The chickadee is seen and heard year-round, but
with peaks of activity and visibility in mid-winter
at feeders and in the fall, once the summer broods
have fledged. It is relatively inconspicuous in spring and
early summer, but has been identified in every month
(as of 27 June 2003, when the song was noted
near Campbellford).
It is common at
provincial park, some 40 km to the south,
where it is `a common year-round resident;
irregularly, an abundant fall migrant; breeds'
(LaForest, 1993, pp.256-257). LaForest continues:
`The black-capped chickadee is one of the
most frequently seen birds in forested
areas of the peninsula. This species is
especially abundant in winters following autumn irruptions
of birds from farther north'.
LaFOREST,SM (1993) Birds of Presqu'ile Provincial Park. Friends of Presqu'ile Park / Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources, 436pp.