Turnstone Geological Services Ltd

Campbellford, Ontario, Canada

Contents - Web Site "Map"

The following table summarizes the contents of this site. The "heading" represents a single document or starting-point.
The "topics" define the subject matter in more detail, whether it is hosted on a single page or spread across tens of discrete files.
It is a topological or "subway-style" "map", not a blueprint.
Note that NEW refers to new or "newer" items added or significantly updated from January 2019 onwards.

SEE the full listing of the Rock of the Month feature!

SEE a list of Meteorite-related Entries!

Classification of Topics Available on this Site

Heading Topics
Welcome Page NEW Turnstone Logo, Summary and Contact Information
Summary Profile; sommaire en français; resumen en español
1-page Summary, Oct. 2022 NEW WHAT WE DO
Contents Page Directory of Contents
--- Central Route to Major Topics
BOOKS (notices, summaries)
BOOK: "The Last Billion Years: A Geological History of the Maritime Provinces of Canada" (2nd edition), 2022
BOOK: "Algonquin Park's Mowat: Little Town of Big Dreams" by Mary Garland, 2015
BOOK: "Four Billion Years and Counting: Canada's Geological Heritage", 2014
Introduction to Turnstone A Brief Summary of Turnstone Activities and Products
--- Includes the Following Vignettes:
--- Indian Meteorites - List with Input from MINLIB [updated April 2012]
--- Reflectance Spectra of the Rare Palladium Mineral, Cabriite
--- Textures in Silica from a Mexican Precious-metals Vein Deposit
--- Introduction to the MINLIB Database
--- Graham Wilson - Select Bibliography & Public Presentations
--- Geographic Location of Projects
Technical & Geopolitical Bibliographies
--- Annotated
--- 24 selections from MINLIB database
--- 35 less-technical selections from MINLIB & WORLD
--- a specific list for meteorites from India [updated April 2012]
--- Six Dozen Diverse Links - updated Oct. 2018
--- Citations
--- 25 titles from MINLIB: references for descriptive mineralogy
--- 33 more titles: references for descriptive mineralogy, II
--- Publications & Students of Frank W. Beales
--- Publications of Eugen F. Stumpfl
--- Download some items in pdf format, including:
Turnstone Glossary of Petrographic Terms [127 kb] - update of January 2015
Compact Catalogue of Canadian Meteorites [75 kb] - update of March 2017
Bibliography of Canadian Meteorites [2589 kb] - first released June 2012, with update
Escott Reid, Canadian Diplomat [79 kb]
Site Map This page, a more-detailed listing of currently-available content
Local Information Geology and Natural History, Campbellford area, Northumberland county, Ontario
-- Introductory Notes
--- Bibliography of the District
--- Seymour township bird list
--- Seymour township flora and fauna
--- Crowe Bridge Conservation Area show
---- Introduction to Local Geology
----- Precambrian (Grenville) Shield
----- Paleozoic (Ordovician) Limestones
----- Quaternary Geology
------ News:
------- The Norwood Fireball Event of 06 May 2001
------- The Pennsylvania Fireball Event of 23 July 2001
--------- Links to other Web Sites
Slide Show Lake Superior Geology -- Multi-Audience Slide Show
--- Junior Tour
--- Standard Tour
--- Advanced Tour
Rocks, Minerals, Meteorites and Other Natural and Artificial Curios
1. Cannel Coal An Unusual Carbonaceous Rock
2. Moganite - Silica Revisited?
Brief Notes and Bibliography
3. The "Rock of the Month"with select "Museum Moments" (MM)
2001 --- #1 ---- Apatite & orange calcite from Renfrew County, Grenville province, Ontario
NEW --- #2 ---- Apatite & biotite from the Bancroft area, Grenville province, Ontario
--- #3 ---- Meteorite recognition
--- #4 ---- Cinnabar, mercury ore from Almaden, Spain
--- #5 ---- Violarite, nickel ore from Sudbury, Ontario
--- #6 ---- Opal in Volcanic rock from Honduras
2002 NEW --- #7 ---- Holbrook meteorite (Arizona, U.S.A.)
--- #8 ---- Berthierite, Iron-antimony sulphide from Borneo
--- #9 ---- Charnockite, a deep and meaningful granitoid rock (Baffin Island, Nunavut)
--- #10 --- Stibnite from South Africa
--- #11 --- Fossil bryozoan from southern Ontario
--- #12 --- Banded sphalerite from Nanisivik, Baffin Island, Nunavut
NEW --- #13 --- Gabbro boulder, southern Ontario
--- #14 --- Corundum (ruby & sapphire) from India
--- #15 --- Cabriite (a palladium mineral) from Noril'sk, Russia
--- #16 --- Chert & chalcedony (Pennsylvania, U.S.A.)
--- #17-18 Double take: igneous rocks from Earth & space
2003 --- #19 --- Thallium in nature (Utah, U.S.A.)
NEW --- #20 --- Silver ore, Fresnillo, Zacatecas, Mexico
--- #21 --- Native gold from California, U.S.A.
--- #22 --- Pyroxmangite (`rhodonite') from Colorado, U.S.A.
--- #23 --- Chert & microfossils (Pennsylvania, U.S.A.)
--- #24 --- Chert provenance (Pennsylvania, U.S.A.)
--- #25 --- Diamonds from Africa
--- #26 --- Diamond and carbonado, Siberia & Africa
--- #27 --- Copper-rich slag, Belleville, Ontario
--- #28 --- Gabbro boulder, Marmora, Ontario
--- #29 --- Shap granite, Lake District, England
--- #30 --- Ross of Mull granite, Scotland
2004 --- #31 --- Allivalite, Rhum, Scotland
--- #32 --- Appinite, Strontian area, Scotland
--- #33 --- Cylindrite from Bolivia
--- #34 --- Flint walls, Essex, England
--- #35 --- Green mica in gold ore, Western Australia
--- #36 --- Pyrite from Navajun, Spain
--- #37 --- Fulgurite from Ontario
--- #38 --- Ice - a mineral!
--- #39 --- A Young plutonic rock from Borneo
--- #40 --- Cobalt-nickel arsenide Ore, Cobalt district, Ontario
--- #41 --- NWA 1463 Winonaite (rare achondrite meteorite), Northwest Africa
--- #42 --- Pyrite from Nanisivik, Baffin Island, Nunavut
2005 --- #43 --- Khondalite from Kerala, south India
NEW --- #44 --- Silicides in fulgurite and ferrosilicon
--- #45 --- Chrysocolla from Wyoming, U.S.A.
--- #46 --- Graphite from the Bushveld of South Africa
--- #47 --- Granitic pegmatite from the Grenville province of S.E. Ontario
--- #48 --- Zinc-lead vein from the Grenville province of S.E. Ontario
--- #49 --- Moorabie L3.8 chondrite, a meteorite from N.S.W., Australia
--- #50 --- Calcic anorthosite, northern Ontario
NEW --- #51 --- Forsterite marble, Glenelg, Scotland
--- #52 --- Titaniferous metagabbro, Norway
--- #53 --- Halleflinta from southwest Wales
--- #54 --- Granite boulders of southeastern Wyoming, U.S.A.
2006 NEW --- #55 --- Tektites from China
--- #56 --- Lamprophyre (intermediate porphyry), Rossland, British Columbia
--- #57 --- Pulaskite (syenite), Rossland, British Columbia
NEW --- #58 --- Grenville marbles of S.E. Ontario (and note on rock identification)
--- #59 --- Sphalerite-rich ore, Lake District, N.W. England
--- #60 --- UG-2 chromitite, Bushveld complex, South Africa
--- #61 --- Umangite: selenides from Moravia and Saskatchewan
--- #62 --- Mineralized andesite, Guanajuato, Mexico
--- #63 --- Jasperoid, Jerritt Canyon, Nevada, U.S.A.
--- #64 --- Anthraxolite hydrocarbon, Sudbury, Ontario
--- #65 --- Odegaardite, metagabbro from Norway
--- #66 --- Lepidolite, Harding pegmatite, New Mexico
2007 --- #67 --- Rucklidgeite, rare telluride, N.E. Ontario
--- #68 --- Sulphidic charnockite, Kodaikanal, south India
--- #69 --- Dumortierite from Chile
--- #70 --- Jade from northern British Columbia
--- #71 --- Oxide-rich pegmatite, Grenville province, S.E. Ontario
--- #72 --- Palaeobeach with igneous pebbles, Cuba
--- #73 --- Amethyst, Thunder Bay, N.W. Ontario
--- #74 --- Siltstone cobble, Slate Islands, N.W. Ontario
--- #75 --- Shatter cone, Slate Islands, N.W. Ontario
NEW --- #76 --- Chert from the Crowe valley, S.E. Ontario
--- #77 --- Native gold from Guyana
--- #78 --- Native gold from Timmins, Ontario
2008 --- --- #79 --- Fractured flint from Essex, England
--- #80 --- Pyritic gold ore, Hemlo, Ontario
NEW --- #81 --- Sperrylite, Sudbury, Ontario
--- #81b -- Sperrylite, Sudbury, Ontario (.pdf, 138 kb)
NEW --- #82 --- Slickensides in peridotite, northwest Ontario
--- #83 --- NWA 869 chondrite meteorite, Morocco
--- #84 --- Concretion, northwest Ontario
--- #85 --- Calcite from Zacatecas, Mexico
--- #86 --- Gibeon iron meteorite, Namibia
--- #87 --- Azurite from Spain
--- #88 --- Banded iron formation, Western Australia
--- #89 --- Brecciated chert, Western Australia
--- #90 --- Scapolite from Quebec
2009 --- NEW --- #91 --- Grenville corundum, east of Bancroft, Ontario
--- #92 --- Orbicular granite, coast of northern Chile
NEW --- #93 --- Campo del Cielo iron meteorite, Argentina
NEW --- #94 --- Agrellite and eudialyte, Kipawa, Quebec
--- #95 --- Green micaceous gold ore, Hemlo, Ontario
--- #96 --- Bournonite from Pulacayo, Bolivia
--- #97 --- Massive sulphide bear & bird folk-art carvings (Sudbury, Ontario)
--- #98 --- Banded iron formation, south India
--- #99 --- Galena, quartz and orpiment, Peru
--- #100 --- Pegmatitic granite from Tregonning-Godolphin stock, Cornwall, England
--- #101 --- Tourmaline-rich granitic breccia from Wheal Remfry, Cornwall, England
--- #102 --- Perthitic granite pegmatite, Grenville province, Ontario
2010 --- --- #103 --- Amazonite feldspar from Quebec
--- #104 --- Dhofar 485 howardite meteorite, Oman
--- #105 --- Amazonite feldspar from Sidamo, southern Ethiopia
--- #106 --- Native copper and datolite, northern Michigan, U.S.A.
--- #107 --- Apatite and phlogopite, Palabora, South Africa
--- #108 --- Basaltic volcanic bomb, Mount Fuji, Japan
NEW --- #109 --- Crocoite from Tasmania, Australia
--- #110 --- Sea salt (in essence, "synthetic halite") from Essex, England
--- #111 --- Graptolite fossils from Dyfed, Wales
--- #112 --- Brucite ophicalcite (marble) from Skye, Scotland
--- #113 --- Minium from Colorado and Arizona, U.S.A.
--- #114 --- Peperite identified in outcrop in Tigrai, Ethiopia
2011 --- NEW --- #115 --- Chalcopyrite ore, McCreedy West mine, Sudbury, Ontario
--- #116 --- Springwater pallasite meteorite, Saskatchewan
--- #117 --- Bencubbin CBa bencubbinite meteorite, Western Australia
--- #118 --- Gujba CBa bencubbinite meteorite, Nigeria
--- #119 --- NWA 5425 H4 chondrite meteorite, Morocco
--- #120 --- Tourmalinite from Botallack, Cornwall, England
--- #121 --- Putorana metal-rich basalt / pseudometeorite, Siberia
--- #122 --- Calcite, Grenville province, Ontario
--- #123 --- Fulgurite, Grant county, Nebraska, U.S.A.
--- #124 --- Fulgurite, Florence, Arizona, U.S.A.
--- #125 --- Chrome diopside, Russia
--- #126 --- Native silver in vein, Silver Islet, Thunder Bay area, Ontario
2012 --- --- #127 --- Seymchan pallasite / iron meteorite, Siberia
--- #128 --- Chiastolite-muscovite schist pebble, Newfoundland
--- #129 --- Toluca iron meteorite, Mexico
--- #130 --- Basalt, Bay of Fundy, Nova Scotia
--- #131 --- Vanadinite from Morocco
--- #132 --- Mimetite, cerussite, sphaerocobaltite, Morocco
--- #133 --- Erythrite from Bou Azzer, Morocco
--- #134 --- Apophyllite from northern San Luis Potosi, Mexico (MM01)
--- #135 --- Covert H5 ordinary chondrite meteorite, Kansas, U.S.A.
--- #136 --- Allende CV3 carbonaceous chondrite meteorite, Mexico
--- #137 --- Stibnite, antimony ore from Romania (MM04)
--- #138 --- Eudialyte syenite from Kipawa, Quebec (MM02)
2013 --- --- #139 --- Fossil "surprise" cephalopods from Nepal
--- #140 --- Blue John fluorite, Derbyshire, England (MM03)
NEW --- #141 --- Fossiliferous basalt (no, really!) from Iceland
--- #142 --- Zeolites and apophyllite from Pune (Poona), Maharashtra, India
--- #143 --- Native "float copper" from Houghton county, Michigan, U.S.A. (MM05)
--- #144 --- Keweenawan peridotite of the Midcontinent Rift, Eagle project, Michigan, U.S.A.
--- #145 --- NWA 1242 mesosiderite, a stony-iron meteorite, Libya
--- #146 --- Chelyabinsk LL5 brecciated ordinary chondrite meteorite, Russia
--- #147 --- Andesite lava from Poas volcano, at Bosque de Paz, Costa Rica
--- #148 --- Silica-flooded sulphidic ore, Mineral de Pozos, Guanajuato, Mexico
--- #149 --- Grenville metagabbro from Cordova (gold) Mines, Ontario
--- #150 --- Coronitic Grenville metagabbro, Muskoka district, Ontario
2014 --- NEW --- #151 --- Gebel Kamil nickel-rich iron meteorite, Egypt
--- #152 --- Quartz-wolframite (tin- tungsten) ore, greisen, Cligga Head, Cornwall, England
NEW --- #153 --- Gold skarn with arsenopyrite, Osoyoos, southern Okanagan, British Columbia
--- #154 --- Classification of NWA (Northwest Africa) "black chondrite" meteorite, NWA 12807
--- #155 --- Dunitic mantle xenolith from Mount Leura, western Victoria, Australia
NEW --- #156 --- Historic "soccer ball" tektite from the Philippines
--- #157 --- Manganese ores, Kalahari manganese field, South Africa
--- #158 --- Gold-silver tellurides, Colorado, U.S.A., I
NEW --- #159 --- Lapilli tuff / cherty sediment of Sudbury impact event, central Ontario
NEW --- #160 --- Spotted dolerite and volcanic tuff, Dyfed, southwest Wales
--- #161 --- Gold-silver tellurides, Colorado, U.S.A., II
--- #162 --- NWA 5731, LL3.2 chondrite meteorite, Morocco
2015 --- --- #163 --- Mesozoic ammonite fossil, Madagascar
--- #164 --- Botryoidal hematite, iron oxide from Bou Azzer, Morocco
--- #165 --- Sand-infused gypsum "rose", Aransas Pass, Texas, U.S.A.
--- #166 --- Unusual amphibole from the Grenville province, Ontario
--- #167 --- Titanite (sphene) from the Grenville province, Ontario
--- #168 --- Echinodermata in lithographic stone, Solnhofen, Bavaria, Germany
NEW --- #169 --- Biotite Leucogranite as Decorative Stone
--- #170 --- NWA 6136 CO3 carbonaceous chondrite meteorite, Morocco
--- #171 --- Copper-germanium ore, Tsumeb, Namibia
--- #172 --- Pyrite sun (concretion), Illinois, U.S.A.
--- #173 --- Maslyanino iron meteorite with silicate inclusions, Russia
--- #174 --- Quartzite from Quandary Peak, Colorado, U.S.A.
2016 --- --- #175 --- "Zebra rock", a lead-zinc-silver ore from Colorado, U.S.A. [+ state index]
--- #176 --- Slag from the Durango mining district, Colorado, U.S.A.
--- #177 --- Native osmium from the Urals of Russia
--- #178 --- Porphyritic metabasite from China
NEW --- #179 --- Textures in a rapakivi granite, Beijing, China [+ Latest China index]
--- #180 --- Arsenic sulphides, realgar and orpiment, from China
NEW --- #181 --- Traumatocrinus, exceptional crinoid fossil from China
--- #182 --- Pyrolusite dendrites in the Atacama desert, Chile
--- #183 --- The bivalve Glycimeris in the Pliocene Red Crag of Essex, England
--- #184 --- Breithauptite, nickel antimonide, from Cobalt, Ontario
--- #185--- Trilobite from Morocco, north Africa
--- #186 --- Prismatic beryl from China
2017 --- --- #187 --- Burrow, a trace fossil from the Lower Chalk of Norfolk, England
--- #188 --- NWA 10637, NWA 6292 & NWA 5363 brachinite(-like) achondrite meteorites
--- #189 --- Gastropods old and new
--- #190 --- Massive copper-PGE ore, Broken Hammer deposit, Sudbury, Ontario
--- #191 --- Keweenawan Mellen gabbro / gabbroic anorthosite, northern Wisconsin, U.S.A.
--- #192 --- Nickel smelter slag, Sudbury, Ontario
NEW --- #193 --- Agoudal IIAB iron meteorite, Morocco
--- #194 --- Mount Dooling IC iron meteorite, W.Australia
--- #195 --- Smithsonite from Tsumeb, Namibia
--- #196 --- Galena, Madan ore field, Bulgaria
--- #197 --- Lodranite NWA 11129, an achondrite meteorite, Morocco
--- #198 --- Fluorescent zinc ore, New Jersey, U.S.A.
2018 ---NEW --- #199 --- Wavellite from north Devon, England
--- #200 --- Galena crystal habits, Viburnum Trend, Missouri and Keno Hill, Yukon
NEW --- #201 --- Mesosaurus, fossil reptile and mascot for Gondwanaland
--- #202 --- Tourmaline and lepidolite from southern California, U.S.A.
--- #203 --- Qingtian stone, superb lapidary material from China
--- #204 --- Marble, York River zone, Bancroft, Ontario, Canada
--- #205 --- Chromitite, Luobusa ophiolite, southern Tibet
--- #206 --- Quartz as semi-precious stone
--- #207 --- Massive jade as decorative piece
--- #208 --- Shelly limestone, southeast Ontario
NEW --- #209 --- Rich cassiterite tin ore, Cornwall, England
--- #210 --- Serpentinized mantle peridotite, Gros Morne, western Newfoundland (MM06)
2019 --- NEW --- #211 --- Tyndall Stone, bioturbated Ordovician limestone from southern Manitoba
NEW --- #212 --- The Oldest Rock: Acasta gneiss, Northwest Territories, Canada
NEW --- #213 --- Giant lapilli & breccias, Sudbury impact event, Thunder Bay & Sudbury, Ontario
NEW --- #214 --- Galena crystal habits, Peru and Bulgaria
NEW --- #215 --- Sphalerite zinc ores, Long Lake, S.E. Ontario & Balmat, New York
NEW --- #216 --- Saricicek howardite (Vestan achondrite) meteorite breccia
NEW --- #217 --- Peridotite mantle xenoliths in basalt, North China craton, Hebei, China
NEW --- #218 --- Echinoid fossils from the Eocene of Florida, U.S.A.
NEW --- #219 --- Proterozoic tempestite, dolomite from Tianjin, China
NEW --- #220 --- South African chromites (Bushveld UG-2 chromitite, II)
NEW --- #221 --- Native iron from Russia, II
NEW --- #222 --- Diamond indicator minerals, kimberlite from northern Michigan, U.S.A.
2020 --- NEW --- #223 --- Ireland 1. Early Irish goldsmithing tools
NEW --- #224 --- Ireland 2. Irish stone tools made of jadeitite from Italy
NEW --- #225 --- Ireland 3. Extensional quartz veins, Cork and Kerry
NEW --- #226 --- Camerina, Eocene fossil nummulite foraminiferan, Java, Indonesia
NEW --- #227 --- Gao-Guenie H5 meteorite shower, Burkina Faso, and micrometeorites
NEW --- #228 --- Orange barite from Jiangxi province, China
NEW --- #229 --- Keichousaurus hui, Triassic reptile, China (MM07)
NEW --- #230 --- Mica-rich pegmatitic leucogranite, Quetico subprovince, northwest Ontario
NEW --- #231 --- Chert and fossils in limestone, southeast Ontario
NEW --- #232 --- Gaspeite, nickel carbonate,in calcite, southeast Quebec
NEW --- #233 --- Dronino sulphide-rich iron meteorite, Russia
NEW --- #234 --- Garnet skarn, Rossland, British Columbia
2021 --- NEW --- #235 --- Volcanic rocks of the Pico de Orizaba volcano, Mexico
NEW --- #236 --- Porphyritic andesites, La Malinche volcano, Mexico
NEW --- #237 --- Glassy andesite ("pitchstone"), Popocatepetl volcano, Mexico
NEW --- #238 --- Lodranite meteorite NWA 10155, NWA from or via Morocco
NEW --- #239 --- Kentallenite, a dark monzonite from western Scotland
NEW --- 20 YEARS! --- #240 --- Loop texture in Ni Cu Co sulphide ores, Nova mine, Western Australia
NEW --- #241 --- Trachytes from eastern Tigrai, northern Ethiopia
NEW --- #242 --- Pitchstones from the Isle of Arran, western Scotland
NEW --- #243 --- Crinanite (analcime olivine dolerite / diabase) from Arran
NEW --- #244 --- "Old Gabbro" of Ardnamurchan, Scotland
NEW --- #245 --- Craignurite, Isle of Mull, Scotland
NEW --- #246 --- Lamprophyre, Iona, Scotland [+ Latest Scotland index]
2022 --- NEW --- #247 --- Glanochthon angusta, Lower Permian amphibian, Germany (MM08)
NEW --- #248 --- Crichtonsaurus bohlini, dinosaur, Liaoning, China (MM09) [+ Latest China index]
NEW --- #249 --- The Bleasdell Boulder, giant erratic of silicated marble, Ontario
NEW --- #250 --- Stichtite from Tasmania - Mg-Cr carbonate
NEW --- #251 --- Polymetallic Zn-Pb-Ag-Cu ores, Charcas, Mexico
NEW --- #252 --- Pyromorphite from Wicklow, Ireland & Leadhills, Scotland
NEW --- #253 --- Molybdenite from Boss Mountain, British Columbia
NEW --- #254 --- Saint-Aubin IIIAB iron meteorite, France
NEW --- #255 --- Brodick breccia, New Red Sandstone, Arran, Scotland
NEW --- #256 --- Ordovician-age cherty limestone, Skye, Scotland
NEW --- #257 --- Spodumene pegmatite, Plumbago North, Maine, U.S.A.
NEW --- #258 --- Pahoehoe basalts, Hawaii & Iceland
2023 --- NEW --- #259 --- Obsidian from southern Iceland
NEW --- #260 --- Park Forest, L5 meteorite shower, Illinois, U.S.A., 2003
NEW --- #261 --- Graphic granite, Havey pegmatite, Maine, U.S.A.
NEW --- #262 --- Ptygmatic folds in Carboniferous evaporites, Hillsborough, New Brunswick
NEW --- #263 --- Strange spotty, stripey Ediacaran siltstone, East Kimberleys, W.Australia
NEW --- #264 --- Komatiite, Munro Township, Timmins, Ontario
NEW --- #265 --- Ventifacts, southeast Iceland
NEW --- #266 --- Millstone Grit, northeast Derbyshire, England
NEW --- #267 --- Malachite, Democratic Republic of Congo
NEW --- #268 --- Native arsenic from Sarawak, Borneo
NEW --- #269 --- Agate, semi-precious stone
NEW --- #270 --- Tranquillityite in dolerite (diabase), W.Australia
2024 --- NEW --- #271 --- Saratov, L4/LL4 meteorite fall, Russia, 1918
NEW --- #272 --- Torridonian & Cambrian sediments, Liathach, Scotland
NEW --- #273 --- Eclogite, Glenelg, Scotland [+ Latest Scotland index]
NEW --- #274 --- Amygdaloidal, zeolitic basalts, Iceland and beyond
NEW --- #275 --- Pyrolusite dendrites, Emmons pegmatite, Maine, U.S.A.
NEW --- #276 --- Graphite, Grenville province, southeast Ontario
NEW --- #277 --- Agate again: styles of banding
NEW --- #278 --- Ice, revisited: Iceland
NEW --- #279 --- Fuchsitic QAM vein breccia, Kenilworth mine, Timmins, Ontario
NEW, OCTOBER --- #280 --- Native sulphur and celestine, Michigan, U.S.A.
--- Economic geology: the underpinnings of modern society
--- Rock of the Month Feature, now with 280 linked entries, 23 years, 2001-2024
NEW --- See also the Rock of the Month Thematic Index
--- We've reached: ROM No.160 --- and now ROM No. 200!
--- Possible future items include:
-- a. Done
-- b. Basalt, Eldfjell, 1973 eruption, Heimaey, Iceland
-- c. Meteorites!
-- d. Gold ore from the Witwatersrand goldfield, South Africa
-- e. Banded iron formation, Carshaw gold mine, Timmins, Ontario
-- f. Schorl & garnet, pegmatite, Mount Mica, Maine
-- g. Green carbonate gold ore, Kerr-Addison mine, Virginiatown, Ontario
-- h. Scapolite in Grenville metagabbro, Chenaux, Quebec
-- i. Metamorphosed sulphide ore, Werner Lake belt, Ontario
-- j. Nepheline syenite
-- k. Sodalite syenite
-- l. The beauty of sand 1. - Cornwall
-- m. The beauty of sand 2. - Iceland
-- n. The beauty of sand 3. - Cuba
-- o. The beauty of sand 4. - Oregon
-- A. Basalt from Paricutin volcano, Mexico
-- B. Distinctive igneous rock from Iceland: moberg
-- C. Sandor ultramafic lamprophyre near Wawa, Ontario
-- D. Pt-Pd ore, Stillwater complex, Montana, USA
-- E. Chlorite (ripidolite), "low-key" sheet silicate
-- F. Fossil brachiopod, England (?), TBA
-- G. Loellingite (löllingite), Broken Hill, N.S.W., Australia
-- H. Iron ore, northern Minnesota, U.S.A.
-- I. Nickel-copper-PGE ore, northern Minnesota, U.S.A.
-- J. Gypsum beds, Atacama desert, Chile (as 182)
-- K. Lamproite
-- L. Silver-cobalt ore, Cobalt, Ontario
-- M. Fossiliferous limestone, Dorset, S.W.England
-- N. Datolite prisms, Charcas, Mexico
Turnstone's Links Links to Scientific and News Web Sites Worldwide

Classification of Topics Available on this Site
AGID CANADA Book and Journal Donation Program (project now ended)
Archives - Welcome Page
-- Introduction to the Program
--- Latest News Updates
--- #1 Mongolia, June 2002
--- #2 Progress, Summer 2002
--- #3 Progress, Early 2003
--- #4 Progress, Autumn 2003
--- #5 Progress, April 2004
--- #6 Progress, October 2004
--- #7 Ethiopia, May 2005
--- #8 Mongolia, September 2006
--- #9 Nigeria, March 2008
NOTE --- #10Uganda, October 2008
--- #11Texas and Africa, update to December 2010
Project now ended --- #12Formal dissolution almost complete, July 2013
Project now ended --- #13Postscript, February 2014
--- Tour of the Warehouse Operation, and Current Status
---- Index to 36-part Book Catalogue, and List of Journals
---- 36 Thematic, Alphabetical Book Listings
----- Capsule Information, Global Scope

Document last revised 01 October 2024

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