"Rock of the Month # 2, posted August 2001" --- Apatite prisms on "books" of biotite mica.
Apatite is a widespread mineral, a calcium phosphate, historically a source of phosphate for fertilizer. Biotite is a dark brown and very widespread mica, found in all kinds of common igneous and metamorphic rocks. It is generally darker than phlogopite mica, a related species found especially in marbles, skarn deposits and alkaline igneous rocks.
This specimen comes from the Bear Lake Diggings, a commercial mineral collecting site located near the village of Tory Hill in Monmouth township, southeast Haliburton county, west of Bancroft. Besides prismatic green apatite, this popular rockhound locality offers lustrous sphene, calcite and biotite, amphibole and feldspar, and smaller quantities of other minerals such as quartz and rutile (Anon, 1982; Fouts, 1998).
Fig. 2. Another view showing the distinctive prismatic and platy habits of apatite and mica, respectively.
Phosphate (in the form of crystalline apatite) and mica deposits were mined extensively in southeast Ontario in the second half of the 19th century, continuing with reduced intensity into the 20th century. According to Hewitt (1968), Ontario mica production has been divided roughly 60:40 between the brown phlogopite and the abundant pale species muscovite. He cites provincial records on 63 muscovite mines and 160 phlogopite mines.
HEWITT,DF (1968) Phlogopite mica in Ontario. Ontario Department of Mines Mineral Resources Circular 8, 85pp.
ANON (1982) Bancroft's Guide to Rockhounding. Bancroft & District Chamber of Commerce, 17pp.
FOUTS,C (1998) Bancroft & District Mineral Collecting Guidebook. Bancroft & District Chamber of Commerce, 50pp.
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