoluble Organic Matter from Sedimentary Rocks. Editions Technip, Paris, 519pp.

0761 FETTWEIS,GB (1979) World Coal Resources: Methods of Assessment and Results. Elsevier, 415pp.

0762 GLENNIE,KW (editor) (1990) Introduction to the Petroleum Geology of the North Sea. Blackwell Scientific Publications, 3rd edition, 402pp.

0763 HAGER,D (1919) Practical Oil Geology - The Application of Geology to Oil Field Problems. McGraw-Hill, London, 3rd edition, 253pp.

0764 HOBSON,GD (1954) Some Fundamentals of Petroleum Geology. Oxford University Press, London, 139pp.

0765 KOTTLOWSKI,FE, CROSS,AT and MEYERHOFF,AA (editors) (1978) Coal Resources of the Americas. GSA Spec.Pap. 179, 90pp. S.America - Central America - Mexico - USA.

0766 LEROY,LW and LOW,JW (1954) Graphic Problems in Petroleum Geology. Harper and Brothers, New York, 238pp.

0767 LEVORSEN,AI (1967) Geology of Petroleum. W.H. Freeman and Company, San Francisco, 2nd edition, 724pp.

0768 McKEE,RH (1925) Shale Oil. Chemical Catalog Company, Inc., New York, 326pp.

0769 MENARD,HW (1972) Continental Shelves - Origin and Significance. AAPG Reprint Series 3, 194pp. Geophysics, petroleum geology.

0770 MOODY,GB (editor) (1961) Petroleum Exploration Handbook - A Practical Manual Summarizing the Application of Earth Sciences to Petroleum Exploration. McGraw hill, New York, 1st edition. Manual in 25 chapters.

0771 MUNSON,RA and CLIFTON,RA (1971) Natural Gas Storage with Zeolites. U.S. Department of the Interior, Bureau of Mines Nonmetallic Minerals Program, Technical Progress Report 38, 9pp.

0772 NETTLETON,LL (1940) Geophysical Prospecting for Oil. McGraw-Hill, New York, 1st ed., 444pp.

0773 RUSSELL,WL (1960) Principles of Petroleum Geology. McGraw-Hill, New York, 2nd edition, 503pp.

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