Turnstone Geological Services

Rock of the Month Index

The "Rock of the Month" feature is offered as an educational tool and A-Z reference
for diverse materials of interest in Earth and planetary sciences, archaeology and materials science.
It is hosted on the web site of Turnstone Geological Services .

As you might expect, it is strong in rock and mineral varieties, and all articles are illustrated. There is no locality index at present - though of late I have developed two country indices, for China and Scotland. See under "Geographic.." for places and "Biography" for those few scientists currently profiled on this web site. However, over a span of 23 years and counting, I must confess that the presentation style is very uneven - some items are broadly readable, others require significant background knowledge to be readily comprehensible. If it ever becomes a book, I promise to rectify this issue!

Here is an alphabetical contents list, for R.O.M. 1-284 (July 2001 to February 2025).
The index is hierarchical, in that many of the items are organized into classes of rocks, mineral families, meteorites, etc. The index could be extended, but already you can go straight to various mineral classes and species, elements, meteorites, fossils, tektites, fulgurites, granitoid rocks, slags, and other topics. For the mineralogically- inclined, non-silicates are organized chemically (Dana) and silicates structurally (DHZ).

You can also see the full listing of the Rock of the Month feature in chronological order, or
There is also a list of all the Meteorite-related Entries on the web site, though all the meteorites "of the month" are also listed below.

..... Graham Wilson, 2025. Questions from this site (?) - contact: minlib@turnstone.ca. Classification of Sample Descriptions available on this Site

Class/Group/Family Topics
The "Rock of the Month"with select "Museum Moments" (MM)
Aa (a'a) basalts (note only) --- #258 --- Pahoehoe basalts, Hawaii and Iceland
Acasta gneiss --- #212 --- Oldest rock known on Earth, Northwest Territories, Canada
Adamellite --- #29 --- Shap granite, Lake District, England
Adamellite (notes only) --- #253 --- Molybdenite from Boss Mountain, British Columbia
African Copperbelt --- #267 --- Malachite, Democratic Republic of Congo
Agalmatolite --- #203 --- Qingtian stone, superb lapidary material from China
Agate --- #269 --- Agate (locality unknown)
Agate --- #277 --- Agate (locality unknown)
Ages of rocks, geologic time --- #212 --- Oldest rock known on Earth, Northwest Territories, Canada
Agrellite - Na Ca F --- #94 --- Agrellite and eudialyte, Kipawa, Quebec
Airfall deposits --- #159 --- Lapilli tuff / cherty sediment of Sudbury impact event, central Ontario
Airfall deposits --- #213 --- Impact ejecta, Thunder Bay, Ontario
Allivalite (troctolite) --- #31 --- Allivalite, Rhum, Scotland
Allivalite (troctolite - note only) --- #244 --- "Old Gabbro" of Ardnamurchan, Scotland
Almandine - Al Fe garnet --- #230 --- Garnet in pegmatitic leucogranite, Quetico subprovince, northwest Ontario
Altaite - Pb Te --- #67 --- Rucklidgeite, rare telluride, N.E. Ontario
Alteration (and ore deposits) --- ---- --- See "hydrothermal alteration", and discrete themes
Amazonite feldspar --- ---- --- See "tectosilicates - feldspars"
Amethyst - Si --- ---- --- See also "tectosilicates - silica"
Amethyst - Si --- #73 --- Amethyst, Thunder Bay, N.W. Ontario
Amethyst - Si --- #206 --- Quartz as semi-precious stone, with amethyst
Ammonites --- ---- --- See "fossils" section
Amphibians --- #247 --- Glanochthon, Permian amphibian, Germany (MM08)
Amphiboles - lamprobolite (basaltic hornblende) --- #147 --- Andesite lava from Poas volcano, at Bosque de Paz, Costa Rica
Amphiboles - lamprobolite (basaltic hornblende) --- #235 --- Volcanic rocks of the Pico de Orizaba, Mexico
Amphiboles - arfvedsonite --- #138 --- Eudialyte syenite from Kipawa, Quebec (MM02)
Amphiboles - hornblende --- #52 --- Titaniferous metagabbro, Norway
Amphiboles - hornblende --- #65 --- Odegaardite, metagabbro from Norway
Amphiboles - holmquistite (note) --- #257 --- Spodumene, pegmatite, Maine, U.S.A.
Amphiboles - nephrite jade --- #70 --- Nephrite jade from northern British Columbia
Amphiboles - hornblende in metagabbro --- #149 --- Grenville metagabbro from Cordova (gold) Mines, Ontario
Amphiboles - fluororichterite --- #166 --- Unusual amphibole from the Grenville province, Ontario
Amphiboles -tremolite --- #215 --- Manganoan tremolite ("hexagonite") from Balmat, New York
Amphiboles - riebeckite --- #241 --- Trachyte lava, Tigrai, Ethiopia
Amygdales (amygdules) --- #274 --- Zeolites in basalts of Iceland and beyond
Analcime (zeolite) --- #243 --- Crinanite from the Isle of Arran, western Scotland
Andalusite --- #128 --- Chiastolite-muscovite schist pebble, Newfoundland
Andesite --- #147 --- Andesite lava from Poas volcano, at Bosque de Paz, Costa Rica
Andesite --- #62 --- Mineralized andesite, Guanajuato, Mexico
Andesite --- #235 --- Volcanic rocks of the Pico de Orizaba, Mexico
Andesite --- #236 --- Porphyritic andesites, La Malinche volcano, Mexico
Andesite --- #237 --- Glassy andesite ("pitchstone"), Popocatepetl volcano, Mexico
Andesite --- ---- --- See "volcanics"
Andradite - Ca Fe garnet --- #234 --- Garnet skarn, Rossland, British Columbia
Ankylosaurs --- #248 --- Crichtonsaurus, ankylosaur, China (MM09)
Anorthosites --- #50 --- Calcic anorthosite, northern Ontario
Anorthosites --- #191 --- Keweenawan Mellen gabbro / gabbroic anorthosite, northern Wisconsin, U.S.A.
Anthraxolite --- #64 --- Anthraxolite hydrocarbon, Sudbury, Ontario
Antimonides - Ni Sb --- #184--- Breithauptite, nickel antimonide, from Cobalt, Ontario
Antimonides - Pt Sb --- #15 --- Cabriite (a palladium mineral) from Noril'sk, Russia
Apatite - Ca P --- #1 ---- Apatite & orange calcite from Renfrew County, Grenville province, Ontario
Apatite - Ca P --- #2 ---- Apatite & biotite from the Bancroft area, Grenville province, Ontario
Apatite - Ca P --- #107 --- Apatite and phlogopite, Palabora, South Africa
Aplite --- #202 --- Tourmaline and lepidolite in aplite from southern California, U.S.A.
Apophyllite --- #134 --- Apophyllite from northern San Luis Potosi, Mexico (MM01)
Apophyllite --- #142 --- Zeolites and apophyllite from Pune (Poona), Maharashtra, India
Appinite --- #32 --- Appinite, Strontian area, Scotland
Appinite (context) --- #239 --- Kentallenite, a dark monzonite from western Scotland
Archaeology - chert - stone tools --- #24 --- Chert provenance (Pennsylvania, U.S.A.)
Archaeology - chert (flint) --- #34 --- Flint walls, Essex, England
Archaeology - chert (flint) - stone tools --- #79 --- Fractured flint from Essex, England
Archaeology - mapping in support of --- #114 --- Peperite identified in outcrop in Tigrai, Ethiopia
Archaeology - native copper - Cu --- #106 --- Native copper and datolite, northern Michigan, U.S.A
Archaeology - native copper - Cu --- #143 --- Native "float copper" from Houghton county, Michigan, U.S.A. (MM05)
Archaeology - goldsmithing - Au --- #223 --- Early Irish goldsmithing tools
Archaeology - iron - Fe --- #151 --- Gebel Kamil nickel-rich iron meteorite, Egypt
Archaeology - jade --- #207 --- Massive jade as decorative piece, from China
Archaeology - jadeitite - stone tools --- #224 --- Irish stone tools made from Italian jadeitite
Archaeology - lunulae - Au --- #223 --- Early Irish goldsmithing - jewellery
Archaeology - obsidian --- #259 --- Obsidian from southern Iceland
Archaeology - provenance tale (stone) --- #160 --- Dolerite, Preseli Hills, Dyfed, Wales (link to Stonehenge)
Archaeology - Qingtian stone --- #203 --- Qingtian stone, superb lapidary material from China
Archaeology - tin - cassiterite - Sn --- #209 --- Rich cassiterite tin ore, Cornwall, England
Arfvedsonite (amphibole) --- #138 --- Eudialyte syenite from Kipawa, Quebec (MM02)
Arsenates - Co As --- #133 --- Erythrite from Bou Azzer, Morocco
Arsenates - Pb As --- #132 --- Mimetite, cerussite, sphaerocobaltite, Morocco
Arsenates - Pb As --- #195 --- Smithsonite from Tsumeb, Namibia
Arsenic - As --- #268 --- Native arsenic in Sarawak
Arsenides - Co Ni As --- #40 --- Cobalt-nickel arsenide ore, Cobalt district, Ontario
Arsenides - Pt As --- #81 --- Sperrylite, Sudbury, Ontario
Arsenides - Pt As --- #81b -- Sperrylite, Sudbury, Ontario (.pdf, 138 kb)
Arsenopyrite - Fe As --- #153 --- Gold skarn with arsenopyrite, Osoyoos, southern Okanagan, British Columbia
Arsenopyrite - Fe As --- #8 ---- Berthierite, Iron-antimony sulphide from Borneo
Arsenopyrite - Fe As --- #152 --- Quartz-wolframite vein with arsenopyrite, Cligga Head, Cornwall, England
Arsenopyrite (notes) - Fe As --- #268 --- Native arsenic in Sarawak
Astronomite --- #263 --- Stripey, spotted siltstone, East Kimberleys, W.Australia
Atlantisite (discussion only) --- #250 --- Stichtite, Mg Cr carbonate, from Tasmania, Australia
Australites (tektites) --- #55 --- Tektites from China
Australites (tektites) --- #156 --- Historic "soccer ball" tektite from the Philippines
Azurite - Cu --- #87 --- Azurite from Spain
Banded iron formation - BIF --- #88 --- Banded iron formation, Western Australia
Banded iron formation - BIF --- #98 --- Banded iron formation, south India
Barbertonite (discussion only) --- #250 --- Stichtite, Mg Cr carbonate, from Tasmania, Australia
Barite - Ba S --- #228 --- Barite on quartz, Jiangxi, China
Basalt --- ---- --- See "volcanics"
Bencubbinites --- ---- --- See "meteorites - chondrites"
Berthierite - Fe Sb --- #8 ---- Berthierite, Iron-antimony sulphide from Borneo
Beryl - Be --- #186--- Prismatic beryl from China
Biography: Stewart Olof Agrell --- #94 --- Agrellite and eudialyte, Kipawa, Quebec
Biography: Frank W. Beales --- --- --- Carbonate sedimentology, MVT deposits
Biography - Frank W. Beales --- #42 --- Pyrite from Nanisivik, Baffin Island, Nunavut (brief note on FWB)
Biography - Robert W. Boyle (slide show) --- --- --- R.W. Boyle, brief biographic note and info on his last, unpublished work
Biography - Robert W. Boyle (note) --- #200 --- Galena crystal habits, Viburnum Trend, Missouri and Keno Hill, Yukon
Biography - Ron Farquhar (note) --- #200 --- Galena crystal habits, Viburnum Trend, Missouri and Keno Hill, Yukon
Biography: Eugen F. Stumpfl --- --- --- Platinum deposits and their minerals
Biography: Eugen F. Stumpfl --- #46 --- Graphite from the Bushveld of South Africa (brief note on EFS)
Bikolite (philippinite) tektite --- #156 --- Historic "soccer ball" tektite from the Philippines, and others
Biotite mica --- #281 --- Sodalite syenite, Bancroft, Ontario, Canada
Bivalves --- ---- --- See "fossils" section
Bluestone --- #160 --- Spotted dolerite, Preseli Hills, Dyfed, Wales
Borates - B (notes, list) --- #262 --- Folded evaporite strata, New Brunswick
Borosilicates - B --- #106 --- Native copper and datolite, northern Michigan, U.S.A
Borosilicates - B --- #69 --- Dumortierite from Chile
Borosilicates - B --- #120 --- Tourmalinite from Botallack, Cornwall, England
Borosilicates - B --- #100 --- Pegmatitic granite, Tregonning-Godolphin stock, Cornwall, England
Borosilicates - B --- #101 --- Tourmaline-rich granitic breccia, Wheal Remfry, Cornwall, England
Borosilicates - B - dravite --- #78 --- Native gold, Hoyle Pond, Timmins, Ontario
Borosilicates - B - elbaite --- #202 --- Tourmaline and lepidolite from southern California, U.S.A.
Borosilicates - B - schorl --- #283 --- Tourmaline and garnet, Mount Mica pegmatite, Maine, U.S.A.
Borosilicates B (skarns, discussion) --- #251 --- Polymetallic Zn-Pb-Ag-Cu ore, Charcas, San Luis Potosi, Mexico
Bournonite - Cu Pb Sb --- #96 --- Bournonite from Pulacayo, Bolivia
Brachinites --- ---- --- See "meteorites - achondrites"
Breccias - chert in iron formation --- #89 --- Brecciated chert, Western Australia
Breccias - hydrocarbon cemented by quartz --- #64 --- Anthraxolite hydrocarbon, Sudbury, Ontario
Breccias - quartz vein --- #279 --- Quartz-carbonate-green mica breccia, Timmins, Ontario
Breccias - sandstone --- #255 --- Brodick breccia, New Red Sandstone, Arran, Scotland
Breccias - volcanic breccias --- #235 --- Volcanic rocks of the Pico de Orizaba, Mexico
Breccias - stony meteorite --- #83 --- NWA 869 brecciated chondrite meteorite, Morocco
Breccias - stony meteorite --- #216 --- Saricicek howardite (Vestan achondrite) meteorite
Breccias - stony-iron meteorite --- #127 --- Seymchan pallasite / iron meteorite, Siberia
Breccias - impact --- #213 --- Impact ejecta, breccias and ore, Thunder Bay and Sudbury, Ontario
Breccias - tourmaline breccia pipe --- #101 --- Tourmaline-rich granitic breccia, Wheal Remfry, Cornwall, England
Breithauptite - Ni Sb --- #184--- Breithauptite, nickel antimonide, from Cobalt, Ontario
Brezina lamellae (note) --- #254 --- Saint-Aubin IIIAB iron meteorite, France
Brines - Li --- #257 --- Spodumene, pegmatite, Maine, U.S.A.
Brucite - Mg --- #112 --- Brucite ophicalcite (marble) from Skye, Scotland
Bryozoans --- ---- --- See "fossils" section
Bytownite feldspar --- #50 --- Calcic anorthosite, northern Ontario
Cabriite - Cu Sn Pd --- #15 --- Cabriite (a palladium mineral) from Noril'sk, Russia
Calaverite - Au Ag Te --- #158 --- Gold-silver tellurides, Colorado, U.S.A., I
Calaverite - Au Ag Te --- #161 --- Gold-silver tellurides, Colorado, U.S.A., II
Calcite --- ---- --- See "carbonates"
Camerina --- #226 --- Camerina, Eocene fossil nummulite foraminiferan, Java, Indonesia
Carbides - Ti C --- #44 --- Silicides in fulgurite and ferrosilicon
Carbonado - C --- #26 --- Diamond and carbonado, Siberia & Africa
Carbonates - Ca --- #85 --- Calcite from Zacatecas, Mexico
Carbonates - Ca --- #122 --- Calcite, Grenville province, Ontario
Carbonates - Ca --- #1 ---- Apatite & orange calcite from Renfrew County, Grenville province, Ontario
Carbonates - Ca (pink calcite) --- #126 --- Native silver in vein, Silver Islet, Thunder Bay area, Ontario
Carbonates - Ca --- #198 --- Calcite in fluorescent zinc ore, New Jersey, U.S.A.
Carbonates - Ca (with amphibole) --- #166 --- Unusual amphibole in calcite, Grenville province, Ontario
Carbonates - Ca --- #274 --- Zeolites in basalts of Iceland and beyond
Carbonates - Ca Mg Fe --- #279 --- Quartz-carbonate-green mica breccia, Timmins, Ontario
Carbonates - Co --- #132 --- Mimetite, cerussite,sphaerocobaltite, Morocco
Carbonates - Cu --- #87 --- Azurite from Spain
Carbonates - Cu --- #267 --- Malachite, Democratic Republic of Congo
Carbonates - Zn --- #195 --- Smithsonite from Tsumeb, Namibia
Carbonates - Pb --- #132 --- Mimetite, cerussite, sphaerocobaltite, Morocco
Carbonates - Mn --- #157 --- Manganese ores, Kalahari manganese field, South Africa
Carbonates - Mg Cr --- #250 --- Stichtite, Mg Cr carbonate, from Tasmania, Australia
Carbonates - Ni --- #232 --- Gaspeite, Ni carbonate, in calcite, from southeast Quebec
Carbonatite --- #107 --- Apatite and phlogopite, Palabora, South Africa
Cassiterite - Sn --- #209 --- Rich cassiterite tin ore, Cornwall, England
Celestine - Sr --- #280 --- Native sulphur on celestine, Michigan, U.S.A.
Cephalopods --- ---- --- See "fossils" section
Cerussite - Pb --- #132 --- Mimetite, cerussite,sphaerocobaltite, Morocco
Chabazite --- #142 --- Zeolites and apophyllite from Pune (Poona), Maharashtra, India
Chain silicates --- ---- --- See "inosilicates"
Chalcedony --- #269 --- Agate (locality unknown)
Chalcopyrite - Cu --- #115 --- Chalcopyrite ore, McCreedy West mine, Sudbury, Ontario
Chalcopyrite - Cu --- #213 --- Impact ejecta, and chalcopyrite ore, McCreedy West mine, Sudbury, Ontario
Chalcopyrite - Cu --- #190 --- Sudbury copper-PGE ore, Broken Hammer deposit
Chalcopyrite - Cu --- #171 --- Germanite in Cu Ge (Zn) ore, Tsumeb, Namibia
Chalcopyrite - Cu --- #148 --- Silica-flooded sulphidic ore, Mineral de Pozos, Guanajuato, Mexico
Chalcopyrite - Cu --- #240 ---- Chalcopyrite in Cu Ni Co ore, Nova mine, W.Australia
Chalk (in the European Cretaceous) --- #187 --- Thalassinoides, burrow, trace fossil from lower Chalk of Norfolk, England
Chalk --- ---- --- See also "flint"
Chant Trace of 1913 (note) --- #284 --- Aletai iron meteorite / low-angle meteoroid entry
Charnockite --- #68 --- Sulphidic charnockite, Kodaikanal, south India
Charnockite --- #9 ---- Charnockite, a deep and meaningful granitoid rock, Baffin Island, Nunavut
Chemical sediments --- ---- --- See, e.g., "chert", "banded iron formation"
Chert - Si --- ---- --- See also "tectosilicates - silica" for other forms
Chert - Si --- #16 --- Chert & chalcedony (Pennsylvania, U.S.A.)
Chert - Si --- #23 --- Chert & microfossils (Pennsylvania, U.S.A.)
Chert - Si --- #24 --- Chert provenance (Pennsylvania, U.S.A.)
Chert - Si --- #76 --- Chert from the Crowe valley, S.E. Ontario
Chert - Si --- #232 --- Chert and fossils in Ordovician limestone, Crowe valley, S.E. Ontario
Chert (flint) - Si --- #34 --- Flint walls, Essex, England
Chert (flint) - Si --- #79 --- Fractured flint from Essex, England
Chert (iron formation) - Si --- #89 --- Brecciated chert, Western Australia
Chert in limestones - Si --- #256 --- Ordovician-age cherty limestone, Skye, Scotland
Chiastolite (andalusite) --- #128 --- Chiastolite-muscovite schist pebble, Newfoundland
China - samples & sites index --- #248 --- Crichtonsaurus, ankylosaur, China
Chondrites and chondrules --- ---- --- See also "meteorites" (many examples)
Chondrules in meteorites --- #49 --- Moorabie L3.8 chondrite, a meteorite from N.S.W., Australia
Chondrules - armoured chondrules --- #282 --- Aba Panu L3.6 chondrite, a 2018 fall in Nigeria
Chromates - Pb Cr --- #109 --- Crocoite from Tasmania, Australia
Chrome diopside - Cr --- #125 --- Chrome diopside, Russia
Chrome diopside - Cr --- #197 --- Chrome diopside in lodranite meteorite NWA 11129, Morocco
Chromite (Cr spinel) - Cr --- #60 --- UG-2 chromitite, Bushveld complex, South Africa
Chromite - Cr --- #220 --- South African chromites (Bushveld UG-2 chromitite, II)
Chromite - Cr --- #205 --- Chromitite, Luobusa ophiolite, southern Tibet
Chromite (discussion only) - Cr --- #31 --- Allivalite, Rhum, Scotland
Chromite (discussion only) - Cr --- #210 --- Serpentinized mantle peridotite, Gros Morne, western Newfoundland (MM06)
Chromite (discussion only) - Cr --- #250 --- Stichtite, Mg Cr carbonate, from Tasmania, Australia
Chromite in meteorites - Cr --- #154 --- Chromite as accessory in L4 chondrite (NWA 12807)
Chromite in meteorites - Cr (notes) --- #254 --- Saint-Aubin IIIAB iron meteorite, France
Chromite in meteorites - Cr --- #284 --- Aletai IIIE-ANOM iron meteorite, China
Chromium minerals - Cr --- ---- --- See "chromite", also "chrome diopside", "crocoite", "fuchsite", "stichtite" & "uvarovite"
Chrysanthemum stone --- #178 --- Glomeroporphyritic amphibolitic diorite porphyry from China
Chrysocolla - Cu --- #45 --- Chrysocolla from Wyoming, U.S.A.
Chrysocolla - Cu (note) --- #267 --- Malachite, Democratic Republic of Congo
Cinnabar - Hg --- #4 ---- Cinnabar, mercury ore from Almaden, Spain
Citrine - Si --- #206 --- Quartz as semi-precious stone: nine faceted examples
Clathrates (brief discussion) --- #278 --- Ice revisited - Iceland
Clay minerals --- #203 --- Qingtian stone, superb lapidary material from China
Cleavelandite (notes) --- #283 --- Cleavelandite (albite), Mount Mica pegmatite, Maine, U.S.A.
Climate records --- #278 --- Ice revisited - Iceland
Cloudy feldspar --- #150 --- Coronitic Grenville metagabbro, Muskoka district, Ontario
Cloudy feldspar --- #244 --- "Old Gabbro" of Ardnamurchan, Scotland
Colorado - samples & sites index --- #175 --- "Zebra rock", a lead-zinc-silver ore from Colorado, U.S.A.
Commodities --- ---- --- See "ores" for some examples
Concretions - weathered out --- #74 --- Siltstone cobble, Slate Islands, N.W. Ontario
Concretions - unusual sandstone --- #84 --- Concretion, northwest Ontario
Concretions - pyrite in shale --- #172 --- Pyrite sun (concretion), Illinois, U.S.A.
Conglomerate --- #72 --- Palaeobeach with igneous pebbles, Cuba
Copper - Cu --- #143 --- Native "float copper" from Houghton county, Michigan, U.S.A. (MM05)
Copper - Cu --- #106 --- Native copper and datolite, northern Michigan, U.S.A
Coquina - limestone --- #208 --- Shelly Ordovician limestone, Campbellford, southeast Ontario
Cordierite --- #43 --- Khondalite from Kerala, south India
Corona structure --- #150 --- Coronitic Grenville metagabbro, Muskoka district, Ontario
Coronite --- #150 --- Coronitic Grenville metagabbro, Muskoka district, Ontario
Corundum --- ---- --- See "oxides - Al"
Covellite - Cu --- #171 --- Trace secondary mineral in Cu Ge ore, Tsumeb, Namibia
Craignurite --- #245 --- Craignurite, Isle of Mull, Scotland
Crinanite --- #243 --- Analcime olivine diabase from the Isle of Arran, western Scotland
Crinoids --- ---- --- See "fossils" section
Crocoite - Pb Cr --- #109 --- Crocoite from Tasmania, Australia
Crustal abundances of the elements (brief note) --- #121 --- Putorana metal-rich basalt / pseudometeorite, Siberia
Crystal habit - example of galena --- #214 --- Galena crystal habits, Huanzala, Peru & Madan, Bulgaria
Crystal habit - skeletal habit --- #176 --- Slag from the Durango mining district, Colorado, U.S.A.
Crystal size - spodumene --- #257 --- Spodumene, pegmatite, Maine, U.S.A.
Cumulates --- #31 --- Allivalite, Rhum, Scotland
Cyclosilicates - B --- #120 --- Tourmalinite from Botallack, Cornwall, England
Cyclosilicates - B --- #100 --- Pegmatitic granite from Cornwall, England
Cyclosilicates - B --- #101 --- Tourmaline-rich granitic breccia from Cornwall, England
Cyclosilicates - B --- #202 --- Tourmaline and lepidolite from southern California, U.S.A.
Cyclosilicates - cordierite --- #43 --- Khondalite from Kerala, south India
Cyclosilicates - B --- #69 --- Dumortierite from Chile
Cyclosilicates - Zr --- #138 --- Eudialyte syenite from Kipawa, Quebec (MM02)
Cyclosilicates - Be --- #186--- Prismatic beryl from China
Cylindrite - Pb Sn Sb --- #33 --- Cylindrite from Bolivia
Datolite - B --- #106 --- Native copper and datolite, northern Michigan, U.S.A
Devitrification of glass --- #245 --- Craignurite, Isle of Mull, Scotland
Diabase and eucrite meteorite --- #17-18 Double take: igneous rocks from Earth & space
Diabase (intrusive equivalent of basalt) --- #126 --- Native silver in vein, Silver Islet, Thunder Bay area, Ontario
Diabase --- #243 --- Crinanite from the Isle of Arran, western Scotland
Diabase --- ---- --- See also "dolerite"
Diamond - C --- #25 --- Diamonds from Africa
Diamond - C --- #26 --- Diamond and carbonado, Siberia & Africa
Diamond, chromitite host - C --- #205 --- Chromitite, Luobusa ophiolite, Tibet (no illustration)
Dickite --- #203 --- Qingtian stone, superb lapidary material from China
Dimension stone --- #169 --- Leucogranite textures and mineralogy
Dimension stone --- #179 --- Textures in a rapakivi granite from Beijing, China
Dimension stone --- #211 --- Tyndall stone, trace fossils, Ordovician limestone, Manitoba
Dinosaurs --- #248 --- Crichtonsaurus, ankylosaur, China (MM09)
Diopside --- ---- --- See "chrome diopside" or "inosilicates"
Diorite --- #32 --- Appinite, Strontian area, Scotland
Diorite --- #239 --- Kentallenite, a dark monzonite / diorite from western Scotland
Diorite --- #39 --- A Young plutonic rock from Borneo
Diorite --- #178 --- Glomeroporphyritic amphibolitic diorite porphyry from China
Diorite xenoliths in andesite --- #236 --- Porphyritic andesites, La Malinche volcano, Mexico
Dolerite (a British usage) --- ---- --- See also "diabase"
Dolerite --- #160 --- Spotted dolerite and volcanic tuff, Dyfed, Wales
Dolerite --- #243 --- Crinanite from the Isle of Arran, western Scotland
Dolerite --- #270 --- Tranquillityite in dolerite (diabase), W.Australia
Dolostone - tempestite --- #219 --- Tempestite - Jixian dolostone, Tianjin, China
Dravite - B --- #78 --- Native gold, Hoyle Pond, Timmins, Ontario
Dumortierite - B --- #69 --- Dumortierite from Chile
Dunite --- #155 --- Dunitic mantle xenolith from Mount Leura, western Victoria, Australia
Echinoderms --- ---- --- See "fossils" section
Echinoids --- ---- --- See "fossils" section
Eclogite --- #273 --- Eclogite, Glenelg, Scotland
Ediacaran (stratigraphic term) --- #263 --- Stripey, spotted siltstone, East Kimberleys, W.Australia
Elbaite - B --- #202 --- Tourmaline and lepidolite from southern California, U.S.A.
Emerald (not shown) and other beryls --- #186--- Prismatic beryl from China
Epidote --- #50 --- Calcic anorthosite, northern Ontario
Erratics - metagabbro --- #13 --- Gabbro boulder, southern Ontario
Erratics - the omar story --- #74 --- Siltstone cobble, Slate Islands, N.W. Ontario
Erratics - marble --- #249 --- Bleasdell Boulder ("Big Rock"), marble erratic, S.E. Ontario
Erratics - notes --- #249 --- Boulder tracing in Scotland, England, Wales and Ireland (discussion)
Erythrite - Co As --- #133 --- Erythrite from Bou Azzer, Morocco
Eucrite (meteorite) --- #17-18 Double take: igneous rocks from Earth & space (Millbillillie eucrite)
Eucrite (calcic gabbro: obsolete, no illustration) --- #244 --- "Old Gabbro" of Ardnamurchan, Scotland
Eudialyte - Zr --- #138 --- Eudialyte syenite from Kipawa, Quebec (MM02)
Eudialyte - Zr --- #94 --- Agrellite and eudialyte, Kipawa, Quebec
Evaporites --- #262 --- Folded evaporite strata, New Brunswick
Exhalites --- ---- --- See "chemical sediments", e.g., "banded iron formation"
Feldspars --- ---- --- See "tectosilicates - feldspars", "anorthosites", etc
Feldspathoids --- #281 --- Sodalite syenite, Bancroft, Ontario, Canada
Felsite (field term) --- #242 --- Pitchstone from the Isle of Arran, western Scotland
Ferrosilicon - Fe Si --- #44 --- Silicides in fulgurite and ferrosilicon
Flint - Si --- ---- --- See "chert" for examples
Flint - terminology --- #16 --- Chert & chalcedony (Pennsylvania, U.S.A.)
Flow texture (directive fabric) --- #241 --- Trachytic feldspars in trachyte, Tigrai, Ethiopia
Fluid inclusions (note) --- #278 --- Ice revisited - Iceland
Fluorescence - agrellite --- #94 --- Agrellite and eudialyte, Kipawa, Quebec
Fluorescence - scapolite --- #90 --- Scapolite from Quebec
Fluorescence - spodumene (note) --- #257 --- Spodumene, pegmatite, Maine, U.S.A.
Fluorescence - willemite and calcite --- #198 --- Zn silicate in fluorescent zinc ore, New Jersey, U.S.A.
Fluorite - Ca F --- #140 --- Blue John fluorite, Derbyshire, England (MM03)
Fluororichterite --- #166 --- Unusual amphibole from the Grenville province, Ontario
Fold styles (notes) --- #262 --- Folded evaporite strata, New Brunswick
Foraminifera ("forams") --- ---- --- See "fossils" section
Fossils - arthropoda - trilobites --- #185 --- The trilobite Phacops from the Devonian of Morocco
Fossils - bryozoans --- #11 --- Fossil bryozoan from southern Ontario
Fossils - bryozoans --- #232 --- Branching bryozoans in Ordovician limestone, Crowe valley, S.E. Ontario
Fossils - echinoderms - crinoids --- #181 --- Traumatocrinus from the Triassic of Guizhou, China
Fossils - echinoderms - crinoids --- #168 --- Pelagic crinoid of the lithographic stone of Solnhofen, Germany
Fossils - echinoderms - crinoids --- #208 --- Shelly Ordovician limestone, Campbellford, southeast Ontario
Fossils - echinoderms - echinoids --- #218 --- Echinoids from the Eocene Ocala limestone, Florida, U.S.A.
Fossils - echinoderms - ophiuroids --- #168 --- Echinodermata and the lithographic stone of Solnhofen, Germany
Fossils - foraminifera --- #226 --- Camerina, Eocene fossil nummulite foraminiferan, Java, Indonesia
Fossils - hydrozoa - corals --- #232 --- Coral in Ordovician limestone, Crowe valley, S.E. Ontario
Fossils - hydrozoa - graptolites --- #111 --- Graptolite fossils from Dyfed, Wales
Fossils - hydrozoa - stromatoporoids --- #232 --- Stromatoporoids in Ordovician limestone, Crowe valley, S.E. Ontario
Fossils - mollusca - bivalves --- #141 --- Bivalve fossils from Iceland
Fossils - mollusca - bivalves --- #183 --- The bivalve Glycimeris in the Pliocene Red Crag of Essex, England
Fossils - mollusca - cephalopods --- #139 --- Fossil "surprise" cephalopods from Nepal
Fossils - mollusca - cephalopods --- #163 --- Mesozoic ammonite fossil, Madagascar
Fossils - mollusca - cephalopods --- #232 --- Orthocones in Ordovician limestone, Crowe valley, S.E. Ontario
Fossils - mollusca - cephalopods (notes only) --- #266 --- Millstone Grit from Derbyshire, England
Fossils - mollusca - gastropods --- #189 --- Gastropods old and new
Fossils - plants (note & modern analogy) --- #248 --- Crichtonsaurus, ankylosaur, China (MM09)
Fossils - sponges (?) --- #256 --- Ordovician-age cherty limestone, Skye, Scotland
Fossils - thanatocoenosis --- #208 --- Shelly Ordovician limestone, Campbellford, southeast Ontario
Fossils - trace fossils --- #187 --- Thalassinoides, burrow, trace fossil from lower Chalk of Norfolk, England
Fossils - trace fossils --- #211 --- Tyndall stone, trace fossils, Ordovician limestone, Manitoba
Fossils - vertebrate --- #229 --- Keichousaurus, Triassic fossil reptile, China (MM07)
Fossils - vertebrate --- #201 --- Mesosaurus, fossil reptile and mascot for Gondwanaland
Fossils - vertebrate --- #247 --- Glanochthon, Permian amphibian, Germany (MM08)
Fossils - vertebrate --- #248 --- Crichtonsaurus, ankylosaur, China (MM09)
Framework silicates --- ---- --- See "tectosilicates"
Franklinite - Zn Fe Mn --- #198 --- Franklinite in fluorescent zinc ore, New Jersey, U.S.A.
Fuchsite - Cr green mica --- #35 --- Green mica in gold ore, Western Australia
Fuchsite - Cr green mica --- #279 --- Quartz-carbonate-green mica breccia, Timmins, Ontario
Fulgurites --- #37 --- Fulgurite from Ontario
Fulgurites --- #44 --- Silicides in fulgurite and ferrosilicon
Fulgurites --- #123 --- Fulgurite, Grant county, Nebraska, U.S.A.
Fulgurites --- #124 --- Fulgurite, Florence, Arizona, U.S.A.
Fulgurites --- #124 --- Fulgurite, Oswego, New York, U.S.A.
Gabbro --- --- --- see also "metagabbro", "troctolite"
Gabbro --- #191 --- Keweenawan Mellen gabbro / gabbroic anorthosite, northern Wisconsin, U.S.A.
Gabbro --- #244 --- "Old Gabbro" of Ardnamurchan, Scotland
Gabbronorite --- #240 ---- Mineralized rocks at the Nova mine, W.Australia
Galena - Pb --- #48 --- Zinc-lead vein from the Grenville province of S.E. Ontario
Galena - Pb --- #148 --- Silica-flooded sulphidic ore, Mineral de Pozos, Guanajuato, Mexico
Galena - Pb (with tellurides) --- #67 --- Rucklidgeite, rare telluride, N.E. Ontario
Galena - Pb (with PGM) --- #15 --- Cabriite (a palladium mineral) from Noril'sk, Russia
Galena - Pb (Ag) --- #175 --- "Zebra rock", a lead-zinc-silver ore from Colorado, U.S.A.
Galena - Pb --- #196 --- Unusual galena habit from Madan, Bulgaria
Galena - Pb --- #200 --- Galena crystal habits, Viburnum Trend, Missouri and Keno Hill, Yukon
Galena - Pb --- #214 --- Galena crystal habits, Huanzala, Peru & Madan, Bulgaria
Galena - Zn Pb Ag Cu --- #251 --- Polymetallic Zn-Pb-Ag-Cu ore, Charcas, San Luis Potosi, Mexico
Gallite - Ga --- #171 --- Germanite in Cu Ge ore, Tsumeb, Namibia
Gallium - Ga --- #171 --- Germanite in Cu Ge ore, Tsumeb, Namibia
Gallium - Ga (notes) --- #268 --- Native arsenic in Sarawak
Garnet - metasediments --- #43 --- Khondalite from Kerala, south India
Garnet - reaction rims --- #150 --- Coronitic Grenville metagabbro, Muskoka district, Ontario
Garnet - leucogranite --- #169 --- Leucogranite textures and mineralogy
Garnet - leucogranite - Mn Al Fe --- #230 --- Garnet in pegmatitic leucogranite, Quetico subprovince, northwest Ontario
Garnet - granite pegmatite --- #283 --- Tourmaline and garnet, Mount Mica pegmatite, Maine, U.S.A.
Garnet - skarn --- #234 --- Garnet skarn, Rossland, British Columbia
Garnet - kimberlite --- #222 --- Diamond indicator minerals, kimberlite
Gaspeite - Ni --- #232 --- Gaspeite, Ni carbonate from southeast Quebec
Gastropods --- ---- --- See "fossils" section
Gel (silica) --- #269 --- Agate (locality unknown)
Gemstones --- ---- --- See also individual species of "semi-precious stones", "jade", etc
Gemstones --- #269 --- Agate (locality unknown)
Gemstones - beryl (emerald) --- #186--- Prismatic beryl from China
Gemstones - corundum (ruby, sapphire) --- #14 --- Corundum (ruby & sapphire) from India
Gemstones - diamond --- #25 --- Diamonds from Africa
Gemstones - jade --- #207 --- Massive jade as decorative piece, from China
Gemstones - obsidian --- #259 --- Obsidian from southern Iceland
Gemstones - opal --- #6 ---- Opal in Volcanic rock from Honduras
Gemstones - tourmaline --- #202 --- Tourmaline and lepidolite from southern California, U.S.A.
Geochronology, dating rock samples --- #212 --- Oldest rock known on Earth, Northwest Territories, Canada
Geographic index --- ---- --- N/A. But see China, Colorado, Scotland
Geographic signposts (not an index yet) --- ---- --- See Grenville province
Geological time scale --- #212 --- Geochronology, oldest rocks, Earth history
Geomorphology - ventifacts --- #265 --- Ventifacts from southeast Iceland
Germanium minerals - Ge --- #171 --- Germanite in Cu Ge ore, Tsumeb, Namibia
Geversite - Pt Sb --- #15 --- Cabriite (a palladium mineral) from Noril'sk, Russia
Glacial erratics --- ---- --- See "erratics"
Glass (various) --- ---- --- See also "tektites", "volcanics", "slags", chondrules in meteorites, etc
Glass in slag --- #176 --- Slag from the Durango mining district, Colorado, U.S.A.
Glass in andesite --- #235 --- Volcanic rocks of the Pico de Orizaba, Mexico
Glass in andesite --- #236 --- Porphyritic andesites, La Malinche volcano, Mexico
Glass in andesite (pitchstone) --- #237 --- Glassy andesite ("pitchstone"), Popocatepetl volcano, Mexico
Glass in komatiite --- #264 --- Komatiite, Abitibi greenstone belt, Ontario
Glass, devitrification --- #245 --- Craignurite, Isle of Mull, Scotland
Glauconite (discussion only) --- #174 --- Quartzite from Quandary Peak, Colorado, U.S.A.
Gley soil (note) --- #263 --- Stripey, spotted siltstone, East Kimberleys, W.Australia
Glomerocryst --- #160 --- Porphyry (volcanic tuff), ornamental stone, Dyfed, Wales
Glomerocryst --- #178 --- Glomeroporphyritic metabasite (amphibolite) from China
Glomerocryst --- #235 --- Volcanic rocks of the Pico de Orizaba, Mexico
Glomeroporhyritic texture --- #178 --- Glomeroporphyritic metabasite (amphibolite) from China
Gneiss --- #212 --- Acasta gneiss, Northwest Territories, Canada
Gold - Au --- ---- --- See "native elements - Au", "tellurides", & "ores - Au"
Granitoids --- #9 ---- Charnockite, a deep and meaningful granitoid rock, Baffin Island, Nunavut
Granitoids --- #29 --- Shap granite, Lake District, England
Granitoids --- #30 --- Ross of Mull granite, Scotland
Granitoids --- #47 --- Granitic pegmatite from the Grenville province of S.E. Ontario
Granitoids --- #54 --- Granite boulders of southeastern Wyoming, U.S.A.
Granitoids --- #169 --- Leucogranite textures and mineralogy
Granitoids --- #68 --- Sulphidic charnockite, Kodaikanal, south India
Granitoids --- #92 --- Orbicular granite, coast of northern Chile
Granitoids --- #100 --- Pegmatitic granite from Cornwall, England
Granitoids --- #101 --- Tourmaline-rich granitic breccia from Cornwall, England
Granitoids --- #102 --- Perthitic granite pegmatite, Grenville province, Ontario
Granitoids --- #179 --- Textures in a rapakivi granite from Beijing, China
Granitoids --- #230 --- Mica-rich pegmatitic leucogranite, Quetico subprovince, northwest Ontario
Granitoids - leucogranite --- #257 --- Spodumene, pegmatite, Maine, U.S.A.
Granophyre (note) --- #261 --- Graphic granite, Havey pegmatite, Maine, U.S.A.
Granulite facies metamorphism --- #150 --- Coronitic Grenville metagabbro, Muskoka district, Ontario
Graphic granite --- #169 --- Leucogranite textures and mineralogy
Graphic granite --- #261 --- Graphic granite, Havey pegmatite, Maine, U.S.A.
Graphite - C --- #46 --- Graphite from the Bushveld of South Africa
Graphite - C -- #276 --- Graphite in marble from southeast Ontario
Graphite - C (trace, in ore) --- #61 --- Umangite: selenides from Moravia and Saskatchewan
Graptolites --- ---- --- See "fossils" section
Green micas - Cr (fuchsite) --- #35 --- Green mica in gold ore, Western Australia
Green micas - Cr (fuchsite) --- #279 --- Quartz-carbonate-green mica breccia, Timmins, Ontario
Green micas - V (roscoelite) --- #95 --- Green micaceous gold ore, Hemlo, Ontario
Greenhouse gases --- #278 --- Ice revisited - Iceland
Greisen --- #152 --- Quartz-wolframite vein (tin-tungsten ore) in greisen, Cligga Head, Cornwall, England
Grenville province (ONT, QUE, NJ...) rocks --- ---- --- See "granitoid", "marble", "metagabbro", "metasediments - marble", etc
Grenville province (ONT, QUE, NJ...) minerals --- ---- --- See "agrellite", "apatite", "arfvedsonite", "calcite", "corundum", "eudialyte", "fluororichterite", "franklinite", "galena", "magnetite", "scapolite", "sphalerite", "titanite", "tremolite", "willemite", etc
Gritstone (coarse sandstone) --- #266 --- Millstone Grit from Derbyshire, England
Grit (coarse sandstone) --- #272 --- Torridonian grit from Liathach, Scotland
Grossular - Ca Al garnet --- #234 --- Garnet skarn, Rossland, British Columbia
Gupeiite - Fe Si (no specific illustration) --- #44 --- Silicides in fulgurite and ferrosilicon
Gypsum - Ca S --- #165 --- Sand-infused gypsum "rose", Aransas Pass, Texas, U.S.A.
Gypsum - Ca S --- #262 --- Folded evaporite strata, New Brunswick
Hackmanite (sodalite) --- #281 --- Sodalite syenite, Bancroft, Ontario, Canada
Halides - Ca F --- #140 --- Blue John fluorite, Derbyshire, England (MM03)
Halides - Na Cl --- #110 --- Sea salt (in essence, "synthetic halite") from Essex, England
Halleflinta --- #53 --- Halleflinta from southwest Wales
Halogens - F Cl Br I --- ---- --- See, e.g., "halite" and "fluorite"
Hapkeite - Fe Si (no specific illustration) --- #44 --- Silicides in fulgurite and ferrosilicon
Harrisite (discussion) --- #264 --- Komatiite, Abitibi greenstone belt, Ontario
Harzburgite --- #205 --- Chromitite, Luobusa ophiolite, southern Tibet
Harzburgite --- #217 --- Peridotite mantle xenoliths in basalt, North China craton, Hebei, China
Hausmannite - Mn --- #157 --- Manganese ores, Kalahari manganese field, South Africa
Hematite --- #164 --- Botryoidal hematite, iron oxide from Bou Azzer, Morocco
Hemimorphite - Zn --- #195 --- Hemimorphite from Ojuela mine, Mapimi, Durango, Mexico
Heulandite (zeolite) --- #274 --- Zeolites in basalts of Iceland and beyond
Hexagonite (variety of amphibole) --- #215 --- Manganoan tremolite ("hexagonite") from Balmat, New York
Hiddenite - spodumene var. (note) --- #257 --- Spodumene, pegmatite, Maine, U.S.A.
Howardites --- ---- --- See "meteorites - achondrites"
Hydrocarbons --- #64 --- Anthraxolite hydrocarbon, Sudbury, Ontario
Hydronephelite (natrolite) --- #281 --- Sodalite syenite, Bancroft, Ontario, Canada
Hydrothermal alteration (QAM) --- #35 --- Green mica in gold ore, Western Australia
Hydrothermal alteration (QAM) --- #279 --- Quartz-carbonate-green mica breccia, Timmins, Ontario
Hydrothermal alteration (Cu-Au-Ag-PGE) --- #45 --- Chrysocolla from Wyoming, U.S.A.
Hydrothermal alteration (silica) --- #63 --- Jasperoid, Jerritt Canyon, Nevada, U.S.A.
Hydrothermal alteration (argillic) --- #203 --- Qingtian stone, superb lapidary material from China
Hydroxides - Mg --- #112 --- Brucite ophicalcite (marble) from Skye, Scotland
Ice --- #38 --- Ice - a mineral!
Ice --- #278 --- Ice revisited - Iceland
Igneous rocks --- ---- --- See, e.g., "volcanics" section, "anorthosite", "appinite", "cumulate", "diabase", "diorite", "dunite", "gabbro", "granitoid", "harzburgite", "lamprophyre", "pegmatite", "troctolite", "ultramafic rock", etc ...
Illite --- #203 --- Qingtian stone, superb lapidary material from China
Ilmenite - Fe Ti Mg --- #222 --- Diamond indicator minerals, kimberlite
Ilmenite - Fe Ti --- #150 --- Coronitic Grenville metagabbro, Muskoka district, Ontario
Impact events --- #75 --- Shatter cone, Slate Islands, N.W. Ontario
Impact events --- #159 --- Lapilli tuff / cherty sediment of Sudbury impact event, central Ontario
Impact events --- #213 --- Impact ejecta, breccias and ore, Thunder Bay and Sudbury, Ontario
Impact events - tektites --- ---- --- See "tektites"
Impact events - meteorites --- #146 --- Chelyabinsk LL5 brecciated ordinary chondrite meteorite, Russia
Impact events - meteorites --- #154 --- Classification of an NWA (Northwest Africa) "black chondrite" meteorite (NWA 12807)
Indicator minerals --- #222 --- Diamond indicator minerals, kimberlite
Inosilicates - agrellite --- #94 --- Agrellite and eudialyte, Kipawa, Quebec
Inosilicates - amphiboles --- #147 --- Andesite lava from Poas volcano, at Bosque de Paz, Costa Rica
Inosilicates - amphiboles --- #235 --- - Basaltic hornblende in andesite, Pico de Orizaba, Mexico
Inosilicates - amphiboles - arfvedsonite --- #138 --- Eudialyte syenite from Kipawa, Quebec (MM02)
Inosilicates - amphiboles --- #70 --- Nephrite jade from northern British Columbia
Inosilicates - amphiboles --- #166 --- Unusual amphibole from the Grenville province, Ontario
Inosilicates - amphiboles --- #215 --- Manganoan tremolite ("hexagonite") from Balmat, New York
Inosilicates - pyroxenes --- #125 --- Chrome diopside, Russia
Inosilicates - pyroxenes --- #197 --- Chrome diopside in lodranite meteorite NWA 11129, Morocco
Inosilicates - pyroxenes --- #217 --- Clinopyroxene megacrysts in xenolithic basalt, North China craton, Hebei, China
Inosilicates - pyroxenes --- #224 --- Irish stone tools made from Italian jadeitite
Inosilicates - spodumene - Li --- #257 --- Spodumene, pegmatite, Maine, U.S.A.
Inosilicates - clinopyroxene in eclogite --- #273 --- Eclogite, Glenelg, Scotland
Inosilicates - pyroxenoids --- #22 --- Pyroxmangite (`rhodonite') from Colorado, U.S.A.
Intermetallics - Cu Sn Pd --- #15 --- Cabriite (a palladium mineral) from Noril'sk, Russia
Iron - Fe --- #121 --- Putorana metal-rich basalt / pseudometeorite, Siberia
Iron - Fe --- #221 --- Native iron from Russia, II
Iron - Fe --- ---- --- In the context of meteorites, see also "kamacite", "taenite", "tetrataenite"
Iron formation - BIF --- #88 --- Banded iron formation, Western Australia
Iron formation - BIF --- #98 --- Banded iron formation, south India
Iron meteorites --- ---- --- See "meteorites - irons"
iss (Cu-rich sulphide "matte") --- ---- --- See "sulphides"
Jade --- #70 --- Jade from northern British Columbia
Jade --- #207 --- Massive jade as decorative piece, from China
Jadeitite --- #224 --- Irish stone tools made from Italian jadeitite
Jasper (red flinty/cherty silica) --- #88 --- Banded iron formation, Western Australia
Jasper - terminology --- #16 --- Chert & chalcedony (Pennsylvania, U.S.A.)
Jasperoid (hydrothermal silicification) --- #63 --- Jasperoid, Jerritt Canyon, Nevada, U.S.A.
Kamacite - Ni Fe --- #127 --- Seymchan pallasite / iron meteorite, Siberia
Kamacite - Ni Fe --- #193 --- Agoudal IIAB iron meteorite, Morocco
Kamacite (a variant of native iron) --- ---- --- See the majority of "meteorite" records, especially irons and stony-irons
Kaolinite --- #203 --- Qingtian stone, superb lapidary material from China
Kentallenite --- #239 --- Kentallenite, a dark monzonite from western Scotland
Khamrabaevite - Ti C (note) --- #44 --- Silicides in fulgurite and ferrosilicon
Khondalite --- #43 --- Khondalite from Kerala, south India
Kimberlite indicator minerals --- #222 --- Diamond indicator minerals, kimberlite
Komatiite --- #264 --- Komatiite, Abitibi greenstone belt, Ontario
Krageroite - metagabbro --- #52 --- Titaniferous metagabbro, Norway
Kunzite - spodumene var. (note) --- #257 --- Spodumene, pegmatite, Maine, U.S.A.
Kutnohorite - Mn --- #157 --- Manganese ores, Kalahari manganese field, South Africa
Labels for mineral specimens --- #195 --- Smithsonite from Tsumeb, Namibia
Lamellibranchs --- ---- --- See "fossils - mollusca - bivalves"
Lamprobolite (basaltic hornblende) --- #235 --- Volcanic rocks of the Pico de Orizaba, Mexico
Lamprophyres --- #56 --- Lamprophyre (intermediate porphyry) from Rossland, British Columbia
Lamprophyres --- #246 --- Lamprophyre, Iona, Scotland
Lapidary materials --- ---- --- See also "sculpture...", "dimension stone"
Lapilli tuff --- #159 --- Lapilli tuff / cherty sediment of Sudbury impact event, central Ontario
Lapilli tuff --- #213 --- Impact ejecta, Thunder Bay, Ontario
Larderite --- #203 --- Qingtian stone, superb lapidary material from China
Lava flows --- #258 --- Pahoehoe basalts, Hawaii and Iceland
Layered intrusions - Bushveld --- #60 --- UG-2 chromitite, Bushveld complex, South Africa
Layered intrusions - Bushveld --- #220 --- South African chromites (Bushveld UG-2 chromitite, II)
Layered intrusions - Bushveld --- #46 --- Graphite from the Bushveld of South Africa
Layered intrusions - Mineral Lake --- #191 --- Keweenawan Mellen gabbro / gabbroic anorthosite, northern Wisconsin, U.S.A.
Layered intrusions - Rhum --- #31 --- Allivalite, Rhum, Scotland
Lepidolite --- ---- --- See "phyllosilicates"
Leucogranite --- #169 --- Leucogranite textures and mineralogy
Leucogranite --- #230 --- Mica-rich pegmatitic leucogranite, Quetico subprovince, northwest Ontario
Leucogranite --- #257 --- Spodumene, pegmatite, Maine, U.S.A.
Lightning --- ---- --- See "fulgurites"
Limestones --- ---- --- See also "sediments"
Limestones --- #211 --- Tyndall stone, trace fossils, Ordovician limestone, Manitoba
Limestones --- #256 --- Ordovician-age cherty limestone, Skye, Scotland
Listwanite --- #35 --- Green mica in gold ore, Western Australia
Lithium - Li - mica --- #66 --- Lepidolite, Harding pegmatite, New Mexico, U.S.A.
Lithium - Li - spodumene --- #257 --- Spodumene, pegmatite, Maine, U.S.A.
Lithium - Li and B - mica, elbaite --- #202 --- Tourmaline and lepidolite from southern California, U.S.A.
Lithographic stone --- #168 --- Echinodermata and the lithographic stone of Solnhofen, Germany
Locality index --- ---- --- N/A. But see China, Scotland
Lodranites --- ---- --- See "meteorites - achondrites"
Loop-textured Cu Ni Co ore --- #240 ---- Pentlandite "loop texture" in Cu Ni Co ores, Nova mine, W.Australia
Luobusaite - Fe Si --- #44 --- Silicides in fulgurite and ferrosilicon
Luobusaite - Fe Si --- #205 --- Chromitite, Luobusha (Luobusa) ophiolite, southern Tibet (no illustration)
Magma chamber processes --- #31 --- Allivalite, Rhum, Scotland
Magnetite --- #71 --- Oxide-rich pegmatite, Grenville province, S.E. Ontario
Magnetite in sulphide ore --- #115 --- Chalcopyrite ore, McCreedy West mine, Sudbury, Ontario
Magnetite --- #230 --- Magnetite in pegmatitic leucogranite, Quetico subprovince, northwest Ontario
Malachite - Cu --- #267 --- Malachite, Democratic Republic of Congo
Manganese oxides - Mn --- #157 --- Manganese ores, Kalahari manganese field, South Africa
Manganese oxides - Mn --- #182 --- Manganese oxide (pyrolusite) dendrites, Atacama desert, Chile
Manganese oxides - Mn --- #275 --- Manganese oxide (pyrolusite) dendrites, Emmons pegmatite, Maine, U.S.A.
Marble --- ---- --- See "metasediments"
Marl --- #36 --- Pyrite from Navajun, Spain
Megacrysts (clinopyroxene) --- #217 --- Peridotite mantle xenoliths in basalt, North China craton, Hebei, China
Mesolite (zeolite) --- #274 --- Zeolites in basalts of Iceland and beyond
Mesosiderites --- ---- --- See "meteorites - stony-irons"
Metacinnabar - Hg --- #4 ---- Cinnabar, mercury ore from Almaden, Spain
Metadiorite --- #178 --- Glomeroporphyritic metadiorite (amphibolite) from China
Metagabbros --- #149 --- Grenville metagabbro from Cordova (gold) Mines, Ontario
Metagabbros --- #150 --- Coronitic Grenville metagabbro, Muskoka district, Ontario
Metagabbros --- #13 --- Gabbro boulder, southern Ontario
Metagabbros --- #28 --- Gabbro boulder, Marmora, Ontario
Metagabbros --- #52 --- Titaniferous metagabbro, Norway
Metagabbros --- #65 --- Odegaardite, metagabbro from Norway
Metagabbros --- #71 --- Oxide-rich pegmatite, Grenville province, S.E. Ontario
Metamorphic rocks --- ---- --- See "metagabbros", "metasediments", "metavolcanics", "marble", "skarn"...
Metasediments - silicate --- #43 --- Khondalite from Kerala, south India
Metasediments - marble --- #51 --- Forsterite marble, Scotland
Metasediments - marble --- #58 --- Marbles of the Grenville province, S.E. Ontario
Metasediments - marble --- #204 --- Marble, York River zone, Bancroft, Ontario, Canada
Metasediments - marble --- #276 --- Graphitic marble of the Grenville province, southeast Ontario
Metasediments - marble --- #112 --- Brucite ophicalcite (marble) from Skye, Scotland
Metasediments - marble --- #249 --- Bleasdell Boulder ("Big Rock"), marble erratic, S.E. Ontario
Metasediments - schist --- #128 --- Chiastolite-muscovite schist pebble, Newfoundland
Metasediments - slate --- #111 --- Graptolite fossils from Dyfed, Wales
Metavolcanics --- #53 --- Halleflinta from southwest Wales
Meteorites - achondrites - ACAP --- #238 --- Lodranite NWA 10155 (acapulcoites are discussed, but not shown)
Meteorites - achondrites - brachinites --- #188 --- NWA 10637, NWA 6292 and NWA 5363 brachinite(-like) achondrite meteorites
Meteorites - achondrites - HED --- #17-18 Double take: igneous rocks from Earth & space (Millbillillie eucrite)
Meteorites - achondrites - HED --- #104 --- Dhofar 485 howardite meteorite, Oman
Meteorites - achondrites - HED --- #216 --- Saricicek howardite (Vestan achondrite) meteorite breccia
Meteorites - achondrites - LOD --- #197 --- Lodranite NWA 11129, an achondrite meteorite, Morocco
Meteorites - achondrites - LOD --- #238 --- Lodranite meteorite NWA 10155, metal-rich achondrite, Morocco
Meteorites - achondrites - WIN --- #41 --- NWA 1463 Winonaite (rare achondrite meteorite), Northwest Africa)
Meteorites - achondrites - Earth meteorite on Moon (note) --- #212 --- Oldest rock known on Earth, Northwest Territories, Canada
Meteorites - SNC achondrites - note --- #270 --- Tranquillityite in dolerite (diabase), W.Australia
Meteorites - ages (notes) --- #212 --- Oldest rock known on Earth, Northwest Territories, Canada
Meteorites - chondrites - "black chondrites" --- #154 --- Classification of an NWA (Northwest Africa) "black chondrite" meteorite (NWA 12807)
Meteorites - chondrites - CBa --- #117 --- Bencubbin CBa bencubbinite meteorite, Western Australia
Meteorites - chondrites - CBa --- #118 --- Gujba CBa bencubbinite meteorite, Nigeria
Meteorites - chondrites - CM2 --- #212 --- Oldest rock known on Earth / note on oldest dates from meteorites like Murchison
Meteorites - chondrites - CO3 --- #170 --- NWA 6136 CO3 carbonaceous chondrite, Morocco
Meteorites - chondrites - CV3 --- #136 --- Allende CV3 carbonaceous chondrite meteorite, Mexico
Meteorites - chondrites - CV3 --- #212 --- Oldest rock known on Earth / note on oldest dates from meteorites like Allende
Meteorites - chondrites - H4 --- #119 --- NWA 5425 H4 chondrite meteorite, Morocco
Meteorites - chondrites - H5 --- #135 --- Covert H5 ordinary chondrite meteorite, Kansas, U.S.A.
Meteorites - chondrites - H5 --- #227 --- Gao-Guenie H5 meteorite shower, Burkina Faso
Meteorites - chondrites - L3 --- #49 --- Moorabie L3.8 chondrite, a meteorite from N.S.W., Australia
Meteorites - chondrites - L3 --- #282 --- Aba Panu L3.6 chondrite, a 2018 fall in Nigeria
Meteorites - chondrites - L3-6 --- #83 --- NWA 869 brecciated chondrite meteorite, Morocco
Meteorites - chondrites - L4 --- #154 --- Classification of an NWA (Northwest Africa) "black chondrite" meteorite (NWA 12807)
Meteorites - chondrites - L4/LL4 --- #271 --- Saratov, L4/LL4 meteorite fall, Russia, 1918
Meteorites - chondrites - L5 --- #260 --- Park Forest, L5 meteorite shower, Illinois, U.S.A., 2003
Meteorites - chondrites - L6 --- #7 ---- Holbrook meteorite (Arizona, U.S.A.)
Meteorites - chondrites - L6 --- #3 ---- Meteorite recognition - Kitchener
Meteorites - chondrites - LL3 --- #162 --- NWA 5731, LL3.2 chondrite meteorite, Morocco
Meteorites - chondrites - LL4/L4 --- #271 --- Saratov, L4/LL4 meteorite fall, Russia, 1918
Meteorites - chondrites - LL5 --- #146 --- Chelyabinsk LL5 brecciated ordinary chondrite meteorite, Russia
Meteorites - general --- #3 ---- Meteorite recognition
Meteorites - graphite - brief note --- #46 --- Graphite from the Bushveld of South Africa
Meteorites - irons - IAB --- #3 ---- Meteorite recognition - Toronto
Meteorites - irons - IAB --- #173 --- Maslyanino iron meteorite with silicate inclusions, Russia
Meteorites - irons - IAB-MG --- #93 --- Campo del Cielo iron meteorite, Argentina
Meteorites - irons - IAB-sLL --- #129 --- Toluca iron meteorite, Mexico
Meteorites - irons - IC --- #194 --- Mount Dooling IC iron meteorite, W.Australia
Meteorites - irons - IIAB --- #193 --- Agoudal IIAB iron meteorite, Morocco
Meteorites - irons - IIIAB --- #254 --- Saint-Aubin IIIAB iron meteorite, France
Meteorites - irons - IIIE-ANOM --- #284 --- Aletai IIIE-ANOM iron meteorite, China
Meteorites - irons - IVA --- #86 --- Gibeon iron meteorite, Namibia
Meteorites - irons - UNGR --- #151 --- Gebel Kamil nickel-rich iron meteorite, Egypt
Meteorites - irons - UNGR --- #233 --- Dronino sulphide-rich iron meteorite, Russia
Meteorites - largest (heaviest) --- #93 --- Campo del Cielo iron meteorite, Argentina
Meteorites - micrometeorites --- #227 --- Gao-Guenie H5 meteorite shower, Burkina Faso
Meteorites - meteorite showers --- #227 --- Gao-Guenie H5 meteorite shower, Burkina Faso
Meteorites - meteorite showers --- #260 --- Park Forest, L5 meteorite shower, Illinois, U.S.A., 2003
Meteorites - stony-irons - MES --- #145 --- NWA 1242 mesosiderite, a stony-iron meteorite, Libya
Meteorites - stony-irons - PAL --- #116 --- Springwater pallasite meteorite, Saskatchewan
Meteorites - stony-irons - PAL --- #127 --- Seymchan pallasite / iron meteorite, Siberia
Meteorites - stony-irons - PAL --- #127 --- Photo, slice of Seymchan pallasite, Far Eastern Russia
Meteorites - stony-irons - PAL --- #127 --- Photo, slice of Brahin pallasite, Belarus
Micas --- ---- --- See "phyllosilicates"
Micrite (limestone) --- #168 --- The lithographic stone of Solnhofen, Germany
Microcline (var. amazonite) --- ---- --- See "tectosilicates - feldspars"
Microfossils - foraminifera --- #226 --- Camerina, Eocene "macro" microfossil nummulite, Java, Indonesia
Microstructures - pressure shadows --- #153 --- Gold skarn with arsenopyrite, Osoyoos, southern Okanagan, British Columbia
Microstructures - crenulation cleavage --- #95 --- Green micaceous gold ore, Hemlo, Ontario
Millerite - Ni --- #5 ---- Violarite, nickel ore from Sudbury, Ontario
Mimetite - Pb As --- #132 --- Mimetite, cerussite, sphaerocobaltite, Morocco
Mineral chemistry --- #127 --- Seymchan meteorite: olivine, kamacite, schreibersite
Minium - Pb --- #113 --- Minium from Colorado and Arizona, U.S.A.
Molybdenite - Mo --- #253 --- Molybdenite from Boss Mountain, British Columbia
Monzogranite --- #29 --- Shap granite, Lake District, England
Monzonite --- #239 --- Kentallenite, a dark monzonite from western Scotland
Moon rocks - oxides (note) --- #270 --- Tranquillityite in dolerite (diabase), W.Australia
Mudan stone --- #178 --- Glomeroporphyritic amphibolitic diorite porphyry from China
Muscovite mica --- #230 --- Mica-rich pegmatitic leucogranite, Quetico subprovince, northwest Ontario
Myrmekite (note) --- #261 --- Graphic granite, Havey pegmatite, Maine, U.S.A.
Nacrite (kaolinite polymorph) --- #203 --- Qingtian stone, superb lapidary material from China
Naquite - Fe Si --- #44 --- Silicides in fulgurite and ferrosilicon
Native elements - Ag --- #126 --- Native silver in vein, Silver Islet, Thunder Bay area, Ontario
Native elements - Ag (with PGM) --- #15 --- Cabriite (a palladium mineral) from Noril'sk, Russia
Native elements - As --- #268 --- Native arsenic in Sarawak
Native elements - Au --- #21 --- Native gold from California, U.S.A.
Native elements - Au --- #77 --- Native gold from Guyana
Native elements - Au --- #78 --- Native gold, Hoyle Pond, Timmins, Ontario
Native elements - Au --- #158 --- Gold-silver tellurides, Colorado, U.S.A., I
Native elements - Au --- #8 ---- Berthierite, Iron-antimony sulphide from Borneo
Native elements - Au - goldsmithing --- #223 --- Early Irish goldsmithing tools
Native elements - C --- #25 --- Diamonds from Africa
Native elements - C --- #26 --- Diamond and carbonado, Siberia & Africa
Native elements - C --- #46 --- Graphite from the Bushveld of South Africa
Native elements - Cu --- #106 --- Native copper and datolite, northern Michigan, U.S.A
Native elements - Cu --- #143 --- Native "float copper" from Houghton county, Michigan, U.S.A. (MM05)
Native elements - Fe --- #121 --- Putorana metal-rich basalt / pseudometeorite, Siberia
Native elements - Fe --- #221 --- Native iron from Russia, II (Khungtukun)
Native elements - Os --- #177 --- Native osmium from the Urals of Russia
Native elements - S --- #280 --- Native sulphur on celestine, Michigan, U.S.A.
Native elements - various --- #205 --- Chromitite, Luobusa ophiolite, southern Tibet
Natrolite --- #281 --- Sodalite syenite, Bancroft, Ontario, Canada
Nepheline --- #281 --- Sodalite syenite, Bancroft, Ontario, Canada
Nephrite jade --- #70 --- Jade from northern British Columbia
Nephrite jade --- #207 --- Massive jade as decorative piece, from China
Nesosilicates - garnet in khondalite --- #43 --- Khondalite from Kerala, south India
Nesosilicates - garnet in leucogranite --- #169 --- Leucogranite textures and mineralogy
Nesosilicates - garnet in leucogranite --- #230 --- Garnet in pegmatitic leucogranite, Quetico subprovince, northwest Ontario
Nesosilicates - garnet skarn --- #234 --- Garnet skarn, Rossland, British Columbia
Nesosilicates - garnet in kimberlite --- #222 --- Diamond indicator minerals, kimberlite
Nesosilicates - garnet in eclogite --- #273 --- Eclogite, Glenelg, Scotland
Nesosilicates - olivine --- #51 --- Forsterite marble, Scotland
Nesosilicates - olivine --- #155 --- Dunitic mantle xenolith from Mount Leura, western Victoria, Australia
Nesosilicates - olivine --- #217 --- Peridotite mantle xenoliths in basalt, North China craton, Hebei, China
Nesosilicates - olivine --- #31 --- Allivalite, Rhum, Scotland
Nesosilicates - olivine --- #264 --- Komatiite, Abitibi greenstone belt, Ontario
Nesosilicates - olivine --- #49 --- Moorabie L3.8 chondrite, a meteorite from N.S.W., Australia
Nesosilicates - olivine --- #127 --- Seymchan (Brahin, Brenham) pallasites, stony-iron meteorites
Nesosilicates - olivine --- #116 --- Springwater pallasite meteorite, Saskatchewan
Nesosilicates - olivine --- #188 --- NWA 10637, NWA 6292 and NWA 5363 brachinite(-like) achondrite meteorites
Nesosilicates - sillimanite --- #43 --- Khondalite from Kerala, south India
Nesosilicates - titanite --- #167 --- Titanite (sphene) from the Grenville province, Ontario
Nesosilicates - tranquillityite - Fe Ti Zr Y --- #270 --- Tranquillityite in dolerite (diabase), W.Australia
Neumann lines --- #193 --- Agoudal IIAB iron meteorite, Morocco
New Red Sandstone --- #255 --- Brodick breccia, New Red Sandstone, Arran, Scotland
Niccolite - Ni As --- #40 --- Cobalt-nickel arsenide ore, Cobalt district, Ontario
Nickel - Ni --- ---- --- See "niccolite" and iron meteorite phases like kamacite and schreibersite
Nickel antimonide --- #184--- Breithauptite, nickel antimonide, from Cobalt, Ontario
Nickel arsenides --- #40 --- Cobalt-nickel arsenide ore, Cobalt district, Ontario
Nickel sulphides - Ni --- #97 --- Massive sulphide bear as folk-art carving (Sudbury, Ontario)
Nickel sulphides - Ni --- #5 ---- Violarite, nickel ore from Sudbury, Ontario
Nickel sulphides - Ni --- #240 ---- Pentlandite-rich Cu Ni Co ore, Nova mine, W.Australia
Nickel sulphide ores (discussion) - Ni --- #264 --- Komatiite, Abitibi greenstone belt, Ontario
Nickel-iron alloys: taenite --- #127 --- Seymchan pallasite / iron meteorite, Siberia
Nitrides - qingsongite - B N --- #205 --- Chromitite, Luobusa ophiolite, Tibet (no illustration)
Nodosaurs (no illustration) --- #248 --- Crichtonsaurus, ankylosaur, China (MM09)
Nodules (mantle nodules) --- ---- --- See "xenoliths"
Nummulites --- #226 --- Camerina, Eocene fossil nummulite foraminiferan, Java, Indonesia
Obsidian --- #259 --- Obsidian from southern Iceland
Obsidian (discussed but not illustrated) --- #237 --- Glassy andesite ("pitchstone"), Popocatepetl volcano, Mexico
Odegaardite --- #65 --- Odegaardite, metagabbro from Norway
Oldest rock on Earth --- #212 --- Acasta gneiss, Northwest Territories, Canada
Olivine --- ---- --- See "nesosilicates - olivine"
Omars - distinctive erratics --- #74 --- Siltstone cobble, Slate Islands, N.W. Ontario
Opal --- #6 ---- Opal in Volcanic rock from Honduras
Ophicalcite --- #112 --- Brucite ophicalcite (marble) from Skye, Scotland
Ophiolites - chromitite - Cr --- #205 --- Chromitite, Luobusa ophiolite, southern Tibet
Ophiolites - serpentinite --- #210 --- Serpentinized mantle peridotite, Gros Morne, western Newfoundland (MM06)
Ophiuroids --- ---- --- See "fossils" section
Orbicular texture --- #92 --- Orbicular granite, coast of northern Chile
Ores (and ore minerals) --- ---- --- See individual commodities, sulphides, etc - examples:
Ores - antimony - Sb --- #10 --- Stibnite from South Africa
Ores - arsenic - As --- #180 --- Arsenic sulphides realgar and orpiment from China
Ores - chromium - Cr --- #60 --- UG-2 chromitite, Bushveld complex, South Africa
Ores - cobalt - Co Ni As --- #40 --- Cobalt-nickel arsenide ore, Cobalt district, Ontario
Ores - copper - Cu - native Cu --- #143 --- Native "float copper" from Houghton county, Michigan, U.S.A. (MM05)
Ores - copper - Cu - magmatic --- #115 --- Chalcopyrite ore, McCreedy West mine, Sudbury, Ontario
Ores - corundum, abrasives --- #91 --- Grenville corundum, east of Bancroft, Ontario
Ores - gallium, germanium - Ga Ge --- #171 --- Sphalerite in Cu Ge (Zn Ga) ore, Tsumeb, Namibia
Ores - gold - Au --- #80 --- Pyritic gold ore, Hemlo, Ontario
Ores - gold - Au --- #95 --- Green micaceous gold ore, Hemlo, Ontario
Ores - iron - Fe --- #88 --- Banded iron formation, Western Australia
Ores - lead - Pb --- #200 --- Galena crystal habits, Viburnum Trend, Missouri and Keno Hill, Yukon
Ores - lithium - Li --- #257 --- Spodumene, pegmatite, Maine, U.S.A.
Ores - manganese - Mn --- #157 --- Manganese ores, Kalahari manganese field, South Africa
Ores - marble --- #58 --- Marbles of the Grenville province, S.E. Ontario
Ores - mercury - Hg --- #4 ---- Cinnabar, mercury ore from Almaden, Spain
Ores - molybdenum - Mo --- #253 --- Molybdenite from Boss Mountain, British Columbia
Ores - nickel - Ni --- #5 ---- Violarite, nickel ore from Sudbury, Ontario
Ores - nickel - Ni Cu Co --- #240 ---- Loop-textured Cu Ni Co ore, Nova mine, W.Australia
Ores - palladium - Pd --- #15 --- Cabriite (a palladium mineral) from Noril'sk, Russia
Ores - platinum - Pt --- #81 --- Sperrylite, Sudbury, Ontario
Ores - silver - Ag --- #20 --- Silver ore, Fresnillo, Zacatecas, Mexico
Ores - tin - Sn --- #209 --- Rich cassiterite tin ore, Cornwall, England
Ores - tungsten - W --- #152 --- Quartz-wolframite vein (tin-tungsten ore) in greisen, Cligga Head, Cornwall, England
Ores - zinc - Zn - sulphide --- #215 --- Sphalerite (zinc ore / chemistry), Long Lake, Ontario & Balmat, New York
Ores - zinc - Zn - oxidized --- #195 --- Smithsonite from Tsumeb, Namibia
Ores - zirconium - Zr --- #138 --- Eudialyte syenite from Kipawa, Quebec (MM02)
Ornamental stone --- #178 --- Glomeroporphyritic amphibolitic diorite porphyry from China
Ornamental stone --- #203 --- Qingtian stone, superb lapidary material from China
Ornamental stone --- #281 --- Sodalite syenite, Bancroft, Ontario, Canada
Orpiment - As --- #180 --- Arsenic sulphides realgar and orpiment from China
Orpiment - As --- #99 --- Galena, quartz and orpiment, Peru
Orthoclase alkali feldspar --- ---- --- See "tectosilicates - feldspars"
Osmium - Os --- #177 --- Native osmium from the Urals of Russia
Oxides - Al --- #14 --- Corundum (ruby & sapphire) from India
Oxides - Al --- #91 --- Grenville corundum, east of Bancroft, Ontario
Oxides - Cr Fe --- #60 --- UG-2 chromitite, Bushveld complex, South Africa
Oxides - Fe (magnetite, ilmenite) --- #71 --- Magnetite-rich pegmatite, Grenville province, S.E. Ontario
Oxides - Fe --- #230 --- Magnetite in a pegmatitic leucogranite, Quetico subprovince, northwest Ontario
Oxides - Fe --- #164 --- Botryoidal hematite, iron oxide from Bou Azzer, Morocco
Oxides - Fe Ti - ilmenite in kimberlite --- #222 --- Diamond indicator minerals, kimberlite
Oxides - Fe Ti - ilmenite --- #270 --- Ilmenite in dolerite (diabase), W.Australia
Oxides - water ice --- #38 --- Ice - a mineral!
Oxides - Mn --- #157 --- Manganese ores, Kalahari manganese field, South Africa
Oxides - Mn --- #182 --- Manganese oxide (pyrolusite) dendrites, Atacama desert, Chile
Oxides - Pb --- #113 --- Minium from Colorado and Arizona, U.S.A.
Oxides - Sn --- #209 --- Rich cassiterite tin ore, Cornwall, England
Oxides - Ti --- #52 --- Titaniferous metagabbro, Norway
Oxides- Zn Fe Mn --- #198 --- Franklinite in fluorescent zinc ore, New Jersey, U.S.A.
Pahoehoe basalts --- #258 --- Pahoehoe basalts, Hawaii and Iceland
Paisanite (not illustrated) --- #241 --- Trachyte lava, Tigrai, Ethiopia
Palaeontology --- ---- --- See numerous entries under "fossils"
Paleosol --- #263 --- Stripey, spotted siltstone, East Kimberleys, W.Australia
Pallasites --- ---- --- See "meteorites - stony-irons"
Pegmatites - granite (feldspar) --- #105 --- Amazonite feldspar from Sidamo, southern Ethiopia
Pegmatites - granite (feldspar) --- #47 --- Granitic pegmatite from the Grenville province of S.E. Ontario
Pegmatites - granite (feldspar) --- #102 --- Perthitic granite pegmatite, Grenville province, Ontario
Pegmatites - granite (leucogranite) --- #169 --- Leucogranite textures and mineralogy
Pegmatites - granite (leucogranite) --- #230 --- Mica-rich pegmatitic leucogranite, Quetico subprovince, northwest Ontario
Pegmatites - graphic granite --- #261 --- Graphic granite, Havey pegmatite, Maine, U.S.A.
Pegmatites - lepidolite mica - Li --- #66 --- Lepidolite, Harding pegmatite, New Mexico, U.S.A.
Pegmatites - granite (tourmaline) - B --- #100 --- Pegmatitic granite, Tregonning-Godolphin stock, Cornwall, England
Pegmatites - granite (tourmaline) - B --- #202 --- Tourmaline and lepidolite from southern California, U.S.A.
Pegmatites - granite (tourmaline) --- #283 --- Tourmaline and garnet, Mount Mica pegmatite, Maine, U.S.A.
Pegmatites - weathering - Mn --- #275 --- Manganese oxide (pyrolusite) dendrites, Emmons pegmatite, Maine, U.S.A.
Pegmatites - granite (spodumene) - Li --- #257 --- Spodumene, Plumbago North pegmatite, Maine, U.S.A.
Pegmatites / mafic pegmatoid - oxide metagabbro --- #71 --- Oxide-rich pegmatite, Grenville province, S.E. Ontario
Pelecypods --- ---- --- See "fossils - mollusca - bivalves"
Pentlandite - Ni --- #240 ---- Pentlandite-rich ore, Nova mine, W.Australia
Peony stone --- #178 --- Glomeroporphyritic amphibolitic diorite porphyry from China
Peperite --- #114 --- Peperite identified in outcrop in Tigrai, Ethiopia
Peridotite --- #82 --- Slickensides in peridotite, Current Lake, northwest Ontario
Peridotite --- #144 --- Keweenawan peridotite, Midcontinent Rift, Eagle project, Michigan, U.S.A.
Peridotite --- #210 --- Serpentinized mantle peridotite, Gros Morne, western Newfoundland (MM06)
Peridotite --- #217 --- Peridotite mantle xenoliths in basalt, North China craton, Hebei, China
Perryite - Fe Si(no specific illustration) --- #44 --- Silicides in fulgurite and ferrosilicon
Perthite (intergrowth) --- #102 --- Perthitic granite pegmatite, Grenville province, Ontario
Perthite (note) --- #261 --- Graphic granite, Havey pegmatite, Maine, U.S.A.
Phenocrysts - K-feldspar in granite --- #29 --- Shap granite, Lake District, England
Phenocrysts - plagioclase and hornblende in andesite --- #147 --- Andesite lava from Poas volcano, at Bosque de Paz, Costa Rica
Phenocrysts --- #237 --- Glassy andesite ("pitchstone"), Popocatepetl volcano, Mexico
Phenocrysts --- ---- --- See also "porphyry", "porphyritic", "megacryst"
Philippinite (australite) tektite --- #156 --- Historic "soccer ball" tektite from the Philippines, and others
Phlogopite --- ---- --- See "phyllosilicates"
Phonolite --- #161 --- Gold-silver tellurides, Colorado, U.S.A., II
Phosphates - apatite --- #1 ---- Apatite & orange calcite from Renfrew County, Grenville province, Ontario
Phosphates - apatite --- #2 ---- Apatite & biotite from the Bancroft area, Grenville province, Ontario
Phosphates - apatite --- #107 --- Apatite and phlogopite, Palabora, South Africa
Phosphates - graftonite, sarcopside (notes) --- #254 --- Saint-Aubin IIIAB iron meteorite, France
Phosphates - pyromorphite --- #252 ---- Pyromorphite from County Wicklow, Ireland & Leadhills, Scotland
Phosphates - wavellite --- #199 --- Wavellite from north Devon, England
Phosphides - schreibersite --- #127 --- Seymchan pallasite / iron meteorite, Siberia
Phosphides - schreibersite --- #193 --- Agoudal IIAB iron meteorite, Morocco
Phosphides - schreibersite --- #254 --- Saint-Aubin IIIAB iron meteorite, France
Photochromism --- #281 --- Sodalite syenite, Bancroft, Ontario, Canada
Phyllosilicates - apophyllite --- #134 --- Apophyllite from northern San Luis Potosi, Mexico (MM01)
Phyllosilicates - apophyllite --- #142 --- Zeolites and apophyllite from Pune (Poona), Maharashtra, India
Phyllosilicates - biotite --- #281 --- Sodalite syenite, Bancroft, Ontario, Canada
Phyllosilicates - dickite --- #203 --- Qingtian stone, superb lapidary material from China
Phyllosilicates - green mica - Cr --- #35 --- Green mica in gold ore, Western Australia
Phyllosilicates - green mica - Cr --- #279 --- Quartz-carbonate-green mica breccia, Timmins, Ontario
Phyllosilicates - green mica - V --- #95 --- Green micaceous gold ore, Hemlo, Ontario
Phyllosilicates - illite --- #203 --- Qingtian stone, superb lapidary material from China
Phyllosilicates - kaolinite --- #203 --- Qingtian stone, superb lapidary material from China
Phyllosilicates - micas --- #51 --- Forsterite marble, Scotland
Phyllosilicates - micas --- #107 --- Apatite and phlogopite, Palabora, South Africa
Phyllosilicates - micas - Li --- #66 --- Lepidolite, Harding pegmatite, New Mexico, U.S.A.
Phyllosilicates - micas - Li --- #202 --- Tourmaline and lepidolite from southern California, U.S.A.
Phyllosilicates - micas --- #230 --- Muscovitic, pegmatitic leucogranite, Quetico subprovince, northwest Ontario
Phyllosilicates - nacrite --- #203 --- Qingtian stone, superb lapidary material from China
Phyllosilicates - pyrophyllite --- #203 --- Qingtian stone, superb lapidary material from China
Phyllosilicates - serpentine --- #210 --- Serpentinized mantle peridotite, Gros Morne, western Newfoundland
Phyllosilicates - serpentine --- #250 --- Stichtite, Mg Cr carbonate, from Tasmania, Australia
Pitchstone --- #237 --- Glassy andesite ("pitchstone"), Popocatepetl volcano, Mexico
Pitchstone --- #242 --- Pitchstone from the Isle of Arran, western Scotland
Pitchstone: craignurite --- #245 --- Craignurite, Isle of Mull, Scotland
Place names - Colorado --- #174 --- Quartzite from Quandary Peak, Colorado, U.S.A.
Placer deposits - gold - Au --- #77 --- Native gold from Guyana
Placer deposits - PGE - Os --- #177 --- Native osmium from the Urals of Russia
Plagioclase feldspar --- ---- --- See, e.g., "tectosilicates - feldspars", "anorthosites"
Plagioclase feldspar --- #50 --- Calcic anorthosite, northern Ontario
Plagioclase feldspar --- #17-18 Double take: igneous rocks from Earth & space
Platinum Group Elements - PGE (see also PGM) --- #31 --- PGE in Rhum layered intrusion, Scotland
Platinum Group Mineral - PGM - Cu Sn Pd (cabriite) --- #15 --- Cabriite (a palladium mineral) from Noril'sk, Russia
Platinum Group Mineral - PGM - Pt Sb (geversite) --- #15 --- Cabriite (a palladium mineral) from Noril'sk, Russia
Platinum Group Mineral - PGM - Os (native osmium) --- #177 --- Native osmium from the Urals of Russia
Platinum Group Mineral - PGM - Pt As (sperrylite) --- #81 --- Sperrylite, Sudbury, Ontario
Platinum Group Mineral - PGM - Pt As (sperrylite) --- #81b -- Sperrylite, Sudbury, Ontario (.pdf, 138 kb)
Platinum Group Minerals - various (note) --- #205 --- Chromitite, Luobusa ophiolite, southern Tibet
Porcellanite (no photo) --- #224 --- Irish stone tools made from Italian jadeitite
Porphyry / porphyritic --- #147 --- Andesite lava from Poas volcano, at Bosque de Paz, Costa Rica
Porphyritic granite --- #29 --- Shap granite, Lake District, England
Porphyry deposits - Mo (etc) --- #253 --- Molybdenite from Boss Mountain, British Columbia
Potash (notes) --- #262 --- Folded evaporite strata, New Brunswick
Pothole structures with graphite - C --- #46 --- Graphite from the Bushveld of South Africa
Preselite --- #160 --- Spotted dolerite, Preseli Hills, Dyfed, Wales
Pressure shadows - quartz --- #153 --- Gold skarn with arsenopyrite, Osoyoos, southern Okanagan, British Columbia
Pulaskite --- #57 --- Pulaskite (syenite) from Rossland, British Columbia
Pyrargyrite - Ag Sb S --- #20 --- Silver ore, Fresnillo, Zacatecas, Mexico
Pyrite - Fe --- #36 --- Pyrite from Navajun, Spain
Pyrite - Fe --- #42 --- Pyrite from Nanisivik, Baffin Island, Nunavut
Pyrite - Fe --- #68 --- Pyrite in charnockite, Kodaikanal, south India
Pyrite - Fe --- #172 --- Pyrite sun (concretion), Illinois, U.S.A.
Pyrite - Fe --- #215 --- Pyrite from Balmat, New York
Pyroaurite (discussion only) --- #250 --- Stichtite, Mg Cr carbonate, from Tasmania, Australia
Pyrolusite - Mn --- #182 --- Manganese oxide (pyrolusite) dendrites, Atacama desert, Chile
Pyrolusite - Mn --- #275 --- Manganese oxide (pyrolusite) dendrites on pegmatite, Maine, U.S.A.
Pyromorphite - Pb P Cl --- #252 ---- Pyromorphite from County Wicklow, Ireland & Leadhills, Scotland
Pyrope - Mg Al garnet --- #222 --- Diamond indicator minerals, kimberlite
Pyrophyllite --- #203 --- Qingtian stone, superb lapidary material from China
Pyroxenes --- ---- --- See "inosilicates - pyroxenes"
Pyroxmangite --- #22 --- Pyroxmangite (`rhodonite') from Colorado, U.S.A.
Pyrrhotite - Fe --- #68 --- Sulphidic charnockite, Kodaikanal, south India
Pyrrhotite - Fe --- #240 ---- Pyrrhotite in Cu Ni Co ore, Nova mine, W.Australia
Quartz - Si --- ---- --- See "tectosilicates - silica"
Quartz (amethyst, etc) - Si --- #206 --- Quartz as semi-precious stone: nine faceted examples (smoky quartz, rose quartz, etc)
Quartz-ankerite-mariposite ("QAM") rock --- #35 --- Green mica in gold ore, Western Australia
Quartz-ankerite-mariposite ("QAM") rock --- #279 --- Quartz-carbonate-green mica breccia, Timmins, Ontario
Quartz veins --- #225 --- Extensional quartz veins, Cork and Kerry, southern Ireland
Quartz veins --- ---- --- See also "veins" (many have quartz-rich filling)
Quartz veins --- #279 --- Quartz-carbonate-green mica breccia, Timmins, Ontario
Quartzite --- #174 --- Quartzite from Quandary Peak, Colorado, U.S.A.
Qingsongite, cubic BN --- #205 --- Chromitite, Luobusa ophiolite, Tibet (no illustration)
Qingtian stone --- #203 --- Qingtian stone, superb lapidary material from China
Rapakivi granite texture --- #179 --- Textures in a rapakivi granite from Beijing, China
Realgar - As --- #180 --- Arsenic sulphides realgar and orpiment from China
Realgar - As --- #268 --- Native arsenic in Sarawak
Red Crag --- #183 --- The bivalve Glycimeris in the Pliocene Red Crag of Essex, England
Reichenbach lamellae (note) --- #254 --- Saint-Aubin IIIAB iron meteorite, France
Resistivity --- #184--- Breithauptite, nickel antimonide, from Cobalt, Ontario
Rhodochrosite - Mn (discussion only) --- #174 --- Quartzite from Quandary Peak, Colorado, U.S.A.
Rhodonite (pyroxmangite) - Mn --- #22 --- Pyroxmangite ("rhodonite") from Colorado, U.S.A.
Richterite --- #166 --- Unusual amphibole from the Grenville province, Ontario
Riebeckite --- #241 --- Trachyte lava, Tigrai, Ethiopia
Rizalite (philippinite) tektite --- #156 --- Historic "soccer ball" tektite from the Philippines, and others
Rock crystal (clear quartz) --- #269 --- Agate (locality unknown)
Roscoelite (V green mica) --- #95 --- Green micaceous gold ore, Hemlo, Ontario
Rubellite (tourmaline)- B --- #202 --- Tourmaline and lepidolite from southern California, U.S.A.
Ruby --- #14 --- Corundum (ruby & sapphire) from India
Rucklidgeite - Pb Bi Ag Te --- #67 --- Rucklidgeite, rare telluride, N.E. Ontario
Safflorite - Co As --- #40 --- Cobalt-nickel arsenide ore, Cobalt district, Ontario
Saligrams --- #139 --- Fossil "surprise" cephalopods from Nepal
Sand (protolith of fulgurite) --- #37 --- Fulgurite from Ontario
Sandstone --- #84 --- Concretion, northwest Ontario
Sandstone --- #266 --- Millstone Grit from Derbyshire, England
Sapphire --- #14 --- Corundum (ruby & sapphire) from India
Scapolite --- #90 --- Scapolite from Quebec
Scapolite --- #65 --- Odegaardite, metagabbro from Norway
Schorl (Fe-rich tourmaline) --- #283 --- Tourmaline and garnet, Mount Mica pegmatite, Maine, U.S.A.
Schreibersite - Fe Ni P --- #127 --- Seymchan pallasite / iron meteorite, Siberia
Schreibersite - Fe Ni P --- #193 --- Agoudal IIAB iron meteorite, Morocco
Schreibersite - Fe Ni P --- #254 --- Saint-Aubin IIIAB iron meteorite, France
Scoria --- #108 --- Basaltic scoria and volcanic bomb, Mount Fuji, Japan
Scotland - samples & sites index --- #246 --- Lamprophyre, Iona, Scotland
Sculpture / lapidary / ornamental --- ---- --- See also "dimension stone"
Sculpture / lapidary / ornamental --- #203 --- Qingtian stone, superb lapidary material from China
Sculpture / lapidary / ornamental --- #97 --- Massive sulphide bear as folk-art carving (Sudbury, Ontario)
Sculpture / lapidary / ornamental --- #160 --- Spotted dolerite and volcanic tuff, Dyfed, Wales
Sedimentary rocks --- ---- --- See "sediments" section below
Sedimentary structures --- #266 --- Cross-bedding in Millstone Grit from Derbyshire, England
Sediments - arkose (feldspathic sandstone) --- #272 --- Torridonian arkose from Liathach, Scotland
Sediments - BIF --- #88 --- Banded iron formation, Western Australia
Sediments - BIF --- #98 --- Banded iron formation, south India
Sediments - sandstone breccia --- #255 --- Brodick breccia, New Red Sandstone, Arran, Scotland
Sediments - conglomerate --- #72 --- Palaeobeach with igneous pebbles, Cuba
Sediments - conglomerate --- #272 --- Cambrian basal conglomerate from Liathach, Scotland
Sediments - dolostone tempestite --- #219 --- Tempestite - Jixian dolostone, Tianjin, China
Sediments - gritstone (coarse sandstone) --- #266 --- Millstone Grit from Derbyshire, England
Sediments - grit (coarse sandstone) --- #272 --- Torridonian grit from Liathach, Scotland
Sediments - limestone (micrite) --- #168 --- Echinodermata and the lithographic stone of Solnhofen, Germany
Sediments - limestone with fossils --- #208 --- Shelly Ordovician limestone, Campbellford, southeast Ontario
Sediments - limestone with trace fossils --- #211 --- Tyndall stone, trace fossils, Ordovician limestone, Manitoba
Sediments - limestones --- #256 --- Ordovician-age cherty limestone, Skye, Scotland
Sediments - marl --- #36 --- Pyrite from Navajun, Spain
Sediments - quartzite --- #174 --- Quartzite from Quandary Peak, Colorado, U.S.A.
Sediments - quartzite --- #272 --- Cambrian quartzite from Liathach, Scotland
Sediments - sand (protolith of fulgurite) --- #37 --- Fulgurite from Ontario
Sediments - sand - Red Crag --- #183 --- The bivalve Glycimeris in the Pliocene Red Crag of Essex, England
Sediments - sandstone --- #84 --- Concretion, northwest Ontario
Sediments - sandstone --- #266 --- Millstone Grit from Derbyshire, England
Sediments - sandstones --- #272 --- Torridonian and Cambrian strata, Liathach, Scotland
Sediments - shale (black shale) --- #172 --- Pyrite sun (concretion), Illinois, U.S.A.
Sediments - siltstone --- #74 --- Siltstone cobble, Slate Islands, N.W. Ontario
Sediments - siltstone --- #263 --- Stripey, spotted siltstone, East Kimberleys, W.Australia
Selenides - Cu Se --- #61 --- Umangite: selenides from Moravia and Saskatchewan
Semi-precious stones --- ---- --- cf. gemstones: see amethyst, quartz, jade, etc
Serpentine --- #250 --- Stichtite, Mg Cr carbonate, from Tasmania, Australia
Serpentinite --- #210 --- Serpentinized mantle peridotite, Gros Morne, western Newfoundland (MM06)
Sheet silicates --- ---- --- See "phyllosilicates"
Shock melt --- #260 --- Park Forest, L5 meteorite shower, Illinois, U.S.A., 2003
Shock melt --- #282 --- Aba Panu L3.6 chondrite, a 2018 fall in Nigeria
Silicates --- ---- --- See "nesosilicates", "sorosilicates", "cyclosilicates, "inosilicates", "phyllosilicates", "tectosilicates"
Silicides - Fe Si - at least 8 species --- #44 --- Silicides in fulgurite and ferrosilicon
Silicides in fulgurite - hapkeite (no photo) - Fe Si --- #37 --- Fulgurite from Ontario
Silicides - luobusaite - Fe Si --- #205 --- Chromitite, Luobusa ophiolite, southern Tibet (no illustration)
Sillimanite --- #43 --- Khondalite from Kerala, south India
Silver - Ag --- ---- --- See "native elements - Ag", "tellurides" & "sulphosalts - Ag"
Skarn (gold) - Au --- #153 --- Gold skarn with arsenopyrite, Osoyoos, southern Okanagan, British Columbia
Skarn (gold) - Au --- #234 --- Garnet skarn, Rossland, British Columbia
Skarn - Mg --- #112 --- Brucite ophicalcite (marble) from Skye, Scotland
Skarn - Zn Pb Ag Cu --- #251 --- Polymetallic Zn-Pb-Ag-Cu ore, Charcas, San Luis Potosi, Mexico
Skutterudite - Ni Co As --- #40 --- Cobalt-nickel arsenide ore, Cobalt district, Ontario
Slags - Sudbury, ON --- #3 ---- Meteorite recognition - slags
Slags - Sudbury, ON --- #192 --- Nickel smelter slag, Sudbury, Ontario
Slags - southern Ontario --- #27 --- Copper-rich slag, Belleville, Ontario
Slags - Durango, CO --- #176 --- Slag from the Durango mining district, Colorado, U.S.A.
Slate --- #111 --- Graptolite fossils from Dyfed, Wales
Slickensides --- #82 --- Slickensides, peridotite, northwest Ontario
Slickensides --- #250 --- Stichtite, Mg Cr carbonate, from Tasmania, Australia
Smithsonite - Zn --- #195 --- Smithsonite from Tsumeb, Namibia
Sodalite --- #281 --- Sodalite syenite, Bancroft, Ontario, Canada
Soil (notes) --- #263 --- Stripey, spotted siltstone, East Kimberleys, W.Australia
Sorosilicates - epidote --- #50 --- Calcic anorthosite, northern Ontario
Sorosilicates - hemimorphite --- #195 --- Hemimorphite from Ojuela mine, Mapimi, Durango, Mexico
Specimen labels --- ---- --- See "labels"
Sperrylite - Pt As --- #81 --- Sperrylite, Sudbury, Ontario
Sperrylite - Pt As --- #81b -- Sperrylite, Sudbury, Ontario (.pdf, 138 kb)
Sperrylite - Pt As --- #15 --- Cabriite (a palladium mineral) from Noril'sk, Russia
Spessartine - Mn Al garnet --- #230 --- Garnet in pegmatitic leucogranite, Quetico subprovince, northwest Ontario
Sphaerocobaltite --- #132 --- Mimetite, cerussite, sphaerocobaltite, Morocco
Sphalerite - Zn --- #12 --- Banded sphalerite from Nanisivik, Baffin Island, Nunavut
Sphalerite - Zn --- #59 --- Sphalerite-rich ore, Lake District, N.W. England
Sphalerite - Zn --- #48 --- Zinc-lead vein from the Grenville province of S.E. Ontario
Sphalerite - Zn --- #148 --- Silica-flooded sulphidic ore, Mineral de Pozos, Guanajuato, Mexico
Sphalerite - Zn --- #171 --- Sphalerite in Cu Ge (Zn Ga) ore, Tsumeb, Namibia
Sphalerite in gold ore --- #158 --- Calaverite, Colorado, U.S.A.
Sphalerite - Zn --- #175 --- "Zebra rock", a lead-zinc-silver ore from Colorado, U.S.A.
Sphalerite - Zn Pb Ag Cu --- #251 --- Polymetallic Zn-Pb-Ag-Cu ore, Charcas, San Luis Potosi, Mexico
Sphalerite - Zn --- #198 --- Sphalerite in fluorescent zinc ore, New Jersey, U.S.A.
Sphalerite - Zn Cd (etc) --- #215 --- Sphalerite (zinc ore / chemistry), Long Lake, Ontario & Balmat, New York
Sphene --- #167 --- Titanite (sphene) from the Grenville province, Ontario
Spinifex texture --- #264 --- Komatiite, Abitibi greenstone belt, Ontario
Spodumene - Li --- #257 --- Spodumene, pegmatite, Maine, U.S.A.
Stannite group - Cu Fe Sn S --- #152 --- Quartz-wolframite vein (tin-tungsten ore) in greisen, Cligga Head, Cornwall, England
Stibnite - Sb --- #10 --- Stibnite from South Africa
Stibnite - Sb --- #137 --- Stibnite, antimony ore from Romania (MM04)
Stibnite in cinnabar - Sb Hg --- #4 ---- Cinnabar, mercury ore from Almaden, Spain
Stibnite - Sb (notes) --- #268 --- Native arsenic in Sarawak
Stichtite - Mg Cr --- #250 --- Stichtite, Mg Cr carbonate, from Tasmania, Australia
Stilbite --- #142 --- Zeolites and apophyllite from Pune (Poona), Maharashtra, India
Strontium minerals - Sr --- #280 --- Native sulphur on celestine, Michigan, U.S.A.
Structures / structural geology --- ---- --- See also "microstructures"
Structures - folds --- #262 --- Folded evaporite strata, New Brunswick
Structures - shatter cones --- #75 --- Shatter cone, Slate Islands, N.W. Ontario
Structures - stylolites --- #78 --- Native gold, Hoyle Pond, Timmins, Ontario
Structures - slickensides --- #82 --- Slickensides, northwest Ontario
Structures - breccia --- #89 --- Brecciated chert, Western Australia
Structures - corona texture --- #150 --- Coronitic Grenville metagabbro, Muskoka district, Ontario
Stylolites --- #78 --- Native gold, Hoyle Pond, Timmins, Ontario
Sudbury breccia and ejecta --- #213 --- Impact ejecta, breccias and ore, Thunder Bay and Sudbury, Ontario
Suessite - Fe Si(no specific illustration) --- #44 --- Silicides in fulgurite and ferrosilicon
Sulphates - Ba --- #228 --- Barite on quartz, Jiangxi, China
Sulphates - Ca --- #165 --- Sand-infused gypsum "rose", Aransas Pass, Texas, U.S.A.
Sulphates - Ca --- #262 --- Folded evaporite strata, New Brunswick
Sulphates - Sr --- #280 --- Native sulphur on celestine, Michigan, U.S.A.
Sulphides - Cu --- #115 --- Chalcopyrite ore, McCreedy West mine, Sudbury, Ontario
Sulphides - Cu --- #213 --- Impact ejecta, and chalcopyrite ore, McCreedy West mine, Sudbury, Ontario
Sulphides - Cu --- #190 --- Sudbury copper-PGE ore, Broken Hammer deposit
Sulphides - Cu --- #171 --- Germanite in Cu Ge (Zn) ore, Tsumeb, Namibia
Sulphides - Cu --- #148 --- Silica-flooded sulphidic ore, Mineral de Pozos, Guanajuato, Mexico
Sulphides - iss "matte" --- #176 --- Slag from the Durango mining district, Colorado, U.S.A.
Sulphides - iss "matte" --- #27 --- Copper-rich slag, Belleville, Ontario
Sulphides - pyrite - Fe --- #36 --- Pyrite from Navajun, Spain
Sulphides - pyrite - Fe --- #42 --- Pyrite from Nanisivik, Baffin Island, Nunavut
Sulphides - pyrite - Fe --- #68 --- Sulphidic charnockite, Kodaikanal, south India
Sulphides - pyrite - Fe --- #172 --- Pyrite sun (concretion), Illinois, U.S.A.
Sulphides - pyrrhotite - Fe --- #68 --- Sulphidic charnockite, Kodaikanal, south India
Sulphides - troilite - Fe --- #127 --- Seymchan pallasite / iron meteorite, Siberia
Sulphides - Fe As --- #153 --- Gold skarn with arsenopyrite, Osoyoos, southern Okanagan, British Columbia
Sulphides - Fe Ni Cu --- #97 --- Massive sulphide bear as folk-art carving (Sudbury, Ontario)
Sulphides - Hg --- #4 ---- Cinnabar, mercury ore from Almaden, Spain
Sulphides - molybdenite - Mo --- #253 --- Molybdenite from Boss Mountain, British Columbia
Sulphides - Ni --- #240 ---- Pentlandite-rich ore, Nova mine, W.Australia
Sulphides - Ni --- #5 ---- Violarite, nickel ore from Sudbury, Ontario
Sulphides - Pb As --- #99 --- Galena, quartz and orpiment, Peru
Sulphides - As Sb --- #268 --- Native arsenic in Sarawak
Sulphides - As --- #180 --- Arsenic sulphides realgar and orpiment from China
Sulphides - Pb Zn --- #48 --- Zinc-lead vein from the Grenville province of S.E. Ontario
Sulphides - Pb Zn Ag --- #175 --- "Zebra rock", a lead-zinc-silver ore from Colorado, U.S.A.
Sulphides - Pb Zn --- #196 --- Unusual galena habit from Madan, Bulgaria
Sulphides - Pb Ag --- #200 --- Galena crystal habits, Viburnum Trend, Missouri and Keno Hill, Yukon
Sulphides - galena - Pb --- #214 --- Galena crystal habits, Huanzala, Peru & Madan, Bulgaria
Sulphides - Sb --- #10 --- Stibnite from South Africa
Sulphides - Sb --- #137 --- Stibnite, antimony ore from Romania (MM04)
Sulphides - Zn --- #12 --- Banded sphalerite from Nanisivik, Baffin Island, Nunavut
Sulphides - Zn --- #59 --- Sphalerite-rich ore, Lake District, N.W. England
Sulphides - Zn --- #198 --- Sphalerite in fluorescent zinc ore, New Jersey, U.S.A.
Sulphides - Zn Cd (etc) --- #215 --- Sphalerite (zinc ore / chemistry), Long Lake, Ontario & Balmat, New York
Sulphides - Zn Cu Ge Ga --- #171 --- Germanite in Cu Ge (Zn) ore, Tsumeb, Namibia
Sulphides - Zn Cu Pb Ag --- #148 --- Silica-flooded sulphidic ore, Mineral de Pozos, Guanajuato, Mexico
Sulphides - Zn Pb Ag Cu --- #251 --- Polymetallic Zn-Pb-Ag-Cu ore, Charcas, San Luis Potosi, Mexico
Sulphides - stannite group - Cu Fe Sn --- #152 --- Quartz-wolframite vein (tin-tungsten ore) in greisen, Cligga Head, Cornwall, England
Sulphides - Zn Pb Cu --- #175 --- "Zebra rock", a lead-zinc-silver ore from Colorado, U.S.A.
Sulphosalts - Ag --- #20 --- Silver ore, Fresnillo, Zacatecas, Mexico
Sulphosalts - Cu Pb Sb --- #96 --- Bournonite from Pulacayo, Bolivia
Sulphosalts - Fe Sb --- #8 ---- Berthierite, Iron-antimony sulphide from Borneo
Sulphosalts - Pb Sn Sb --- #33 --- Cylindrite from Bolivia
Sulphosalts - Tl --- #19 --- Thallium in nature (Utah, U.S.A.)
Sulphosalts - Cu Fe As S Ge --- #171 --- Tennantite in Cu Ge ore, Tsumeb, Namibia
Sulphur - S --- #280 --- Native sulphur on celestine, Michigan, U.S.A.
Syenites --- #57 --- Pulaskite (syenite) from Rossland, British Columbia
Syenites --- #138 --- Eudialyte syenite from Kipawa, Quebec (MM02)
Syenites --- #281 --- Sodalite syenite, Bancroft, Ontario, Canada
Sylvanite - Au Ag Te --- #161 --- Gold-silver tellurides, Colorado, U.S.A., II
Sylvinite (note) --- #262 --- Folded evaporite strata, New Brunswick
Tachylyte (basaltic glass) --- #243 --- Crinanite from the Isle of Arran, western Scotland
Taenite - Ni Fe --- #127 --- Seymchan pallasite / iron meteorite, Siberia
Tectosilicates - feldspars - antiperthite (not visible) --- #71 --- Oxide-rich pegmatite, Grenville province, S.E. Ontario
Tectosilicates - microcline feldspar --- #103 --- Amazonite feldspar from Quebec
Tectosilicates - microcline feldspar --- #105 --- Amazonite feldspar from Sidamo, southern Ethiopia
Tectosilicates - microcline feldspar --- #261 --- Graphic granite, Havey pegmatite, Maine, U.S.A.
Tectosilicates - microcline feldspar --- #281 --- Sodalite syenite, Bancroft, Ontario, Canada
Tectosilicates - orthoclase feldspar --- #29 --- Shap granite, Lake District, England
Tectosilicates - orthoclase feldspar --- #100 --- Pegmatitic granite from Cornwall, England
Tectosilicates - orthoclase feldspar --- #179 --- Textures in a rapakivi granite from Beijing, China
Tectosilicates - plagioclase feldspar --- #50 --- Calcic anorthosite, northern Ontario
Tectosilicates - plagioclase feldspar --- #235 --- Volcanic rocks of the Pico de Orizaba, Mexico
Tectosilicates - plagioclase feldspar --- #281 --- Sodalite syenite, Bancroft, Ontario, Canada
Tectosilicates - plagioclase feldspar (notes) --- #283 --- Cleavelandite (albite), Mount Mica pegmatite, Maine, U.S.A.
Tectosilicates - feldspathoids --- #281 --- Sodalite syenite, Bancroft, Ontario, Canada
Tectosilicates - scapolite --- #90 --- Scapolite from Quebec
Tectosilicates - silica - agate --- #269 --- Agate (locality unknown)
Tectosilicates - silica --- #206 --- Quartz as semi-precious stone, with amethyst
Tectosilicates - quartz --- #261 --- Graphic granite, Havey pegmatite, Maine, U.S.A.
Tectosilicates - silica --- #6 ---- Opal in Volcanic rock from Honduras
Tectosilicates - silica --- #16 --- Chert & chalcedony (Pennsylvania, U.S.A.)
Tectosilicates - silica --- #23 --- Chert & microfossils (Pennsylvania, U.S.A.)
Tectosilicates - silica --- #24 --- Chert provenance (Pennsylvania, U.S.A.)
Tectosilicates - silica --- #34 --- Flint walls, Essex, England
Tectosilicates - silica (jasper) --- #88 --- Banded iron formation, Western Australia
Tectosilicates - silica --- #89 --- Brecciated chert, Western Australia
Tectosilicates - silica --- #73 --- Amethyst, Thunder Bay, N.W. Ontario
Tectosilicates - silica --- #76 --- Chert from the Crowe valley, S.E. Ontario
Tectosilicates - silica --- #79 --- Fractured flint from Essex, England
Tectosilicates - quartz --- #153 --- Gold skarn with arsenopyrite, Osoyoos, southern Okanagan, British Columbia
Tectosilicates - quartz - Si --- #206 --- Quartz as semi-precious stone: nine faceted examples
Tectosilicates - quartz veins --- #225 --- Extensional quartz veins, Cork and Kerry, southern Ireland
Tectosilicates - quartz veins --- #253 --- Molybdenite from Boss Mountain, British Columbia
Tectosilicates - sodalite --- #281 --- Sodalite syenite, Bancroft, Ontario, Canada
Tektites --- #55 --- Tektites from China
Tektites --- #156 --- Historic "soccer ball" tektite from the Philippines
Tektites (brief note) --- #259 --- Obsidian from southern Iceland
Tellurides - Au Ag Te --- #158 --- Calaverite, Colorado, U.S.A.
Tellurides - Au Ag Te --- #161 --- Calaverite and sylvanite, Colorado, U.S.A.
Tellurides - Pb Bi Ag Te --- #67 --- Rucklidgeite, volynskite, altaite, N.E. Ontario
Temnospondyls --- #247 --- Glanochthon, Permian amphibian, Germany (MM08)
Tempestite --- #219 --- Tempestite - Jixian dolostone, Tianjin, China
Tenebrescence --- #281 --- Sodalite syenite, Bancroft, Ontario, Canada
Tennantite - Cu Fe As S --- #171 --- Germanite in Cu Ge ore, Tsumeb, Namibia
Tetrataenite - Ni Fe (no illustration) --- #193 --- Agoudal IIAB iron meteorite, Morocco
Thalassinoides - trace fossils --- #187 --- Thalassinoides, burrow, trace fossil from lower Chalk of Norfolk, England
Thalassinoides - trace fossils --- #211 --- Tyndall stone, trace fossils, Ordovician limestone, Manitoba
Thallium minerals - Tl --- #19 --- Thallium in nature (Utah, U.S.A.)
Thanatocoenosis - paleoecology --- #208 --- Shelly Ordovician limestone, Campbellford, southeast Ontario
Thomson structure --- ---- --- See "Widmanstatten pattern"
Thucholite --- #64 --- Anthraxolite hydrocarbon, Sudbury, Ontario
Time scales --- #212 --- Geochronology, oldest rocks, Earth history
Tin - Sn - cassiterite --- #209 --- Rich cassiterite tin ore, Cornwall, England
Titanite --- #167 --- Titanite (sphene) from the Grenville province, Ontario
Titanium carbide, TiC --- #44 --- Silicides in fulgurite and ferrosilicon
Todorokite - Mn --- #157 --- Manganese ores, Kalahari manganese field, South Africa
Topaz --- #120 --- Quartz-tourmaline-topaz rock, Cornwall, England (photo, brief note)
Tourmaline --- ---- --- See "borosilicates"
Trace fossils --- #187 --- Thalassinoides, burrow, trace fossil from the lower Chalk of Norfolk, England
Trace fossils --- #211 --- Tyndall stone, trace fossils, Ordovician limestone, Manitoba
Trace fossils (note only) --- #247 --- Glanochthon, Permian amphibian, Germany (MM08)
Trachyte --- #241 --- Trachyte lava, Tigrai, Ethiopia
Trachytic texture --- #241 --- Trachytic feldspars in trachyte, Tigrai, Ethiopia
Tranquillityite Fe Ti Zr Y --- #270 --- Tranquillityite in dolerite (diabase), W.Australia
Trilobites --- ---- --- See "fossils" section
Triphane - spodumene var. (note) --- #257 --- Spodumene, pegmatite, Maine, U.S.A.
Troctolite --- #31 --- Allivalite, Rhum, Scotland
Troilite - Fe S --- #127 --- Seymchan pallasite / iron meteorite, Siberia
Troilite - Fe S --- #116 --- Springwater pallasite meteorite, Saskatchewan
Troilite - Fe S --- #135 --- Covert H5 ordinary chondrite meteorite, Kansas, U.S.A.
Troilite - Fe S --- #173 --- Maslyanino iron meteorite with silicate inclusions, Russia
Troilite - Fe S --- #233 --- Dronino sulphide-rich iron meteorite, Russia
Troilite - Fe S --- #254 --- Saint-Aubin IIIAB iron meteorite, France
Troilite - Fe S --- #284 --- Aletai IIIE-ANOM iron meteorite, China
Tuff --- #160 --- Dolerite and volcanic tuff, Dyfed, Wales
Tuff --- #53 --- Halleflinta from southwest Wales
Tungstates - Fe Mn W --- #152 --- Quartz-wolframite vein (tin-tungsten ore) in greisen, Cligga Head, Cornwall, England
Tungsten - W --- #152 --- Quartz-wolframite vein (tin-tungsten ore) in greisen, Cligga Head, Cornwall, England
Tyndall stone --- #211 --- Tyndall stone, trace fossils, Ordovician limestone, Manitoba
Ultramafic rocks --- ---- --- See also "dunite", "peridotite","troctolite", "chromitite" (chromite), "xenoliths", etc
Ultramafic rocks - komatiite --- #264 --- Komatiite, Abitibi greenstone belt, Ontario
Ultramafic rocks --- #144 --- Keweenawan peridotite, Midcontinent Rift, Eagle project, Michigan, U.S.A.
Ultramafic rocks --- #155 --- Dunitic mantle xenolith from Mount Leura, western Victoria, Australia
Umangite - Cu Se --- #61 --- Umangite: selenides from Moravia and Saskatchewan
Uvarovite - Ca Cr garnet (formula only) --- #234 --- Garnet skarn, Rossland, British Columbia
Vanadates - Pb V --- #131 --- Vanadinite from Morocco
Veins - amethyst, barite - Si Ba --- #73 --- Amethyst, Thunder Bay, N.W. Ontario
Veins - arsenides - Co Ni As --- #40 --- Cobalt-nickel arsenide ore, Cobalt district, Ontario
Veins - chalcopyrite - Cu --- #190 --- Sudbury copper-PGE ore, Broken Hammer deposit
Veins - gold - Au --- #78 --- Native gold from Timmins, Ontario
Veins - quartz --- #225 --- Extensional quartz veins, Cork and Kerry, southern Ireland
Veins - quartz - Mo --- #253 --- Molybdenite from Boss Mountain, British Columbia
Veins - silver - Ag --- #126 --- Native silver in vein, Silver Islet, Thunder Bay area, Ontario
Veins - silver sulphosalts - Ag --- #20 --- Silver ore, Fresnillo, Zacatecas, Mexico
Veins - sperrylite - Pt As --- #81 --- Sperrylite, Sudbury, Ontario
Veins - tin-tungsten ore - Fe Mn W Sn --- #152 --- Quartz-wolframite vein (tin-tungsten ore) in greisen, Cligga Head, Cornwall, England
Veins - zinc and lead - Pb Zn --- #48 --- Zinc-lead vein from the Grenville province of S.E. Ontario
Veins - zinc-rich polymetallic - Zn --- #148 --- Silica-flooded sulphidic ore, Mineral de Pozos, Guanajuato, Mexico
Ventifacts (wind-shaped stones) --- #265 --- Ventifacts from southeast Iceland
Vertebrate fossils --- ---- --- See "fossils" section
Vesicles - basalts --- #258 --- Pahoehoe basalts, Hawaii and Iceland
Vesicles - basalts --- #274 --- Zeolites in basalts of Iceland and beyond
Violarite - Ni --- #5 ---- Violarite, nickel ore from Sudbury, Ontario
Volcanic bomb --- #108 --- Basaltic volcanic bomb, Mount Fuji, Japan
Volcanics - andesite --- #62 --- Mineralized andesite, Guanajuato, Mexico
Volcanics - andesite --- #147 --- Andesite lava from Poas volcano, at Bosque de Paz, Costa Rica
Volcanics - andesite --- #235 --- Volcanic rocks of the Pico de Orizaba, Mexico
Volcanics - andesite --- #236 --- Porphyritic andesites, La Malinche volcano, Mexico
Volcanics - basalt --- #108 --- Basaltic volcanic bomb, Mount Fuji, Japan
Volcanics - basalt --- #258 --- Pahoehoe basalts, Hawaii and Iceland
Volcanics - basalt --- #130 --- Basalt, Bay of Fundy, Nova Scotia
Volcanics - basalt-derived sediment --- #141 --- Fossiliferous basalt (no, really!) from Iceland
Volcanics - basalt with native Fe --- #121 --- Putorana metal-rich basalt / pseudometeorite, Siberia
Volcanics - xenolithic basalt --- #155 --- Dunitic mantle xenolith from Mount Leura, western Victoria, Australia
Volcanics - xenolithic basalt --- #217 --- Peridotite mantle xenoliths in basalt, North China craton, Hebei, China
Volcanics - zeolitic basalts --- #274 --- Zeolites in basalts of Iceland and beyond
Volcanics - komatiite --- #264 --- Komatiite, Abitibi greenstone belt, Ontario
Volcanics - obsidian --- #259 --- Obsidian from southern Iceland
Volcanics - peperite --- #114 --- Peperite identified in outcrop in Tigrai, Ethiopia
Volcanics - pitchstone --- #237 --- Glassy andesite ("pitchstone"), Popocatepetl volcano, Mexico
Volcanics - pitchstone --- #242 --- Pitchstone from Arran, Scotland
Volcanics - trachyte --- #241 --- Trachyte, Tigrai, Ethiopia
Volcanics - tuff --- #160 --- Spotted dolerite and volcanic tuff, Dyfed, Wales
Volcanic-like impact ejecta --- #159 --- Lapilli tuff / cherty sediment of Sudbury impact event, central Ontario
Volcanic-like impact ejecta --- #213 --- Impact ejecta, Thunder Bay, Ontario
Volcanoes - fissure eruption --- #258 --- Pahoehoe basalts, Hawaii and Iceland
Volynskite - Bi Ag Te --- #67 --- Rucklidgeite, rare telluride, N.E. Ontario
Wavellite --- #199 --- Wavellite from north Devon, England
Websterite --- #240 ---- Mineralized rocks at the Nova mine, W.Australia
Weissbergite - Tl --- #19 --- Thallium in nature (Utah, U.S.A.)
Widmanstatten pattern in iron meteorites --- #86 --- Gibeon iron meteorite, Namibia
Widmanstatten pattern in iron meteorites --- #254 --- Saint-Aubin IIIAB iron meteorite, France
Widmanstatten pattern in Seymchan --- #127 --- Photo, slice of Seymchan pallasite, Far Eastern Russia
Willemite - Zn --- #198 --- Zn silicate in fluorescent zinc ore, New Jersey, U.S.A.
Winonaites --- ---- --- See "meteorites - achondrites"
Wolframite - Fe Mn W --- #152 --- Quartz-wolframite vein (tin-tungsten ore) in greisen, Cligga Head, Cornwall, England
Xenoliths --- #155 --- Dunitic mantle xenolith from Mount Leura, western Victoria, Australia
Xenoliths --- #217 --- Peridotite mantle xenoliths in basalt, North China craton, Hebei, China
Xenoliths --- #236 --- Microdiorite in andesite, La Malinche volcano, Mexico
Xifengite - Fe Si (no specific illustration) --- #44 --- Silicides in fulgurite and ferrosilicon
Yakutite - C --- #26 --- Diamond and carbonado, Siberia & Africa
Zebra ore / zebra rock --- #175 --- "Zebra rock", a lead-zinc-silver ore from Colorado, U.S.A.
Zebra rock (lapidary product) --- #263 --- Stripey, spotted siltstone, East Kimberleys, W.Australia
Zeolites --- #142 --- Zeolites and apophyllite from Pune (Poona), Maharashtra, India
Zeolites - analcime --- #243 --- Crinanite from the Isle of Arran, western Scotland
Zeolites - various --- #274 --- Zeolites in basalts of Iceland and beyond
Zeolites - natrolite / hydronephelite --- #281 --- Sodalite syenite, Bancroft, Ontario, Canada
Zinc - Zn --- ---- --- See "sulphides" (Zn), "smithsonite", "franklinite", "willemite"
Zinc minerals - short list --- #195 --- Smithsonite from Tsumeb, Namibia

The provenance of the first 284 rocks of the month is approximately as follows: Wilson/Turnstone collection 218 (77%);
museums and assorted private individual and corporate collections 47 (17%);
and outcrops, building stones and decorative stones, in situ 19 (6%).
The in-house suite (77% of total) shown on these pages was - variously and approximately - self-collected (35%), purchased (35%) or donated (7%).

Document prepared 15-16,24-30 November 2014, last modified 08 February 2025 (1,222 line items from 284 ROM: 4.30 lines per article)

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