Turnstone Geological Services Ltd

Index to Meteorite-related Pages on the Turnstone site

The following table lists the principal meteorite-related contents of this site, to the date shown at foot of page.
For all other topics, including tektites, impact features and fulgurites, please
see the web site map, and especially the "Rock of the Month" feature (includes meteorites by class).

Below, you will find photographs and descriptions of 40 or so
meteorites of types common and rare, and also a few "meteorwrongs"

Please note that, as of 31 December 2017, I no longer offer rock & meteorite
identification services to the general public, including telephone and e-mail submissions.
I may offer opinions at mineral shows or official presentations, but for general enquiries, please
consider the experts at institutions such as the Royal Ontario Museum and the University of Alberta - Edmonton.
Note: The R.O.M. entertains queries from visitors on rocks, minerals, fossils, gems and suspected meteorites
on six dates each year. See here for their current schedule.

[177 kb]

Astronaut meets the Precolumbian Aztec calendar in a modern mural at the Botanic Gardens in Oaxaca, Mexico. Photo: Mariana Valverde.
The first manned Moon landing was accomplished with the Apollo 11 team's success on 20 July 1969.
Since then, space probes have reached other planets, satellites of other planets, asteroids and comets.
The adventure continues...


Meteorite Info at Turnstone
Heading Topics
Welcome Page Turnstone Logo, Summary and Contact Information
Web Site Map Directory of Contents
*** Memo on Meteorite Recognition (pdf, 150 kb)
*** So you think you've found a meteorite?
(same memo, higher resolution: pdf, 500 kb)
*** News flashes, such as local (southern Ontario) fireball events
and historical events such as the centenary of the "Chant Trace" fireballs, the 2012
transit of Venus, and the Chelyabinsk fireball / meteorite shower in Russia
India Indian Meteorites - List with Input from MINLIB - April 2012
Canada Compact Catalogue of Canadian Meteorites [75 kb] - March 2017
Canada MINLIB reading list for Canadian Meteorites - June 2012, with update
Selections from the "Rock of the Month" Series
2001 --- #3 ----- Meteorite Recognition (Kitchener [L6] and Toronto [IAB])
2002 --- #7 ----- Holbrook L6 chondrite meteorite (Arizona)
--- #17-18- Millbillillie eucrite achondrite meteorite vs. terrestrial diabase
2004 --- #41 ---- NWA 1463 winonaite (rare achondrite meteorite) from Northwest Africa
2005 --- #49 ---- Moorabie L3 chondrite meteorite, Australia
2008 --- #83 ---- NWA 869 L4-L6 chondrite meteorite, Morocco
--- #86 ---- Gibeon IVA iron meteorite, Namibia
2009 --- #93 ---- Campo del Cielo IA iron meteorite, Argentina
2010 --- #104 --- Dhofar 485 howardite achondrite meteorite, Oman
2011 --- #116 --- Springwater pallasite meteorite, Saskatchewan
--- #117 --- Bencubbin CBa bencubbinite meteorite, W.Australia
--- #118 --- Gujba CBa bencubbinite meteorite, Nigeria
--- #119 --- NWA 5425 H4 chondrite meteorite, Morocco
--- #121 --- Putorana metal-rich basalt / pseudometeorite, Siberia
2012 --- #127 --- Seymchan pallasite / iron meteorite, Siberia (& Brenham, Brahin)
--- #127b -- Seymchan pallasite "facies": microprobe notes (185 kb)
--- #129 --- Toluca IAB iron meteorite, Mexico
--- #135 --- Covert H5 ordinary chondrite meteorite, Kansas, U.S.A.
--- #136 --- Allende CV3 carbonaceous chondrite meteorite, Mexico
2013 --- #145 --- NWA 1242 mesosiderite, a stony-iron meteorite, Libya (and NWA 2932, Morocco)
--- #146 --- Chelyabinsk LL5 brecciated ordinary chondrite meteorite, Russia
2014 --- #151 --- Gebel Kamil nickel-rich iron meteorite, Egypt
--- #154 --- Classification of an NWA (Northwest Africa) "black chondrite" meteorite (NWA 12807)
--- #162 --- NWA 5731, an LL3.2 chondrite meteorite, Morocco
2015 --- #170 --- NWA 6136 CO3 carbonaceous chondrite meteorite, Morocco
--- #173 --- Maslyanino iron meteorite with silicate inclusions, Russia
2017 --- #188 --- NWA 10637, NWA 6292 and NWA 5363 brachinite(-like) achondrite meteorites
--- #193 --- Agoudal IIAB iron meteorite, Morocco
--- #194 --- Mount Dooling IC iron meteorite, W.Australia
--- #197 --- Lodranite NWA 11129, achondrite meteorite with Cr diopside, Morocco
2019 --- #212 --- Oldest Earth rocks / meteorites like Allende (CV3) & Murchison (CM2) / Earth meteorite on Moon
--- #216 --- Saricicek howardite (Vestan achondrite) meteorite breccia
2020 --- #227 --- Gao-Guenie H5 meteorite shower, Burkina Faso, and note on micrometeorites
--- #233 --- Dronino sulphide-rich iron meteorite, Russia
2021 --- #238 --- Lodranite meteorite NWA 10155, metal-rich achondrite, Morocco
2022 --- #254 --- Saint-Aubin IIIAB iron meteorite, France
2023 --- #260 --- Park Forest, L5 meteorite shower, Illinois, U.S.A., 2003
--- #270 --- Tranquillityite on the Moon, Mars (notes on meteorites) and Earth
2024 --- #271 --- Saratov, L4/LL4 meteorite fall, Russia, 1918
--- #282 --- Aba Panu L3.6 meteorite fall, Nigeria, 2018
2025 --- #284 --- Aletai IIIE-ANOM iron meteorite, China (and note on Chant Trace)
"Meteorwrongs" such as gabbro, slag and ferrosilicon
--- #3 ----- Meteorite Recognition (including the real thing, and smelter slag)
--- #28 --- Gabbro Boulder, Marmora, Ontario
--- #44 --- Silicides in Fulgurite and Ferrosilicon
--- #121 -- Putorana metal-rich basalt / pseudometeorite, Siberia
--- #221 --- Native iron from Russia, II (Khungtukun)
Related topics such as impactites and tektites
--- SEE --- Thematic Alphabetic Index of All "Rocks of the Month"


Meteorites: a Treasure Trove for the Sciences for Scarborough Mineral Club, Scarborough, Ontario, 06 November 2024.

Meteorites: a Treasure Trove for the Sciences, for 59th Annual Bancroft Rockhound Gemboree, Bancroft, Ontario, 03 August 2024.

The Mineralogy of Meteorites - an independent survey, for Geol.Assoc.Canada / Mineral.Assoc.Canada Annual Meeting, Brandon University, Manitoba, 21 May 2024 [by: de Fourestier, J., Wilson, G.C. and Herd, R.K.].

News from the World(s) of Meteorites for London Gem, Mineral and Fossil Society, London, Ontario, 03 November 2022.

Meteorites and the Evolution of the Solar System, for Trent University, Peterborough, Ontario: a Zoom presentation:
talk in class was deferred from 2020, due to COVID-19 precautions, and given on 31 March 2021.

Meteorites and the Evolution of the Solar System, at the Chinese Academy of Geological Sciences, Beijing, 23 April 2018. See a version of the 2018 (and 2021) shows, a detailed introduction to meteoritics, here. This is updated to 2017-2018 --- most subsequent changes can be divined via Met.Bull.

Meteorites and the Evolution of the Solar System, at Trent University, Peterborough, Ontario, 12 March 2018.

Meteorites and the Evolution of the Solar System, for the Peterborough Astronomical Association, Peterborough, Ontario, 02 March 2018.

Meteorites and the Evolution of the Solar System, for the Kawartha Region Earth Science, Engineering
and Metallurgy Network
, Peterborough, Ontario, 09 January 2018

The 4th May 2014 Fireball, and a Basic Field Guide to Meteorites, for the OGS / MNDM Southern Ontario Seminar,
Actinolite, Ontario, 10 June 2014

Spawn of the Shooting Star: a Basic Field Guide to Meteorites, for the Trillium Research and Recovery Association,
Orientation Building, Riverdale Park and Zoo, Peterborough, Ontario, 14 April 2014

The Cosmos comes to Visit - the Diverse Realm of Meteorites, CPSX (Planetary Science) Research Forum,
University of Western Ontario,
London, Ontario, 04 October 2013

A Brief Review of Canadian Meteorites, poster, with Phil McCausland and Howard Plotkin,
at the 76th Meeting of the Meteoritical Society, Edmonton, Alberta, 01 August 2013

Document posted 08 April 2012, and last updated 08 February 2024.
Links last checked on 12 November 2023.

Go to Rock of the Month Index (includes meteorites by class),

Return to Turnstone Web-site Map,

or visit the Meteoritical Society

Meteoritical Bulletin

Please note that, as of 31 December 2017, I no longer offer rock & meteorite
identification services to the general public, including telephone and e-mail submissions.
I may offer opinions at mineral shows or official presentations, but for general enquiries, please
consider the experts at institutions such as the Royal Ontario Museum (see top of page) and the University of Alberta - Edmonton.