A World of Rocks --- Un Monde des Roches --- El Mondo de las Rocas
Index --- Index --- Indice
Merci à la famille Guha,
y gracias a Mariana Valverde!
Last revised 29 April 2014, minor upgrades to 18 December 2024
The logo designed by Jan Wybourn depicts a wide-ranging migrant shorebird,
the ruddy turnstone,
found widely around the world, including North and South America.
Arenaria interpres is also known as
tourne-pierre roux or tourne-pierre à poitrine noire in French,
playero vuelvepiedras in Spanish, and formerly known as American turnstone,
carriquet plover or calico plover: see P.A. Taverner,
"Birds of Eastern Canada",
Geological Survey of Canada Memoir 104, 297pp., 105 (1919).