AGID CANADA Book & Journal
Donation Project

AGID CATALOGUE "01/1", 2001

with 36 classes of books


Click on any subject to view a text file of the available items.

Subject Items Subject Items
Geochronology & The Precambrian __30__ Astronomy ___8__
Arctic Studies __28__ Archaeometry & Archaeology * ___5__
Dictionaries & Reference Works __29__ Biology __12__
Mineral Economics __25__ Chemistry __18__
Field Manuals ___7__ Climate ___6__
Field Trip Guides ___7__ Energy (Coal, Oil & Gas) __15__
General & Regional Geology __72__ Economic Geology _183__
Geochemistry, Exploration __61__ Environmental Issues __10__
Hydrology & Hydrogeology _118__ Palaeontology _101__
Igneous & Metamorphic Petrology __76__ Geomorphology __14__
Industrial Minerals __10__ Geophysics & Tectonics _200__
Mineralogy & Crystallography __56__ Mining & Metallurgy __40__
Publication Guides ___3__ Mathematics & Statistics __27__
Quaternary Geology __25__ Oceans & Oceanography __48__
Remote Sensing __29__ Physics __40__
Rock Mechanics ___3__ Planetary Science & Meteorites * __19__
Sedimentology * _105__ Structural Geology __49__
Uranium Geology * __25__ Introductory Geology Texts _134__
Subtotal _709__ Subtotal _929__

* denotes illustration


This web site contains the full list of book titles in the latest catalogue, plus a selection of the journal titles (see below). Many institutions on our existing list will have received a paper version of the catalogue, complete with a request form.

If your institution has not received a paper copy, you may still be able to request materials directly from this web site. To do so, the Chief Librarian or Head of Department may

1) Contact us (details redacted), with a short introductory note to establish credentials, so that
2) A list of the desired titles (catalogue numbers only) may then be sent to us, to be added to our latest official requests. The following easy-to-follow instructions are adapted from the print version of the catalogue:

To request each book, make a note of the relevant number on letterhead (or list the number in your e-mail message, as established above) and send your request to Toronto. Note that the original deadline was December 1st 2001. Some less-common titles have now been assigned, but many titles are still available as of August 2002, including many journals (see below). Be sure to include the address to which they should be sent, stating any special instructions to be followed (e.g., key phrases for parcels, such as "Educational Materials, Tax-Exempt", etc). Please list the numbers corresponding to your 1-10 top-priority choices along the special line on the response form. In many cases only one copy of each title is available, but we will do our best to meet all requests. NOTE: you may request as many titles as you wish, in addition to the "Top 10": so please indicate all titles of interest.


The New Catalogue

The total number of book titles included in AGID CANADA Catalogue "01/1" is 1,638. In addition to the 1,638 "active" titles, the AGID database contains 825 currently out-of-stock titles, for a total of 2,463. Many of the book titles are part of special-publication series of professional societies, such as Min.Soc.Canada, Geol.Soc.America, and this is emphasized in the print version of the catalogue, to aid librarians intent in filling gaps in their collections.

Note that it is not practical to incorporate anything like the complete AGID CANADA stock in one catalogue. Some topics, such as rock mechanics and engineering geology, are better-represented than the catalogue suggests, and enquiries on specific themes are welcome. 222 titles were recently assigned and shipped, mostly in the twin themes of rock mechanics and Arctic studies. Note also that, because many books cover more than one discipline, and each title appears only once to save space, the careful reader will often find it necessary to scan two or more categories, perhaps including the Introductory Geological Texts, to ensure that all relevant titles are located.


This list of technical journals is short compared to the catalogue of books and monographs, but in the "real world" of the AGID CANADA warehouse the journals comprise a major proportion of both the volume and mass of our holdings!

Journal List

Journals and special publications in stock in July 2001 included the following 32 titles: holdings vary from a 30-40 years' sequence of some periodicals to only a few issues of others. Several sets (runs) are available for journals marked with an asterisk (*).

American Association of Petroleum Geologists Bulletin
American Mineralogist *
Annual Reviews of Earth and Planetary Science
Arctic and Alpine Research
Bibliography of North American Geology
Bulletin of Canadian Petroleum Geology
Bulletin of Engineering Geology and the Environment
Canadian Geotechnical Journal
Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences [CJES] *
Canadian Mineralogist *
Carnegie Institution of Washington (Ann.Rep.Director, Geophysical Laboratory)
CIMM Bulletin (Canadian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy)
Economic Geology *
Environmental and Engineering Geosciences
Exploration and Mining Geology
Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta
Géographie Physique et Quaternaire
Geological Association of Canada Proceedings to Vol.25 [precursor of CJES]
Geological Society of America Bulletin *
Geoscience Canada *
IMM Transactions (Institution of Mining and Metallurgy, London)
Journal of Geochemical Exploration
Journal of the Geological Society (London)
Journal of Geology
Journal of Geophysical Research
Journal of Great Lakes Research
Journal of Petrology
Journal of Sedimentary Petrology
Mineralogical Abstracts
Mineralogical Magazine
Precambrian Research

The above journals are offered to recipients of the AGID CANADA catalogue on the understanding that special arrangements may be required for shipment of serials, lengthy runs of which may weigh hundreds of kilograms, or even more.

catalogue item 0947 [36 kb]

Document last revised 17 August 2002 / 26 June 2018

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