1. More old classics
Harker,A (1932) Metamorphism, a Study of the Transformations of Rock-Masses. Methuen & Co. Ltd., London, 1st edition, 360pp.
Harker,A (1954) Petrology for Students. Cambridge University Press, 8th edition revised by Tilley,CE, Nockolds,SR and Black,M, 283pp.
Hatch,FH, Wells,AK and Wells,MK (1972) Petrology of the Igneous Rocks. 13th edition, Thomas Murby (George Allen & Unwin Ltd), London, 551pp.
Joplin,GA (1968) A Petrography of Australian Metamorphic Rocks. Angus and Robertson, Sydney, London and Melbourne, 262pp.
Joplin,GA (1971) A Petrography of Australian Igneous Rocks. Angus & Robertson, 3rd edition, 253pp.
Kirsch,H (1968) Applied Mineralogy for Engineers, Technologists and Students. Chapman and Hall, 233pp. (Engl. trans. of 1965 German original).
Moorhouse,WW (1959) The Study of Rocks in Thin Section. Harper & Row Publishers, New York, 514pp.
2. Dana, old and new
The three-volume System is an extension of the various editions of the Dana Handbook and Manual. An excellent reference for non- silicate minerals of all kinds, the "P, B & F" version never expanded to encompass the silicate universe.
Palache,C, Berman,H and Frondel,C (1944) The System of Mineralogy of James Dwight Dana and Edward Salisbury Dana. Volume 1, Elements, Sulfides, Sulfosalts, Oxides. John Wiley and Sons, Inc., New York. 7th edition, revised and enlarged, 834pp.
Palache,C, Berman,H and Frondel,C (1951) The System of Mineralogy of James Dwight Dana and Edward Salisbury Dana. Volume 2, Halides, Nitrates, Borates, Carbonates, Sulfates, Phosphates, Arsenates, Tungstates, Molybdates, Etc. John Wiley and Sons, Inc., New York, 7th edition, revised and enlarged, 1124pp.
Frondel,C (1962) The System of Mineralogy of James Dwight Dana and Edward Salisbury Dana. Volume 3, Silica Minerals. John Wiley and Sons, Inc., New York, 7th edition, revised and enlarged, 334pp.
Gaines,RV, Skinner,HCW, Foord,E, Mason,B and Rosenzweig,A (1997) Dana's New Mineralogy: The System of Mineralogy of James Dwight Dana and Edward Salisbury Dana, eighth edition. John Wiley and Sons, Inc., 1819pp.
3. DHZ, a) brave new world of mineralogy
The extended form of the popular students' paperback, these groundbreaking, detailed works are mostly found on the shelves of professors of a certain generation!
Deer,WA, Howie,RA and Zussman,J (1962) Rock-Forming Minerals. Volume 1, Ortho- and Ring Silicates. Longmans, 333pp.
Deer,WA, Howie,RA and Zussman,J (1963) Rock-Forming Minerals. Volume 2, Chain Silicates. Longmans, 379pp.
Deer,WA, Howie,RA and Zussman,J (1962) Rock Forming Minerals. Volume 3, Sheet Silicates. Wiley, 270pp.
Deer,WA, Howie,RA and Zussman,J (1963) Rock-Forming Minerals. Volume 4, Framework Silicates. Longmans, 435pp.
Deer,WA, Howie,RA and Zussman,J (1962) Rock-Forming Minerals. Volume 5, Non-Silicates. Longmans, 371pp.
3. DHZ, b) The next generation
All eleven volumes of the greatly revised and extended series are now available, as of 2014.
Deer,WA, Howie,RA and Zussman,J (1982) Rock-Forming Minerals. Volume 1A. Orthosilicates. Longmans, 2nd edition, 919pp.
Deer,WA, Howie,RA and Zussman,J (2001) Rock-Forming Minerals. Volume 1B. Disilicates and Ring Silicates. Geological Society, London, 2nd edition, 630pp.
Deer,WA, Howie,RA and Zussman,J (1978) Rock-Forming Minerals. Volume 2A. Single-Chain Silicates. Longmans, 2nd edition, 668pp.
Deer,WA, Howie,RA and Zussman,J (1997) Rock-Forming Minerals. Volume 2B. Double-Chain Silicates. Geological Society, London, 2nd edition, 784pp.
Fleet,ME (2004) Rock-Forming Minerals. Volume 3A. Micas. Geological Society, London, 2nd edition, 780pp.
Deer,WA, Howie,RA and Zussman,J (editors) (2009) Rock-Forming Minerals. Volume 3B: Layered Silicates Excluding Micas and Clay Minerals. Geological Society Publishing House, 2nd edition, 320pp.
Wilson,MJ (2013) Rock-Forming Minerals. Volume 3C: Clay Minerals. Geological Society Publishing House, 2nd edition, 320pp.
Deer,WA, Howie,RA and Zussman,J (2001) Rock-Forming Minerals. Volume 4A. Framework Silicates: Feldspars. Geological Society, London, 2nd edition, 984pp.
Deer,WA, Howie,RA and Zussman,J (2004) Rock-Forming Minerals. Volume 4B. Framework Silicates, Silica Minerals, Feldspathoids and Zeolites. Geological Society, London, 2nd edition, 982pp.
Bowles,JFW, Howie,RA, Vaughan,DJ and Zussman,J (editors) (2011) Rock-Forming Minerals. Volume 5A. Non-Silicates: Oxides, Hydroxides and Sulphides. Geological Society, London, 2nd edition, 936pp.
Chang,LLY, Howie,RA and Zussman,J (1996) Rock-Forming Minerals. Volume 5B. Non-Silicates: Sulphates, Carbonates, Phosphates, Halides. Geological Society, London, 2nd edition, 383pp.
4. Another milestone
A new series of reference works, a compact encyclopaedia of essential data on some 3,613 mineral species.
Anthony,JW, Bideaux,RA, Bladh,KW and Nichols,MC (1990) Handbook of Mineralogy, Volume I. Elements, Sulfides, Sulfosalts. Mineral Data Publishing, Tucson, AZ, 588pp.
Anthony,JW, Bideaux,RA, Bladh,KW and Nichols,MC (1995) Handbook of Mineralogy, Volume II. Silica, Silicates. Mineral Data Publishing, Tucson, AZ, 904pp., 2 vols.
Anthony,JW, Bideaux,RA, Bladh,KW and Nichols,MC (1997) Handbook of Mineralogy, Volume III. Halides, Hydroxides, Oxides. Mineral Data Publishing, Tucson, AZ, 628pp.
Anthony,JW, Bideaux,RA, Bladh,KW and Nichols,MC (2000) Handbook of Mineralogy, Volume IV. Arsenates, Phosphates, Vanadates. Mineral Data Publishing, Tucson, AZ, 680pp.
Anthony,JW, Bideaux,RA, Bladh,KW and Nichols,MC (2003) Handbook of Mineralogy, Volume V. Borates, Carbonates, Sulfates. Mineral Data Publishing, Tucson, AZ, 813pp.
5. Newcomers
Marshall,D, Anglin,CD and Mumin,H (2004) Ore Mineral Atlas. GAC Mineral Deposits Division, 112pp.
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