The Canada goose: love the goose as a national symbol; marvel at its migratory antics; hate the park-loving flocks for the mess they leave in public spaces. The goose is seen in largest numbers during the protracted southward migration, in September to December. Small flocks and individuals appear to overwinter in the Trent Hills area. Migrating birds are less conspicuous in the spring, and in fact only occasional sightings are made from Christmas until the end of April.
This common goose is an abundant spring migrant (mid-March to mid-May) and common fall migrant (mid-September to early November) at Presqu'ile provincial park, roughly 40 km to the south (LaForest, 1993, pp.59-60). The bird's status in the park is occasional in winter, and very uncommon as a breeding summer resident. Over 2,000 birds per day may be counted in the park during the peak flight, from late April to early May.
The Canada goose is an abundant migrant through
Peterborough county, to the northwest, most commonly seen
on migration from 01 March to mid-May and again
from early September to mid-November
(Sadler, 1983, pp.44-45). Not seen between 06 June
and 19 August. A few semi-tame, non-migratory
birds may overwinter, an artificial development as
these `need some care and feeding in winter'.
LaFOREST,SM (1993) Birds of Presqu'ile Provincial Park. Friends of Presqu'ile Park / Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources, 436pp.
SADLER,D (1983) Our Heritage of Birds: Peterborough County in the Kawarthas. Peterborough Field Naturalists / Orchid Press, Peterborough, ON, 192pp.