Class/Group/Family | Topics |
The "Rock of the Month" | with select "Museum Moments" (MM) |
Aa (a'a) basalts (note only) | --- #258 --- Pahoehoe basalts, Hawaii and Iceland |
Acasta gneiss | --- #212 --- Oldest rock known on Earth, Northwest Territories, Canada |
Adamellite | --- #29 --- Shap granite, Lake District, England |
Adamellite (notes only) | --- #253 --- Molybdenite from Boss Mountain, British Columbia |
African Copperbelt | --- #267 --- Malachite, Democratic Republic of Congo |
Agalmatolite | --- #203 --- Qingtian stone, superb lapidary material from China |
Agate | --- #269 --- Agate (locality unknown) |
Agate | --- #277 --- Agate (locality unknown) |
Ages of rocks, geologic time | --- #212 --- Oldest rock known on Earth, Northwest Territories, Canada |
Agrellite - Na Ca F | --- #94 --- Agrellite and eudialyte, Kipawa, Quebec |
Airfall deposits | --- #159 --- Lapilli tuff / cherty sediment of Sudbury impact event, central Ontario |
Airfall deposits | --- #213 --- Impact ejecta, Thunder Bay, Ontario |
Allivalite (troctolite) | --- #31 --- Allivalite, Rhum, Scotland |
Allivalite (troctolite - note only) | --- #244 ---
"Old Gabbro" of Ardnamurchan, Scotland |
Almandine - Al Fe garnet | --- #230 --- Garnet in pegmatitic leucogranite, Quetico subprovince, northwest Ontario |
Altaite - Pb Te | --- #67 --- Rucklidgeite, rare telluride, N.E. Ontario |
Alteration (and ore deposits) | --- ---- --- See "hydrothermal alteration", and discrete themes |
Amazonite feldspar | --- ---- --- See "tectosilicates - feldspars" |
Amethyst - Si | --- ---- --- See also "tectosilicates - silica" |
Amethyst - Si | --- #73 --- Amethyst, Thunder Bay, N.W. Ontario |
Amethyst - Si | --- #206 --- Quartz as semi-precious stone, with amethyst |
Ammonites | --- ---- --- See "fossils" section |
Amphibians | ---
#247 ---
Glanochthon, Permian amphibian, Germany (MM08) |
Amphiboles - lamprobolite (basaltic hornblende) | --- #147 --- Andesite lava from Poas volcano, at Bosque de Paz, Costa Rica |
Amphiboles - lamprobolite (basaltic hornblende) | --- #235 --- Volcanic rocks of the Pico de Orizaba, Mexico |
Amphiboles - arfvedsonite | --- #138 --- Eudialyte syenite from Kipawa, Quebec (MM02) |
Amphiboles - hornblende | --- #52 --- Titaniferous metagabbro, Norway |
Amphiboles - hornblende | --- #65 --- Odegaardite, metagabbro from Norway |
Amphiboles - holmquistite (note) | --- #257 --- Spodumene, pegmatite, Maine, U.S.A. |
Amphiboles - nephrite jade | --- #70 --- Nephrite jade from northern British Columbia |
Amphiboles - hornblende in metagabbro | --- #149 --- Grenville metagabbro from Cordova (gold) Mines, Ontario |
Amphiboles - fluororichterite | --- #166 --- Unusual amphibole from the Grenville province, Ontario |
Amphiboles -tremolite | --- #215 --- Manganoan tremolite ("hexagonite") from Balmat, New York |
Amphiboles - riebeckite | --- #241 --- Trachyte lava, Tigrai, Ethiopia |
Amygdales (amygdules) | --- #274 ---
Zeolites in basalts of Iceland and beyond |
Analcime (zeolite) | --- #243 ---
Crinanite from the Isle of Arran, western Scotland |
Andalusite | --- #128 --- Chiastolite-muscovite schist pebble, Newfoundland |
Andesite | --- #147 --- Andesite lava from Poas volcano, at Bosque de Paz, Costa Rica |
Andesite | --- #62 --- Mineralized andesite, Guanajuato, Mexico |
Andesite | --- #235 --- Volcanic rocks of the Pico de Orizaba, Mexico |
Andesite | --- #236 ---
Porphyritic andesites, La Malinche volcano, Mexico |
Andesite | --- #237 ---
Glassy andesite ("pitchstone"), Popocatepetl volcano, Mexico |
Andesite | --- ---- --- See "volcanics" |
Andradite - Ca Fe garnet | --- #234 --- Garnet skarn, Rossland, British Columbia |
Ankylosaurs |
--- #248 ---
Crichtonsaurus, ankylosaur, China (MM09) |
Anorthosites | --- #50 --- Calcic anorthosite, northern Ontario |
Anorthosites | --- #191 --- Keweenawan Mellen gabbro / gabbroic anorthosite, northern Wisconsin, U.S.A. |
Anthraxolite | --- #64 --- Anthraxolite hydrocarbon, Sudbury, Ontario |
Antimonides - Ni Sb | --- #184--- Breithauptite, nickel antimonide, from Cobalt, Ontario |
Antimonides - Pt Sb | --- #15 --- Cabriite (a palladium mineral) from Noril'sk, Russia |
Apatite - Ca P | --- #1 ---- Apatite & orange calcite from Renfrew County, Grenville province, Ontario |
Apatite - Ca P | --- #2 ---- Apatite & biotite from the Bancroft area, Grenville province, Ontario |
Apatite - Ca P | --- #107 --- Apatite and phlogopite, Palabora, South Africa |
Aplite | --- #202 --- Tourmaline and lepidolite in aplite from southern California, U.S.A. |
Apophyllite | --- #134 --- Apophyllite from northern San Luis Potosi, Mexico (MM01) |
Apophyllite | --- #142 --- Zeolites and apophyllite from Pune (Poona), Maharashtra, India |
Appinite | --- #32 --- Appinite, Strontian area, Scotland |
Appinite (context) | --- #239 --- Kentallenite, a dark monzonite from western Scotland |
Archaeology - chert - stone tools | --- #24 --- Chert provenance (Pennsylvania, U.S.A.) |
Archaeology - chert (flint) | --- #34 --- Flint walls, Essex, England |
Archaeology - chert (flint) - stone tools | --- #79 --- Fractured flint from Essex, England |
Archaeology - mapping in support of | --- #114 --- Peperite identified in outcrop in Tigrai, Ethiopia |
Archaeology - native copper - Cu | --- #106 --- Native copper and datolite, northern Michigan, U.S.A |
Archaeology - native copper - Cu | --- #143 --- Native "float copper" from Houghton county, Michigan, U.S.A. (MM05) |
Archaeology - goldsmithing - Au | --- #223 --- Early Irish goldsmithing tools |
Archaeology - iron - Fe | --- #151 --- Gebel Kamil nickel-rich iron meteorite, Egypt |
Archaeology - jade | --- #207 --- Massive jade as decorative piece, from China |
Archaeology - jadeitite - stone tools | --- #224 --- Irish stone tools made from Italian jadeitite |
Archaeology - lunulae - Au | --- #223 --- Early Irish goldsmithing - jewellery |
Archaeology - obsidian | --- #259 ---
Obsidian from southern Iceland |
Archaeology - provenance tale (stone) | --- #160 --- Dolerite, Preseli Hills, Dyfed, Wales (link to Stonehenge) |
Archaeology - Qingtian stone | --- #203 --- Qingtian stone, superb lapidary material from China |
Archaeology - tin - cassiterite - Sn | --- #209 --- Rich cassiterite tin ore, Cornwall, England |
Arfvedsonite (amphibole) | --- #138 --- Eudialyte syenite from Kipawa, Quebec (MM02) |
Arsenates - Co As | --- #133 --- Erythrite from Bou Azzer, Morocco |
Arsenates - Pb As | --- #132 --- Mimetite, cerussite, sphaerocobaltite, Morocco |
Arsenates - Pb As | --- #195 --- Smithsonite from Tsumeb, Namibia |
Arsenic - As | --- #268 --- Native arsenic in Sarawak |
Arsenides - Co Ni As | --- #40 --- Cobalt-nickel arsenide ore, Cobalt district, Ontario |
Arsenides - Pt As | --- #81 --- Sperrylite, Sudbury, Ontario |
Arsenides - Pt As | --- #81b -- Sperrylite, Sudbury, Ontario (.pdf, 138 kb) |
Arsenopyrite - Fe As | --- #153 --- Gold skarn with arsenopyrite, Osoyoos, southern Okanagan, British Columbia |
Arsenopyrite - Fe As | --- #8 ---- Berthierite, Iron-antimony sulphide from Borneo |
Arsenopyrite - Fe As | --- #152 --- Quartz-wolframite vein with arsenopyrite, Cligga Head, Cornwall, England |
Arsenopyrite (notes) - Fe As | --- #268 --- Native arsenic in Sarawak |
Astronomite | --- #263 --- Stripey, spotted siltstone, East Kimberleys, W.Australia |
Atlantisite (discussion only) | --- #250 --- Stichtite, Mg Cr carbonate, from Tasmania, Australia |
Australites (tektites) | --- #55 --- Tektites from China |
Australites (tektites) | --- #156 --- Historic "soccer ball" tektite from the Philippines |
Azurite - Cu | --- #87 --- Azurite from Spain |
Banded iron formation - BIF | --- #88 --- Banded iron formation, Western Australia |
Banded iron formation - BIF | --- #98 --- Banded iron formation, south India |
Barbertonite (discussion only) | --- #250 --- Stichtite, Mg Cr carbonate, from Tasmania, Australia |
Barite - Ba S | --- #228 --- Barite on quartz, Jiangxi, China |
Basalt | --- ---- --- See "volcanics" |
Bencubbinites | --- ---- --- See "meteorites - chondrites" |
Berthierite - Fe Sb | --- #8 ---- Berthierite, Iron-antimony sulphide from Borneo |
Beryl - Be | --- #186--- Prismatic beryl from China |
Biography: Stewart Olof Agrell | --- #94 --- Agrellite and eudialyte, Kipawa, Quebec |
Biography: Frank W. Beales | --- --- --- Carbonate sedimentology, MVT deposits |
Biography - Frank W. Beales | --- #42 --- Pyrite from Nanisivik, Baffin Island, Nunavut (brief note on FWB) |
Biography - Robert W. Boyle (slide show) | --- --- --- R.W. Boyle, brief biographic note and info on his last, unpublished work |
Biography - Robert W. Boyle (note) | --- #200 --- Galena crystal habits, Viburnum Trend, Missouri and Keno Hill, Yukon |
Biography - Ron Farquhar (note) | --- #200 --- Galena crystal habits, Viburnum Trend, Missouri and Keno Hill, Yukon |
Biography: Eugen F. Stumpfl | --- --- --- Platinum deposits and their minerals |
Biography: Eugen F. Stumpfl | --- #46 --- Graphite from the Bushveld of South Africa (brief note on EFS) |
Bikolite (philippinite) tektite | --- #156 --- Historic "soccer ball" tektite from the Philippines, and others |
Biotite mica | --- #281 --- Sodalite syenite, Bancroft, Ontario, Canada |
Bivalves | --- ---- --- See "fossils" section |
Bluestone | --- #160 --- Spotted dolerite, Preseli Hills, Dyfed, Wales |
Borates - B (notes, list) | --- #262 --- Folded evaporite strata, New Brunswick |
Borosilicates - B | --- #106 --- Native copper and datolite, northern Michigan, U.S.A |
Borosilicates - B | --- #69 --- Dumortierite from Chile |
Borosilicates - B | --- #120 --- Tourmalinite from Botallack, Cornwall, England |
Borosilicates - B | --- #100 --- Pegmatitic granite, Tregonning-Godolphin stock, Cornwall, England |
Borosilicates - B | --- #101 --- Tourmaline-rich granitic breccia, Wheal Remfry, Cornwall, England |
Borosilicates - B - dravite | --- #78 --- Native gold, Hoyle Pond, Timmins, Ontario |
Borosilicates - B - elbaite | --- #202 --- Tourmaline and lepidolite from southern California, U.S.A. |
Borosilicates - B - schorl | --- #283 --- Tourmaline and garnet, Mount Mica pegmatite, Maine, U.S.A. |
Borosilicates B (skarns, discussion) | --- #251 --- Polymetallic Zn-Pb-Ag-Cu ore, Charcas, San Luis Potosi, Mexico |
Bournonite - Cu Pb Sb | --- #96 --- Bournonite from Pulacayo, Bolivia |
Brachinites | --- ---- --- See "meteorites - achondrites" |
Breccias - chert in iron formation | --- #89 --- Brecciated chert, Western Australia |
Breccias - hydrocarbon cemented by quartz | --- #64 --- Anthraxolite hydrocarbon, Sudbury, Ontario |
Breccias - quartz vein | --- #279 ---
Quartz-carbonate-green mica breccia, Timmins, Ontario |
Breccias - sandstone | --- #255 --- Brodick breccia, New Red Sandstone, Arran, Scotland |
Breccias - volcanic breccias | --- #235 --- Volcanic rocks of the Pico de Orizaba, Mexico |
Breccias - stony meteorite | --- #83 --- NWA 869 brecciated chondrite meteorite, Morocco |
Breccias - stony meteorite | --- #216 --- Saricicek howardite (Vestan achondrite) meteorite |
Breccias - stony-iron meteorite | --- #127 --- Seymchan pallasite / iron meteorite, Siberia |
Breccias - impact | --- #213 --- Impact ejecta, breccias and ore, Thunder Bay and Sudbury, Ontario |
Breccias - tourmaline breccia pipe | --- #101 --- Tourmaline-rich granitic breccia, Wheal Remfry, Cornwall, England |
Breithauptite - Ni Sb | --- #184--- Breithauptite, nickel antimonide, from Cobalt, Ontario |
Brezina lamellae (note) | --- #254 --- Saint-Aubin IIIAB iron meteorite, France |
Brines - Li | --- #257 --- Spodumene, pegmatite, Maine, U.S.A. |
Brucite - Mg | --- #112 --- Brucite ophicalcite (marble) from Skye, Scotland |
Bryozoans | --- ---- --- See "fossils" section |
Bytownite feldspar | --- #50 --- Calcic anorthosite, northern Ontario |
Cabriite - Cu Sn Pd | --- #15 --- Cabriite (a palladium mineral) from Noril'sk, Russia |
Calaverite - Au Ag Te | --- #158 --- Gold-silver tellurides, Colorado, U.S.A., I |
Calaverite - Au Ag Te | --- #161 --- Gold-silver tellurides, Colorado, U.S.A., II |
Calcite | --- ---- --- See "carbonates" |
Camerina | --- #226 --- Camerina, Eocene fossil nummulite foraminiferan, Java, Indonesia |
Carbides - Ti C | --- #44 --- Silicides in fulgurite and ferrosilicon |
Carbonado - C | --- #26 --- Diamond and carbonado, Siberia & Africa |
Carbonates - Ca | --- #85 --- Calcite from Zacatecas, Mexico |
Carbonates - Ca | --- #122 --- Calcite, Grenville province, Ontario |
Carbonates - Ca | --- #1 ---- Apatite & orange calcite from Renfrew County, Grenville province, Ontario |
Carbonates - Ca (pink calcite) | --- #126 --- Native silver in vein, Silver Islet, Thunder Bay area, Ontario |
Carbonates - Ca | --- #198 --- Calcite in fluorescent zinc ore, New Jersey, U.S.A. |
Carbonates - Ca (with amphibole) | --- #166 --- Unusual amphibole in calcite, Grenville province, Ontario |
Carbonates - Ca | --- #274 ---
Zeolites in basalts of Iceland and beyond |
Carbonates - Ca Mg Fe | --- #279 ---
Quartz-carbonate-green mica breccia, Timmins, Ontario |
Carbonates - Co | --- #132 --- Mimetite, cerussite,sphaerocobaltite, Morocco |
Carbonates - Cu | --- #87 --- Azurite from Spain |
Carbonates - Cu | --- #267 --- Malachite, Democratic Republic of Congo |
Carbonates - Zn | --- #195 --- Smithsonite from Tsumeb, Namibia |
Carbonates - Pb | --- #132 --- Mimetite, cerussite, sphaerocobaltite, Morocco |
Carbonates - Mn | --- #157 --- Manganese ores, Kalahari manganese field, South Africa |
Carbonates - Mg Cr | --- #250 --- Stichtite, Mg Cr carbonate, from Tasmania, Australia |
Carbonates - Ni | --- #232 --- Gaspeite, Ni carbonate, in calcite, from southeast Quebec |
Carbonatite | --- #107 --- Apatite and phlogopite, Palabora, South Africa |
Cassiterite - Sn | --- #209 --- Rich cassiterite tin ore, Cornwall, England |
Celestine - Sr | --- #280 --- Native sulphur on celestine, Michigan, U.S.A. |
Cephalopods | --- ---- --- See "fossils" section |
Cerussite - Pb | --- #132 --- Mimetite, cerussite,sphaerocobaltite, Morocco |
Chabazite | --- #142 --- Zeolites and apophyllite from Pune (Poona), Maharashtra, India |
Chain silicates | --- ---- --- See "inosilicates" |
Chalcedony | --- #269 --- Agate (locality unknown) |
Chalcopyrite - Cu | --- #115 --- Chalcopyrite ore, McCreedy West mine, Sudbury, Ontario |
Chalcopyrite - Cu | --- #213 --- Impact ejecta, and chalcopyrite ore, McCreedy West mine, Sudbury, Ontario |
Chalcopyrite - Cu | --- #190 --- Sudbury copper-PGE ore, Broken Hammer deposit |
Chalcopyrite - Cu | --- #171 --- Germanite in Cu Ge (Zn) ore, Tsumeb, Namibia |
Chalcopyrite - Cu | --- #148 --- Silica-flooded sulphidic ore, Mineral de Pozos, Guanajuato, Mexico |
Chalcopyrite - Cu | --- #240 ---- Chalcopyrite in Cu Ni Co ore, Nova mine, W.Australia |
Chalk (in the European Cretaceous) | --- #187 --- Thalassinoides, burrow, trace
fossil from lower Chalk of Norfolk, England |
Chalk | --- ---- --- See also "flint" |
Chant Trace of 1913 (note) | --- #284 --- Aletai iron meteorite / low-angle meteoroid entry |
Charnockite | --- #68 --- Sulphidic charnockite, Kodaikanal, south India |
Charnockite | --- #9 ---- Charnockite, a deep and meaningful granitoid rock, Baffin Island, Nunavut |
Chemical sediments | --- ---- --- See, e.g., "chert", "banded iron formation" |
Chert - Si | --- ---- --- See also "tectosilicates - silica" for other forms |
Chert - Si | --- #16 --- Chert & chalcedony (Pennsylvania, U.S.A.) |
Chert - Si | --- #23 --- Chert & microfossils (Pennsylvania, U.S.A.) |
Chert - Si | --- #24 --- Chert provenance (Pennsylvania, U.S.A.) |
Chert - Si | --- #76 --- Chert from the Crowe valley, S.E. Ontario |
Chert - Si | --- #232 --- Chert and fossils in Ordovician limestone, Crowe valley, S.E. Ontario |
Chert (flint) - Si | --- #34 --- Flint walls, Essex, England |
Chert (flint) - Si | --- #79 --- Fractured flint from Essex, England |
Chert (iron formation) - Si | --- #89 --- Brecciated chert, Western Australia |
Chert in limestones - Si | --- #256 --- Ordovician-age cherty limestone, Skye, Scotland |
Chiastolite (andalusite) | --- #128 --- Chiastolite-muscovite schist pebble, Newfoundland |
China - samples & sites index |
--- #248 ---
Crichtonsaurus, ankylosaur, China |
Chondrites and chondrules | --- ---- --- See also "meteorites" (many examples) |
Chondrules in meteorites | --- #49 --- Moorabie L3.8 chondrite, a meteorite from N.S.W., Australia |
Chondrules - armoured chondrules | --- #282 --- Aba Panu L3.6 chondrite, a 2018 fall in Nigeria |
Chromates - Pb Cr | --- #109 --- Crocoite from Tasmania, Australia |
Chrome diopside - Cr | --- #125 --- Chrome diopside, Russia |
Chrome diopside - Cr | --- #197 --- Chrome diopside in lodranite meteorite NWA 11129, Morocco |
Chromite (Cr spinel) - Cr | --- #60 --- UG-2 chromitite, Bushveld complex, South Africa |
Chromite - Cr | --- #220 --- South African chromites (Bushveld UG-2 chromitite, II) |
Chromite - Cr | --- #205 --- Chromitite, Luobusa ophiolite, southern Tibet |
Chromite (discussion only) - Cr | --- #31 --- Allivalite, Rhum, Scotland |
Chromite (discussion only) - Cr | --- #210 --- Serpentinized mantle peridotite, Gros Morne, western Newfoundland (MM06) |
Chromite (discussion only) - Cr | --- #250 --- Stichtite, Mg Cr carbonate, from Tasmania, Australia |
Chromite in meteorites - Cr | --- #154 --- Chromite as accessory in L4 chondrite (NWA 12807) |
Chromite in meteorites - Cr (notes) | --- #254 --- Saint-Aubin IIIAB iron meteorite, France |
Chromite in meteorites - Cr | --- #284 --- Aletai IIIE-ANOM iron meteorite, China |
Chromium minerals - Cr | --- ---- --- See "chromite", also "chrome diopside", "crocoite", "fuchsite", "stichtite" & "uvarovite" |
Chrysanthemum stone | --- #178 --- Glomeroporphyritic amphibolitic diorite porphyry from China |
Chrysocolla - Cu | --- #45 --- Chrysocolla from Wyoming, U.S.A. |
Chrysocolla - Cu (note) | --- #267 --- Malachite, Democratic Republic of Congo |
Cinnabar - Hg | --- #4 ---- Cinnabar, mercury ore from Almaden, Spain |
Citrine - Si | --- #206 --- Quartz as semi-precious stone: nine faceted examples |
Clathrates (brief discussion) | --- #278 --- Ice revisited - Iceland |
Clay minerals | --- #203 --- Qingtian stone, superb lapidary material from China |
Cleavelandite (notes) | --- #283 --- Cleavelandite (albite), Mount Mica pegmatite, Maine, U.S.A. |
Climate records | --- #278 --- Ice revisited - Iceland |
Cloudy feldspar | --- #150 --- Coronitic Grenville metagabbro, Muskoka district, Ontario |
Cloudy feldspar | --- #244 ---
"Old Gabbro" of Ardnamurchan, Scotland |
Colorado - samples & sites index | --- #175 --- "Zebra rock", a lead-zinc-silver ore from Colorado, U.S.A. |
Commodities | --- ---- --- See "ores" for some examples |
Concretions - weathered out | --- #74 --- Siltstone cobble, Slate Islands, N.W. Ontario |
Concretions - unusual sandstone | --- #84 --- Concretion, northwest Ontario |
Concretions - pyrite in shale | --- #172 --- Pyrite sun (concretion), Illinois, U.S.A. |
Conglomerate | --- #72 --- Palaeobeach with igneous pebbles, Cuba |
Copper - Cu | --- #143 --- Native "float copper" from Houghton county, Michigan, U.S.A. (MM05) |
Copper - Cu | --- #106 --- Native copper and datolite, northern Michigan, U.S.A |
Coquina - limestone | --- #208 --- Shelly Ordovician limestone, Campbellford, southeast Ontario |
Cordierite | --- #43 --- Khondalite from Kerala, south India |
Corona structure | --- #150 --- Coronitic Grenville metagabbro, Muskoka district, Ontario |
Coronite | --- #150 --- Coronitic Grenville metagabbro, Muskoka district, Ontario |
Corundum | --- ---- --- See "oxides - Al" |
Covellite - Cu | --- #171 --- Trace secondary mineral in Cu Ge ore, Tsumeb, Namibia |
Craignurite | --- #245 ---
Craignurite, Isle of Mull, Scotland |
Crinanite | --- #243 ---
Analcime olivine diabase from the Isle of Arran, western Scotland |
Crinoids | --- ---- --- See "fossils" section |
Crocoite - Pb Cr | --- #109 --- Crocoite from Tasmania, Australia |
Crustal abundances of the elements (brief note) | --- #121 --- Putorana metal-rich basalt / pseudometeorite, Siberia |
Crystal habit - example of galena | --- #214 --- Galena crystal habits, Huanzala, Peru & Madan, Bulgaria |
Crystal habit - skeletal habit | --- #176 --- Slag from the Durango mining district, Colorado, U.S.A. |
Crystal size - spodumene | --- #257 --- Spodumene, pegmatite, Maine, U.S.A. |
Cumulates | --- #31 --- Allivalite, Rhum, Scotland |
Cyclosilicates - B | --- #120 --- Tourmalinite from Botallack, Cornwall, England |
Cyclosilicates - B | --- #100 --- Pegmatitic granite from Cornwall, England |
Cyclosilicates - B | --- #101 --- Tourmaline-rich granitic breccia from Cornwall, England |
Cyclosilicates - B | --- #202 --- Tourmaline and lepidolite from southern California, U.S.A. |
Cyclosilicates - cordierite | --- #43 --- Khondalite from Kerala, south India |
Cyclosilicates - B | --- #69 --- Dumortierite from Chile |
Cyclosilicates - Zr | --- #138 --- Eudialyte syenite from Kipawa, Quebec (MM02) |
Cyclosilicates - Be | --- #186--- Prismatic beryl from China |
Cylindrite - Pb Sn Sb | --- #33 --- Cylindrite from Bolivia |
Datolite - B | --- #106 --- Native copper and datolite, northern Michigan, U.S.A |
Devitrification of glass | --- #245 ---
Craignurite, Isle of Mull, Scotland |
Diabase and eucrite meteorite | --- #17-18 Double take: igneous rocks from Earth & space |
Diabase (intrusive equivalent of basalt) | --- #126 --- Native silver in vein, Silver Islet, Thunder Bay area, Ontario |
Diabase | --- #243 ---
Crinanite from the Isle of Arran, western Scotland |
Diabase | --- ---- --- See also "dolerite" |
Diamond - C | --- #25 --- Diamonds from Africa |
Diamond - C | --- #26 --- Diamond and carbonado, Siberia & Africa |
Diamond, chromitite host - C | --- #205 --- Chromitite, Luobusa ophiolite, Tibet (no illustration) |
Dickite | --- #203 --- Qingtian stone, superb lapidary material from China |
Dimension stone | --- #169 --- Leucogranite textures and mineralogy |
Dimension stone | --- #179 --- Textures in a rapakivi granite from Beijing, China |
Dimension stone | --- #211 --- Tyndall stone, trace fossils, Ordovician limestone, Manitoba |
Dinosaurs |
--- #248 ---
Crichtonsaurus, ankylosaur, China (MM09) |
Diopside | --- ---- --- See "chrome diopside" or "inosilicates" |
Diorite | --- #32 --- Appinite, Strontian area, Scotland |
Diorite | --- #239 --- Kentallenite, a dark monzonite / diorite from western Scotland |
Diorite | --- #39 --- A Young plutonic rock from Borneo |
Diorite | --- #178 --- Glomeroporphyritic amphibolitic diorite porphyry from China |
Diorite xenoliths in andesite | --- #236 ---
Porphyritic andesites, La Malinche volcano, Mexico |
Dolerite (a British usage) | --- ---- --- See also "diabase" |
Dolerite | --- #160 --- Spotted dolerite and volcanic tuff, Dyfed, Wales |
Dolerite | --- #243 ---
Crinanite from the Isle of Arran, western Scotland |
Dolerite | --- #270 --- Tranquillityite in dolerite (diabase), W.Australia |
Dolostone - tempestite | --- #219 --- Tempestite - Jixian dolostone, Tianjin, China |
Dravite - B | --- #78 --- Native gold, Hoyle Pond, Timmins, Ontario |
Dumortierite - B | --- #69 --- Dumortierite from Chile |
Dunite | --- #155 --- Dunitic mantle xenolith from Mount Leura, western Victoria, Australia |
Echinoderms | --- ---- --- See "fossils" section |
Echinoids | --- ---- --- See "fossils" section |
Eclogite | --- #273 --- Eclogite, Glenelg, Scotland |
Ediacaran (stratigraphic term) | --- #263 --- Stripey, spotted siltstone, East Kimberleys, W.Australia |
Elbaite - B | --- #202 --- Tourmaline and lepidolite from southern California, U.S.A. |
Emerald (not shown) and other beryls | --- #186--- Prismatic beryl from China |
Epidote | --- #50 --- Calcic anorthosite, northern Ontario |
Erratics - metagabbro | --- #13 --- Gabbro boulder, southern Ontario |
Erratics - the omar story | --- #74 --- Siltstone cobble, Slate Islands, N.W. Ontario |
Erratics - marble | --- #249 --- Bleasdell Boulder ("Big Rock"), marble erratic, S.E. Ontario |
Erratics - notes | --- #249 --- Boulder tracing in Scotland, England, Wales and Ireland (discussion) |
Erythrite - Co As | --- #133 --- Erythrite from Bou Azzer, Morocco |
Eucrite (meteorite) | --- #17-18 Double take: igneous rocks from Earth & space (Millbillillie eucrite) |
Eucrite (calcic gabbro: obsolete, no illustration) | --- #244 ---
"Old Gabbro" of Ardnamurchan, Scotland |
Eudialyte - Zr | --- #138 --- Eudialyte syenite from Kipawa, Quebec (MM02) |
Eudialyte - Zr | --- #94 --- Agrellite and eudialyte, Kipawa, Quebec |
Evaporites | --- #262 --- Folded evaporite strata, New Brunswick |
Exhalites | --- ---- --- See "chemical sediments", e.g., "banded iron formation" |
Feldspars | --- ---- --- See "tectosilicates - feldspars", "anorthosites", etc |
Feldspathoids | --- #281 --- Sodalite syenite, Bancroft, Ontario, Canada |
Felsite (field term) | --- #242 ---
Pitchstone from the Isle of Arran, western Scotland |
Ferrosilicon - Fe Si | --- #44 --- Silicides in fulgurite and ferrosilicon |
Flint - Si | --- ---- --- See "chert" for examples |
Flint - terminology | --- #16 --- Chert & chalcedony (Pennsylvania, U.S.A.) |
Flow texture (directive fabric) | --- #241 --- Trachytic feldspars in trachyte, Tigrai, Ethiopia |
Fluid inclusions (note) | --- #278 --- Ice revisited - Iceland |
Fluorescence - agrellite | --- #94 --- Agrellite and eudialyte, Kipawa, Quebec |
Fluorescence - scapolite | --- #90 --- Scapolite from Quebec |
Fluorescence - spodumene (note) | --- #257 --- Spodumene, pegmatite, Maine, U.S.A. |
Fluorescence - willemite and calcite | --- #198 --- Zn silicate in fluorescent zinc ore, New Jersey, U.S.A. |
Fluorite - Ca F | --- #140 --- Blue John fluorite, Derbyshire, England (MM03) |
Fluororichterite | --- #166 --- Unusual amphibole from the Grenville province, Ontario |
Fold styles (notes) | --- #262 --- Folded evaporite strata, New Brunswick |
Foraminifera ("forams") | --- ---- --- See "fossils" section |
Fossils - arthropoda - trilobites | --- #185 --- The trilobite Phacops from the Devonian of Morocco |
Fossils - bryozoans | --- #11 --- Fossil bryozoan from southern Ontario |
Fossils - bryozoans | --- #232 --- Branching bryozoans in Ordovician limestone, Crowe valley, S.E. Ontario |
Fossils - echinoderms - crinoids | --- #181 --- Traumatocrinus from the Triassic of Guizhou, China |
Fossils - echinoderms - crinoids | --- #168 --- Pelagic crinoid of the lithographic stone of Solnhofen, Germany |
Fossils - echinoderms - crinoids | --- #208 --- Shelly Ordovician limestone, Campbellford, southeast Ontario |
Fossils - echinoderms - echinoids | --- #218 --- Echinoids from the Eocene Ocala limestone, Florida, U.S.A. |
Fossils - echinoderms - ophiuroids | --- #168 --- Echinodermata and the lithographic stone of Solnhofen, Germany |
Fossils - foraminifera | --- #226 --- Camerina, Eocene fossil nummulite foraminiferan, Java, Indonesia |
Fossils - hydrozoa - corals | --- #232 --- Coral in Ordovician limestone, Crowe valley, S.E. Ontario |
Fossils - hydrozoa - graptolites | --- #111 --- Graptolite fossils from Dyfed, Wales |
Fossils - hydrozoa - stromatoporoids | --- #232 --- Stromatoporoids in Ordovician limestone, Crowe valley, S.E. Ontario |
Fossils - mollusca - bivalves | --- #141 --- Bivalve fossils from Iceland |
Fossils - mollusca - bivalves | --- #183 --- The bivalve Glycimeris in the Pliocene Red Crag of Essex, England |
Fossils - mollusca - cephalopods | --- #139 --- Fossil "surprise" cephalopods from Nepal |
Fossils - mollusca - cephalopods | --- #163 --- Mesozoic ammonite fossil, Madagascar |
Fossils - mollusca - cephalopods | --- #232 --- Orthocones in Ordovician limestone, Crowe valley, S.E. Ontario |
Fossils - mollusca - cephalopods (notes only) | --- #266 --- Millstone Grit from Derbyshire, England |
Fossils - mollusca - gastropods | --- #189 --- Gastropods old and new |
Fossils - plants (note & modern analogy) |
--- #248 ---
Crichtonsaurus, ankylosaur, China (MM09) |
Fossils - sponges (?) | --- #256 --- Ordovician-age cherty limestone, Skye, Scotland |
Fossils - thanatocoenosis | --- #208 --- Shelly Ordovician limestone, Campbellford, southeast Ontario |
Fossils - trace fossils | --- #187 --- Thalassinoides, burrow, trace fossil from lower Chalk of Norfolk, England |
Fossils - trace fossils | --- #211 --- Tyndall stone, trace fossils, Ordovician limestone, Manitoba |
Fossils - vertebrate | --- #229 --- Keichousaurus, Triassic fossil reptile, China (MM07) |
Fossils - vertebrate | --- #201 --- Mesosaurus, fossil reptile and mascot for Gondwanaland |
Fossils - vertebrate | ---
#247 ---
Glanochthon, Permian amphibian, Germany (MM08) |
Fossils - vertebrate |
--- #248 ---
Crichtonsaurus, ankylosaur, China (MM09) |
Framework silicates | --- ---- --- See "tectosilicates" |
Franklinite - Zn Fe Mn | --- #198 --- Franklinite in fluorescent zinc ore, New Jersey, U.S.A. |
Fuchsite - Cr green mica | --- #35 --- Green mica in gold ore, Western Australia |
Fuchsite - Cr green mica | --- #279 ---
Quartz-carbonate-green mica breccia, Timmins, Ontario |
Fulgurites | --- #37 --- Fulgurite from Ontario |
Fulgurites | --- #44 --- Silicides in fulgurite and ferrosilicon |
Fulgurites | --- #123 --- Fulgurite, Grant county, Nebraska, U.S.A. |
Fulgurites | --- #124 --- Fulgurite, Florence, Arizona, U.S.A. |
Fulgurites | --- #124 --- Fulgurite, Oswego, New York, U.S.A. |
Gabbro | --- --- --- see also "metagabbro", "troctolite" |
Gabbro | --- #191 --- Keweenawan Mellen gabbro / gabbroic anorthosite, northern Wisconsin, U.S.A. |
Gabbro | --- #244 ---
"Old Gabbro" of Ardnamurchan, Scotland |
Gabbronorite | --- #240 ---- Mineralized rocks at the Nova mine, W.Australia |
Galena - Pb | --- #48 --- Zinc-lead vein from the Grenville province of S.E. Ontario |
Galena - Pb | --- #148 --- Silica-flooded sulphidic ore, Mineral de Pozos, Guanajuato, Mexico |
Galena - Pb (with tellurides) | --- #67 --- Rucklidgeite, rare telluride, N.E. Ontario |
Galena - Pb (with PGM) | --- #15 --- Cabriite (a palladium mineral) from Noril'sk, Russia |
Galena - Pb (Ag) | --- #175 --- "Zebra rock", a lead-zinc-silver ore from Colorado, U.S.A. |
Galena - Pb | --- #196 --- Unusual galena habit from Madan, Bulgaria |
Galena - Pb | --- #200 --- Galena crystal habits, Viburnum Trend, Missouri and Keno Hill, Yukon |
Galena - Pb | --- #214 --- Galena crystal habits, Huanzala, Peru & Madan, Bulgaria |
Galena - Zn Pb Ag Cu | --- #251 --- Polymetallic Zn-Pb-Ag-Cu ore, Charcas, San Luis Potosi, Mexico |
Gallite - Ga | --- #171 --- Germanite in Cu Ge ore, Tsumeb, Namibia |
Gallium - Ga | --- #171 --- Germanite in Cu Ge ore, Tsumeb, Namibia |
Gallium - Ga (notes) | --- #268 --- Native arsenic in Sarawak |
Garnet - metasediments | --- #43 --- Khondalite from Kerala, south India |
Garnet - reaction rims | --- #150 --- Coronitic Grenville metagabbro, Muskoka district, Ontario |
Garnet - leucogranite | --- #169 --- Leucogranite textures and mineralogy |
Garnet - leucogranite - Mn Al Fe | --- #230 --- Garnet in pegmatitic leucogranite, Quetico subprovince, northwest Ontario |
Garnet - granite pegmatite | --- #283 --- Tourmaline and garnet, Mount Mica pegmatite, Maine, U.S.A. |
Garnet - skarn | --- #234 --- Garnet skarn, Rossland, British Columbia |
Garnet - kimberlite | --- #222 --- Diamond indicator minerals, kimberlite |
Gaspeite - Ni | --- #232 --- Gaspeite, Ni carbonate from southeast Quebec |
Gastropods | --- ---- --- See "fossils" section |
Gel (silica) | --- #269 --- Agate (locality unknown) |
Gemstones | --- ---- --- See also individual species of "semi-precious stones", "jade", etc |
Gemstones | --- #269 --- Agate (locality unknown) |
Gemstones - beryl (emerald) | --- #186--- Prismatic beryl from China |
Gemstones - corundum (ruby, sapphire) | --- #14 --- Corundum (ruby & sapphire) from India |
Gemstones - diamond | --- #25 --- Diamonds from Africa |
Gemstones - jade | --- #207 --- Massive jade as decorative piece, from China |
Gemstones - obsidian | --- #259 ---
Obsidian from southern Iceland |
Gemstones - opal | --- #6 ---- Opal in Volcanic rock from Honduras |
Gemstones - tourmaline | --- #202 --- Tourmaline and lepidolite from southern California, U.S.A. |
Geochronology, dating rock samples | --- #212 --- Oldest rock known on Earth, Northwest Territories, Canada |
Geographic index | --- ---- --- N/A. But see China, Colorado, Scotland |
Geographic signposts (not an index yet) | --- ---- --- See Grenville province |
Geological time scale | --- #212 --- Geochronology, oldest rocks, Earth history |
Geomorphology - ventifacts | --- #265 --- Ventifacts from southeast Iceland |
Germanium minerals - Ge | --- #171 --- Germanite in Cu Ge ore, Tsumeb, Namibia |
Geversite - Pt Sb | --- #15 --- Cabriite (a palladium mineral) from Noril'sk, Russia |
Glacial erratics | --- ---- --- See "erratics" |
Glass (various) | --- ---- --- See also "tektites", "volcanics", "slags", chondrules in meteorites, etc |
Glass in slag | --- #176 --- Slag from the Durango mining district, Colorado, U.S.A. |
Glass in andesite | --- #235 --- Volcanic rocks of the Pico de Orizaba, Mexico |
Glass in andesite | --- #236 ---
Porphyritic andesites, La Malinche volcano, Mexico |
Glass in andesite (pitchstone) | --- #237 ---
Glassy andesite ("pitchstone"), Popocatepetl volcano, Mexico |
Glass in komatiite | --- #264 --- Komatiite, Abitibi greenstone belt, Ontario |
Glass, devitrification | --- #245 ---
Craignurite, Isle of Mull, Scotland |
Glauconite (discussion only) | --- #174 --- Quartzite from Quandary Peak, Colorado, U.S.A. |
Gley soil (note) | --- #263 --- Stripey, spotted siltstone, East Kimberleys, W.Australia |
Glomerocryst | --- #160 --- Porphyry (volcanic tuff), ornamental stone, Dyfed, Wales |
Glomerocryst | --- #178 --- Glomeroporphyritic metabasite (amphibolite) from China |
Glomerocryst | --- #235 --- Volcanic rocks of the Pico de Orizaba, Mexico |
Glomeroporhyritic texture | --- #178 --- Glomeroporphyritic metabasite (amphibolite) from China |
Gneiss | --- #212 --- Acasta gneiss, Northwest Territories, Canada |
Gold - Au | --- ---- --- See "native elements - Au", "tellurides", & "ores - Au" |
Granitoids | --- #9 ---- Charnockite, a deep and meaningful granitoid rock, Baffin Island, Nunavut |
Granitoids | --- #29 --- Shap granite, Lake District, England |
Granitoids | --- #30 --- Ross of Mull granite, Scotland |
Granitoids | --- #47 --- Granitic pegmatite from the Grenville province of S.E. Ontario |
Granitoids | --- #54 --- Granite boulders of southeastern Wyoming, U.S.A. |
Granitoids | --- #169 --- Leucogranite textures and mineralogy |
Granitoids | --- #68 --- Sulphidic charnockite, Kodaikanal, south India |
Granitoids | --- #92 --- Orbicular granite, coast of northern Chile |
Granitoids | --- #100 --- Pegmatitic granite from Cornwall, England |
Granitoids | --- #101 --- Tourmaline-rich granitic breccia from Cornwall, England |
Granitoids | --- #102 --- Perthitic granite pegmatite, Grenville province, Ontario |
Granitoids | --- #179 --- Textures in a rapakivi granite from Beijing, China |
Granitoids | --- #230 --- Mica-rich pegmatitic leucogranite, Quetico subprovince, northwest Ontario |
Granitoids - leucogranite | --- #257 --- Spodumene, pegmatite, Maine, U.S.A. |
Granophyre (note) | --- #261 --- Graphic granite, Havey pegmatite, Maine, U.S.A. |
Granulite facies metamorphism | --- #150 --- Coronitic Grenville metagabbro, Muskoka district, Ontario |
Graphic granite | --- #169 --- Leucogranite textures and mineralogy |
Graphic granite | --- #261 --- Graphic granite, Havey pegmatite, Maine, U.S.A. |
Graphite - C | --- #46 --- Graphite from the Bushveld of South Africa |
Graphite - C | -- #276 --- Graphite in marble from southeast Ontario |
Graphite - C (trace, in ore) | --- #61 --- Umangite: selenides from Moravia and Saskatchewan |
Graptolites | --- ---- --- See "fossils" section |
Green micas - Cr (fuchsite) | --- #35 --- Green mica in gold ore, Western Australia |
Green micas - Cr (fuchsite) | --- #279 ---
Quartz-carbonate-green mica breccia, Timmins, Ontario |
Green micas - V (roscoelite) | --- #95 --- Green micaceous gold ore, Hemlo, Ontario |
Greenhouse gases | --- #278 --- Ice revisited - Iceland |
Greisen | --- #152 --- Quartz-wolframite vein (tin-tungsten ore) in greisen, Cligga Head, Cornwall, England |
Grenville province (ONT, QUE, NJ...) rocks | --- ---- --- See "granitoid", "marble", "metagabbro", "metasediments - marble", etc
Grenville province (ONT, QUE, NJ...) minerals | --- ---- --- See "agrellite", "apatite", "arfvedsonite", "calcite", "corundum", "eudialyte", "fluororichterite", "franklinite", "galena", "magnetite", "scapolite", "sphalerite", "titanite", "tremolite", "willemite", etc
Gritstone (coarse sandstone) | --- #266 --- Millstone Grit from Derbyshire, England |
Grit (coarse sandstone) | --- #272 --- Torridonian grit from Liathach, Scotland |
Grossular - Ca Al garnet | --- #234 --- Garnet skarn, Rossland, British Columbia |
Gupeiite - Fe Si (no specific illustration) | --- #44 --- Silicides in fulgurite and ferrosilicon |
Gypsum - Ca S | --- #165 --- Sand-infused gypsum "rose", Aransas Pass, Texas, U.S.A. |
Gypsum - Ca S | --- #262 --- Folded evaporite strata, New Brunswick |
Hackmanite (sodalite) | --- #281 --- Sodalite syenite, Bancroft, Ontario, Canada |
Halides - Ca F | --- #140 --- Blue John fluorite, Derbyshire, England (MM03) |
Halides - Na Cl | --- #110 --- Sea salt (in essence, "synthetic halite") from Essex, England |
Halleflinta | --- #53 --- Halleflinta from southwest Wales |
Halogens - F Cl Br I | --- ---- --- See, e.g., "halite" and "fluorite" |
Hapkeite - Fe Si (no specific illustration) | --- #44 --- Silicides in fulgurite and ferrosilicon |
Harrisite (discussion) | --- #264 --- Komatiite, Abitibi greenstone belt, Ontario |
Harzburgite | --- #205 --- Chromitite, Luobusa ophiolite, southern Tibet |
Harzburgite | --- #217 --- Peridotite mantle xenoliths in basalt, North China craton, Hebei, China |
Hausmannite - Mn | --- #157 --- Manganese ores, Kalahari manganese field, South Africa |
Hematite | --- #164 --- Botryoidal hematite, iron oxide from Bou Azzer, Morocco |
Hemimorphite - Zn | --- #195 --- Hemimorphite from Ojuela mine, Mapimi, Durango, Mexico |
Heulandite (zeolite) | --- #274 ---
Zeolites in basalts of Iceland and beyond |
Hexagonite (variety of amphibole) | --- #215 --- Manganoan tremolite ("hexagonite") from Balmat, New York |
Hiddenite - spodumene var. (note) | --- #257 --- Spodumene, pegmatite, Maine, U.S.A. |
Howardites | --- ---- --- See "meteorites - achondrites" |
Hydrocarbons | --- #64 --- Anthraxolite hydrocarbon, Sudbury, Ontario |
Hydronephelite (natrolite) | --- #281 --- Sodalite syenite, Bancroft, Ontario, Canada |
Hydrothermal alteration (QAM) | --- #35 --- Green mica in gold ore, Western Australia |
Hydrothermal alteration (QAM) | --- #279 ---
Quartz-carbonate-green mica breccia, Timmins, Ontario |
Hydrothermal alteration (Cu-Au-Ag-PGE) | --- #45 --- Chrysocolla from Wyoming, U.S.A. |
Hydrothermal alteration (silica) | --- #63 --- Jasperoid, Jerritt Canyon, Nevada, U.S.A. |
Hydrothermal alteration (argillic) | --- #203 --- Qingtian stone, superb lapidary material from China |
Hydroxides - Mg | --- #112 --- Brucite ophicalcite (marble) from Skye, Scotland |
Ice | --- #38 --- Ice - a mineral! |
Ice | --- #278 --- Ice revisited - Iceland |
Igneous rocks | --- ---- --- See, e.g., "volcanics" section, "anorthosite", "appinite", "cumulate", "diabase", "diorite", "dunite", "gabbro", "granitoid", "harzburgite", "lamprophyre", "pegmatite", "troctolite", "ultramafic rock", etc ... |
Illite | --- #203 --- Qingtian stone, superb lapidary material from China |
Ilmenite - Fe Ti Mg | --- #222 --- Diamond indicator minerals, kimberlite |
Ilmenite - Fe Ti | --- #150 --- Coronitic Grenville metagabbro, Muskoka district, Ontario |
Impact events | --- #75 --- Shatter cone, Slate Islands, N.W. Ontario |
Impact events | --- #159 --- Lapilli tuff / cherty sediment of Sudbury impact event, central Ontario |
Impact events | --- #213 --- Impact ejecta, breccias and ore, Thunder Bay and Sudbury, Ontario |
Impact events - tektites | --- ---- --- See "tektites" |
Impact events - meteorites | --- #146 --- Chelyabinsk LL5 brecciated ordinary chondrite meteorite, Russia |
Impact events - meteorites | --- #154 --- Classification of an NWA (Northwest Africa) "black chondrite" meteorite (NWA 12807) |
Indicator minerals | --- #222 --- Diamond indicator minerals, kimberlite |
Inosilicates - agrellite | --- #94 --- Agrellite and eudialyte, Kipawa, Quebec |
Inosilicates - amphiboles | --- #147 --- Andesite lava from Poas volcano, at Bosque de Paz, Costa Rica |
Inosilicates - amphiboles | --- #235 --- - Basaltic hornblende in andesite, Pico de Orizaba, Mexico |
Inosilicates - amphiboles - arfvedsonite | --- #138 --- Eudialyte syenite from Kipawa, Quebec (MM02) |
Inosilicates - amphiboles | --- #70 --- Nephrite jade from northern British Columbia |
Inosilicates - amphiboles | --- #166 --- Unusual amphibole from the Grenville province, Ontario |
Inosilicates - amphiboles | --- #215 --- Manganoan tremolite ("hexagonite") from Balmat, New York |
Inosilicates - pyroxenes | --- #125 --- Chrome diopside, Russia |
Inosilicates - pyroxenes | --- #197 --- Chrome diopside in lodranite meteorite NWA 11129, Morocco |
Inosilicates - pyroxenes | --- #217 --- Clinopyroxene megacrysts in xenolithic basalt, North China craton, Hebei, China |
Inosilicates - pyroxenes | --- #224 --- Irish stone tools made from Italian jadeitite |
Inosilicates - spodumene - Li | --- #257 --- Spodumene, pegmatite, Maine, U.S.A. |
Inosilicates - clinopyroxene in eclogite | --- #273 --- Eclogite, Glenelg, Scotland |
Inosilicates - pyroxenoids | --- #22 --- Pyroxmangite (`rhodonite') from Colorado, U.S.A. |
Intermetallics - Cu Sn Pd | --- #15 --- Cabriite (a palladium mineral) from Noril'sk, Russia |
Iron - Fe | --- #121 --- Putorana metal-rich basalt / pseudometeorite, Siberia |
Iron - Fe | --- #221 --- Native iron from Russia, II |
Iron - Fe | --- ---- --- In the context of meteorites, see also "kamacite", "taenite", "tetrataenite" |
Iron formation - BIF | --- #88 --- Banded iron formation, Western Australia |
Iron formation - BIF | --- #98 --- Banded iron formation, south India |
Iron meteorites | --- ---- --- See "meteorites - irons" |
iss (Cu-rich sulphide "matte") | --- ---- --- See "sulphides" |
Jade | --- #70 --- Jade from northern British Columbia |
Jade | --- #207 --- Massive jade as decorative piece, from China |
Jadeitite | --- #224 --- Irish stone tools made from Italian jadeitite |
Jasper (red flinty/cherty silica) | --- #88 --- Banded iron formation, Western Australia |
Jasper - terminology | --- #16 --- Chert & chalcedony (Pennsylvania, U.S.A.) |
Jasperoid (hydrothermal silicification) | --- #63 --- Jasperoid, Jerritt Canyon, Nevada, U.S.A. |
Kamacite - Ni Fe | --- #127 --- Seymchan pallasite / iron meteorite, Siberia |
Kamacite - Ni Fe | --- #193 --- Agoudal IIAB iron meteorite, Morocco |
Kamacite (a variant of native iron) | --- ---- --- See the majority of "meteorite" records, especially irons and stony-irons |
Kaolinite | --- #203 --- Qingtian stone, superb lapidary material from China |
Kentallenite | --- #239 --- Kentallenite, a dark monzonite from western Scotland |
Khamrabaevite - Ti C (note) | --- #44 --- Silicides in fulgurite and ferrosilicon |
Khondalite | --- #43 --- Khondalite from Kerala, south India |
Kimberlite indicator minerals | --- #222 --- Diamond indicator minerals, kimberlite |
Komatiite | --- #264 --- Komatiite, Abitibi greenstone belt, Ontario |
Krageroite - metagabbro | --- #52 --- Titaniferous metagabbro, Norway |
Kunzite - spodumene var. (note) | --- #257 --- Spodumene, pegmatite, Maine, U.S.A. |
Kutnohorite - Mn | --- #157 --- Manganese ores, Kalahari manganese field, South Africa |
Labels for mineral specimens | --- #195 --- Smithsonite from Tsumeb, Namibia |
Lamellibranchs | --- ---- --- See "fossils - mollusca - bivalves" |
Lamprobolite (basaltic hornblende) | --- #235 --- Volcanic rocks of the Pico de Orizaba, Mexico |
Lamprophyres | --- #56 --- Lamprophyre (intermediate porphyry) from Rossland, British Columbia |
Lamprophyres | --- #246 ---
Lamprophyre, Iona, Scotland |
Lapidary materials | --- ---- --- See also "sculpture...", "dimension stone" |
Lapilli tuff | --- #159 --- Lapilli tuff / cherty sediment of Sudbury impact event, central Ontario |
Lapilli tuff | --- #213 --- Impact ejecta, Thunder Bay, Ontario |
Larderite | --- #203 --- Qingtian stone, superb lapidary material from China |
Lava flows | --- #258 --- Pahoehoe basalts, Hawaii and Iceland |
Layered intrusions - Bushveld | --- #60 --- UG-2 chromitite, Bushveld complex, South Africa |
Layered intrusions - Bushveld | --- #220 --- South African chromites (Bushveld UG-2 chromitite, II) |
Layered intrusions - Bushveld | --- #46 --- Graphite from the Bushveld of South Africa |
Layered intrusions - Mineral Lake | --- #191 --- Keweenawan Mellen gabbro / gabbroic anorthosite, northern Wisconsin, U.S.A. |
Layered intrusions - Rhum | --- #31 --- Allivalite, Rhum, Scotland |
Lepidolite | --- ---- --- See "phyllosilicates" |
Leucogranite | --- #169 --- Leucogranite textures and mineralogy |
Leucogranite | --- #230 --- Mica-rich pegmatitic leucogranite, Quetico subprovince, northwest Ontario |
Leucogranite | --- #257 --- Spodumene, pegmatite, Maine, U.S.A. |
Lightning | --- ---- --- See "fulgurites" |
Limestones | --- ---- --- See also "sediments" |
Limestones | --- #211 --- Tyndall stone, trace fossils, Ordovician limestone, Manitoba |
Limestones | --- #256 --- Ordovician-age cherty limestone, Skye, Scotland |
Listwanite | --- #35 --- Green mica in gold ore, Western Australia |
Lithium - Li - mica | --- #66 --- Lepidolite, Harding pegmatite, New Mexico, U.S.A. |
Lithium - Li - spodumene | --- #257 --- Spodumene, pegmatite, Maine, U.S.A. |
Lithium - Li and B - mica, elbaite | --- #202 --- Tourmaline and lepidolite from southern California, U.S.A. |
Lithographic stone | --- #168 --- Echinodermata and the lithographic stone of Solnhofen, Germany |
Locality index | --- ---- --- N/A. But see China, Scotland |
Lodranites | --- ---- --- See "meteorites - achondrites" |
Loop-textured Cu Ni Co ore | --- #240 ---- Pentlandite "loop texture" in Cu Ni Co ores, Nova mine, W.Australia |
Luobusaite - Fe Si | --- #44 --- Silicides in fulgurite and ferrosilicon |
Luobusaite - Fe Si | --- #205 --- Chromitite, Luobusha (Luobusa) ophiolite, southern Tibet (no illustration) |
Magma chamber processes | --- #31 --- Allivalite, Rhum, Scotland |
Magnetite | --- #71 --- Oxide-rich pegmatite, Grenville province, S.E. Ontario |
Magnetite in sulphide ore | --- #115 --- Chalcopyrite ore, McCreedy West mine, Sudbury, Ontario |
Magnetite | --- #230 --- Magnetite in
pegmatitic leucogranite, Quetico subprovince, northwest Ontario |
Malachite - Cu | --- #267 --- Malachite, Democratic Republic of Congo |
Manganese oxides - Mn | --- #157 --- Manganese ores, Kalahari manganese field, South Africa |
Manganese oxides - Mn | --- #182 --- Manganese oxide (pyrolusite) dendrites, Atacama desert, Chile |
Manganese oxides - Mn | --- #275 --- Manganese oxide (pyrolusite) dendrites, Emmons pegmatite, Maine, U.S.A. |
Marble | --- ---- --- See "metasediments" |
Marl | --- #36 --- Pyrite from Navajun, Spain |
Megacrysts (clinopyroxene) | --- #217 --- Peridotite mantle xenoliths in basalt, North China craton, Hebei, China |
Mesolite (zeolite) | --- #274 ---
Zeolites in basalts of Iceland and beyond |
Mesosiderites | --- ---- --- See "meteorites - stony-irons" |
Metacinnabar - Hg | --- #4 ---- Cinnabar, mercury ore from Almaden, Spain |
Metadiorite | --- #178 --- Glomeroporphyritic metadiorite (amphibolite) from China |
Metagabbros | --- #149 --- Grenville metagabbro from Cordova (gold) Mines, Ontario |
Metagabbros | --- #150 --- Coronitic Grenville metagabbro, Muskoka district, Ontario |
Metagabbros | --- #13 --- Gabbro boulder, southern Ontario |
Metagabbros | --- #28 --- Gabbro boulder, Marmora, Ontario |
Metagabbros | --- #52 --- Titaniferous metagabbro, Norway |
Metagabbros | --- #65 --- Odegaardite, metagabbro from Norway |
Metagabbros | --- #71 --- Oxide-rich pegmatite, Grenville province, S.E. Ontario |
Metamorphic rocks | --- ---- --- See "metagabbros", "metasediments", "metavolcanics", "marble", "skarn"... |
Metasediments - silicate | --- #43 --- Khondalite from Kerala, south India |
Metasediments - marble | --- #51 --- Forsterite marble, Scotland |
Metasediments - marble | --- #58 --- Marbles of the Grenville province, S.E. Ontario |
Metasediments - marble | --- #204 --- Marble, York River zone, Bancroft, Ontario, Canada |
Metasediments - marble | --- #276 --- Graphitic marble of the Grenville province, southeast Ontario |
Metasediments - marble | --- #112 --- Brucite ophicalcite (marble) from Skye, Scotland |
Metasediments - marble | --- #249 --- Bleasdell Boulder ("Big Rock"), marble erratic, S.E. Ontario |
Metasediments - schist | --- #128 --- Chiastolite-muscovite schist pebble, Newfoundland |
Metasediments - slate | --- #111 --- Graptolite fossils from Dyfed, Wales |
Metavolcanics | --- #53 --- Halleflinta from southwest Wales |
Meteorites - achondrites - ACAP | --- #238 --- Lodranite NWA 10155 (acapulcoites are discussed, but not shown) |
Meteorites - achondrites - brachinites | --- #188 --- NWA 10637, NWA 6292 and NWA 5363 brachinite(-like) achondrite meteorites |
Meteorites - achondrites - HED | --- #17-18 Double take: igneous rocks from Earth & space (Millbillillie eucrite) |
Meteorites - achondrites - HED | --- #104 --- Dhofar 485 howardite meteorite, Oman |
Meteorites - achondrites - HED | --- #216 --- Saricicek howardite (Vestan achondrite) meteorite breccia |
Meteorites - achondrites - LOD | --- #197 --- Lodranite NWA 11129, an achondrite meteorite, Morocco |
Meteorites - achondrites - LOD | --- #238 --- Lodranite meteorite NWA 10155, metal-rich achondrite, Morocco |
Meteorites - achondrites - WIN | --- #41 --- NWA 1463 Winonaite (rare achondrite meteorite), Northwest Africa) |
Meteorites - achondrites - Earth meteorite on Moon (note) | --- #212 --- Oldest rock known on Earth, Northwest Territories, Canada |
Meteorites - SNC achondrites - note | --- #270 --- Tranquillityite in dolerite (diabase), W.Australia |
Meteorites - ages (notes) | --- #212 --- Oldest rock known on Earth, Northwest Territories, Canada |
Meteorites - chondrites - "black chondrites" | --- #154 --- Classification of an NWA (Northwest Africa) "black chondrite" meteorite (NWA 12807)
Meteorites - chondrites - CBa | --- #117 --- Bencubbin CBa bencubbinite meteorite, Western Australia |
Meteorites - chondrites - CBa | --- #118 --- Gujba CBa bencubbinite meteorite, Nigeria |
Meteorites - chondrites - CM2 | --- #212 --- Oldest rock known on Earth / note on oldest dates from meteorites like Murchison |
Meteorites - chondrites - CO3 | --- #170 --- NWA 6136 CO3 carbonaceous chondrite, Morocco |
Meteorites - chondrites - CV3 | --- #136 --- Allende CV3 carbonaceous chondrite meteorite, Mexico |
Meteorites - chondrites - CV3 | --- #212 --- Oldest rock known on Earth / note on oldest dates from meteorites like Allende |
Meteorites - chondrites - H4 | --- #119 --- NWA 5425 H4 chondrite meteorite, Morocco |
Meteorites - chondrites - H5 | --- #135 --- Covert H5 ordinary chondrite meteorite, Kansas, U.S.A. |
Meteorites - chondrites - H5 | --- #227 --- Gao-Guenie H5 meteorite shower, Burkina Faso |
Meteorites - chondrites - L3 | --- #49 --- Moorabie L3.8 chondrite, a meteorite from N.S.W., Australia |
Meteorites - chondrites - L3 | --- #282 --- Aba Panu L3.6 chondrite, a 2018 fall in Nigeria |
Meteorites - chondrites - L3-6 | --- #83 --- NWA 869 brecciated chondrite meteorite, Morocco |
Meteorites - chondrites - L4 | --- #154 --- Classification of an NWA (Northwest Africa) "black chondrite" meteorite (NWA 12807) |
Meteorites - chondrites - L4/LL4 | --- #271 --- Saratov, L4/LL4 meteorite fall, Russia, 1918 |
Meteorites - chondrites - L5 | --- #260 --- Park Forest, L5 meteorite shower, Illinois, U.S.A., 2003 |
Meteorites - chondrites - L6 | --- #7 ---- Holbrook meteorite (Arizona, U.S.A.) |
Meteorites - chondrites - L6 | --- #3 ---- Meteorite recognition - Kitchener |
Meteorites - chondrites - LL3 | --- #162 --- NWA 5731, LL3.2 chondrite meteorite, Morocco |
Meteorites - chondrites - LL4/L4 | --- #271 --- Saratov, L4/LL4 meteorite fall, Russia, 1918 |
Meteorites - chondrites - LL5 | --- #146 --- Chelyabinsk LL5 brecciated ordinary chondrite meteorite, Russia |
Meteorites - general | --- #3 ---- Meteorite recognition |
Meteorites - graphite - brief note | --- #46 --- Graphite from the Bushveld of South Africa |
Meteorites - irons - IAB | --- #3 ---- Meteorite recognition - Toronto |
Meteorites - irons - IAB | --- #173 --- Maslyanino iron meteorite with silicate inclusions, Russia |
Meteorites - irons - IAB-MG | --- #93 --- Campo del Cielo iron meteorite, Argentina |
Meteorites - irons - IAB-sLL | --- #129 --- Toluca iron meteorite, Mexico |
Meteorites - irons - IC | --- #194 --- Mount Dooling IC iron meteorite, W.Australia |
Meteorites - irons - IIAB | --- #193 --- Agoudal IIAB iron meteorite, Morocco |
Meteorites - irons - IIIAB | --- #254 --- Saint-Aubin IIIAB iron meteorite, France |
Meteorites - irons - IIIE-ANOM | --- #284 --- Aletai IIIE-ANOM iron meteorite, China |
Meteorites - irons - IVA | --- #86 --- Gibeon iron meteorite, Namibia |
Meteorites - irons - UNGR | --- #151 --- Gebel Kamil nickel-rich iron meteorite, Egypt |
Meteorites - irons - UNGR | --- #233 --- Dronino sulphide-rich iron meteorite, Russia |
Meteorites - largest (heaviest) | --- #93 --- Campo del Cielo iron meteorite, Argentina |
Meteorites - micrometeorites | --- #227 --- Gao-Guenie H5 meteorite shower, Burkina Faso |
Meteorites - meteorite showers | --- #227 --- Gao-Guenie H5 meteorite shower, Burkina Faso |
Meteorites - meteorite showers | --- #260 --- Park Forest, L5 meteorite shower, Illinois, U.S.A., 2003 |
Meteorites - stony-irons - MES | --- #145 --- NWA 1242 mesosiderite, a stony-iron meteorite, Libya |
Meteorites - stony-irons - PAL | --- #116 --- Springwater pallasite meteorite, Saskatchewan |
Meteorites - stony-irons - PAL | --- #127 --- Seymchan pallasite / iron meteorite, Siberia |
Meteorites - stony-irons - PAL | --- #127 --- Photo, slice of Seymchan pallasite, Far Eastern Russia |
Meteorites - stony-irons - PAL | --- #127 --- Photo, slice of Brahin pallasite, Belarus |
Micas | --- ---- --- See "phyllosilicates" |
Micrite (limestone) | --- #168 --- The lithographic stone of Solnhofen, Germany |
Microcline (var. amazonite) | --- ---- --- See "tectosilicates - feldspars" |
Microfossils - foraminifera | --- #226 --- Camerina, Eocene "macro" microfossil nummulite, Java, Indonesia |
Microstructures - pressure shadows | --- #153 --- Gold skarn with arsenopyrite, Osoyoos, southern Okanagan, British Columbia |
Microstructures - crenulation cleavage | --- #95 --- Green micaceous gold ore, Hemlo, Ontario |
Millerite - Ni | --- #5 ---- Violarite, nickel ore from Sudbury, Ontario |
Mimetite - Pb As | --- #132 --- Mimetite, cerussite, sphaerocobaltite, Morocco |
Mineral chemistry | --- #127 --- Seymchan meteorite: olivine, kamacite, schreibersite |
Minium - Pb | --- #113 --- Minium from Colorado and Arizona, U.S.A. |
Molybdenite - Mo | --- #253 --- Molybdenite from Boss Mountain, British Columbia |
Monzogranite | --- #29 --- Shap granite, Lake District, England |
Monzonite | --- #239 --- Kentallenite, a dark monzonite from western Scotland |
Moon rocks - oxides (note) | --- #270 --- Tranquillityite in dolerite (diabase), W.Australia |
Mudan stone | --- #178 --- Glomeroporphyritic amphibolitic diorite porphyry from China |
Muscovite mica | --- #230 --- Mica-rich pegmatitic leucogranite, Quetico subprovince, northwest Ontario |
Myrmekite (note) | --- #261 --- Graphic granite, Havey pegmatite, Maine, U.S.A. |
Nacrite (kaolinite polymorph) | --- #203 --- Qingtian stone, superb lapidary material from China |
Naquite - Fe Si | --- #44 --- Silicides in fulgurite and ferrosilicon |
Native elements - Ag | --- #126 --- Native silver in vein, Silver Islet, Thunder Bay area, Ontario |
Native elements - Ag (with PGM) | --- #15 --- Cabriite (a palladium mineral) from Noril'sk, Russia |
Native elements - As | --- #268 --- Native arsenic in Sarawak |
Native elements - Au | --- #21 --- Native gold from California, U.S.A. |
Native elements - Au | --- #77 --- Native gold from Guyana |
Native elements - Au | --- #78 --- Native gold, Hoyle Pond, Timmins, Ontario |
Native elements - Au | --- #158 --- Gold-silver tellurides, Colorado, U.S.A., I |
Native elements - Au | --- #8 ---- Berthierite, Iron-antimony sulphide from Borneo |
Native elements - Au - goldsmithing | --- #223 --- Early Irish goldsmithing tools |
Native elements - C | --- #25 --- Diamonds from Africa |
Native elements - C | --- #26 --- Diamond and carbonado, Siberia & Africa |
Native elements - C | --- #46 --- Graphite from the Bushveld of South Africa |
Native elements - Cu | --- #106 --- Native copper and datolite, northern Michigan, U.S.A |
Native elements - Cu | --- #143 --- Native "float copper" from Houghton county, Michigan, U.S.A. (MM05) |
Native elements - Fe | --- #121 --- Putorana metal-rich basalt / pseudometeorite, Siberia |
Native elements - Fe | --- #221 --- Native iron from Russia, II (Khungtukun) |
Native elements - Os | --- #177 --- Native osmium from the Urals of Russia |
Native elements - S | --- #280 --- Native sulphur on celestine, Michigan, U.S.A. |
Native elements - various | --- #205 --- Chromitite, Luobusa ophiolite, southern Tibet |
Natrolite | --- #281 --- Sodalite syenite, Bancroft, Ontario, Canada |
Nepheline | --- #281 --- Sodalite syenite, Bancroft, Ontario, Canada |
Nephrite jade | --- #70 --- Jade from northern British Columbia |
Nephrite jade | --- #207 --- Massive jade as decorative piece, from China |
Nesosilicates - garnet in khondalite | --- #43 --- Khondalite from Kerala, south India |
Nesosilicates - garnet in leucogranite | --- #169 --- Leucogranite textures and mineralogy |
Nesosilicates - garnet in leucogranite | --- #230 --- Garnet in pegmatitic leucogranite, Quetico subprovince, northwest Ontario |
Nesosilicates - garnet skarn | --- #234 --- Garnet skarn, Rossland, British Columbia |
Nesosilicates - garnet in kimberlite | --- #222 --- Diamond indicator minerals, kimberlite |
Nesosilicates - garnet in eclogite | --- #273 --- Eclogite, Glenelg, Scotland |
Nesosilicates - olivine | --- #51 --- Forsterite marble, Scotland |
Nesosilicates - olivine | --- #155 --- Dunitic mantle xenolith from Mount Leura, western Victoria, Australia |
Nesosilicates - olivine | --- #217 --- Peridotite mantle xenoliths in basalt, North China craton, Hebei, China |
Nesosilicates - olivine | --- #31 --- Allivalite, Rhum, Scotland |
Nesosilicates - olivine | --- #264 --- Komatiite, Abitibi greenstone belt, Ontario |
Nesosilicates - olivine | --- #49 --- Moorabie L3.8 chondrite, a meteorite from N.S.W., Australia |
Nesosilicates - olivine | --- #127 --- Seymchan (Brahin, Brenham) pallasites, stony-iron meteorites |
Nesosilicates - olivine | --- #116 --- Springwater pallasite meteorite, Saskatchewan |
Nesosilicates - olivine | --- #188 --- NWA 10637, NWA 6292 and NWA 5363 brachinite(-like) achondrite meteorites |
Nesosilicates - sillimanite | --- #43 --- Khondalite from Kerala, south India |
Nesosilicates - titanite | --- #167 --- Titanite (sphene) from the Grenville province, Ontario |
Nesosilicates - tranquillityite - Fe Ti Zr Y | --- #270 --- Tranquillityite in dolerite (diabase), W.Australia |
Neumann lines | --- #193 --- Agoudal IIAB iron meteorite, Morocco |
New Red Sandstone | --- #255 --- Brodick breccia, New Red Sandstone, Arran, Scotland |
Niccolite - Ni As | --- #40 --- Cobalt-nickel arsenide ore, Cobalt district, Ontario |
Nickel - Ni | --- ---- --- See "niccolite" and iron meteorite phases like kamacite and schreibersite |
Nickel antimonide | --- #184--- Breithauptite, nickel antimonide, from Cobalt, Ontario |
Nickel arsenides | --- #40 --- Cobalt-nickel arsenide ore, Cobalt district, Ontario |
Nickel sulphides - Ni | --- #97 --- Massive sulphide bear as folk-art carving (Sudbury, Ontario) |
Nickel sulphides - Ni | --- #5 ---- Violarite, nickel ore from Sudbury, Ontario |
Nickel sulphides - Ni | --- #240 ---- Pentlandite-rich Cu Ni Co ore, Nova mine, W.Australia |
Nickel sulphide ores (discussion) - Ni | --- #264 --- Komatiite, Abitibi greenstone belt, Ontario |
Nickel-iron alloys: taenite | --- #127 --- Seymchan pallasite / iron meteorite, Siberia |
Nitrides - qingsongite - B N | --- #205 --- Chromitite, Luobusa ophiolite, Tibet (no illustration) |
Nodosaurs (no illustration) |
--- #248 ---
Crichtonsaurus, ankylosaur, China (MM09) |
Nodules (mantle nodules) | --- ---- --- See "xenoliths" |
Nummulites | --- #226 --- Camerina, Eocene fossil nummulite foraminiferan, Java, Indonesia |
Obsidian | --- #259 ---
Obsidian from southern Iceland |
Obsidian (discussed but not illustrated) | --- #237 ---
Glassy andesite ("pitchstone"), Popocatepetl volcano, Mexico |
Odegaardite | --- #65 --- Odegaardite, metagabbro from Norway |
Oldest rock on Earth | --- #212 --- Acasta gneiss, Northwest Territories, Canada |
Olivine | --- ---- --- See "nesosilicates - olivine" |
Omars - distinctive erratics | --- #74 --- Siltstone cobble, Slate Islands, N.W. Ontario |
Opal | --- #6 ---- Opal in Volcanic rock from Honduras |
Ophicalcite | --- #112 --- Brucite ophicalcite (marble) from Skye, Scotland |
Ophiolites - chromitite - Cr | --- #205 --- Chromitite, Luobusa ophiolite, southern Tibet |
Ophiolites - serpentinite | --- #210 --- Serpentinized mantle peridotite, Gros Morne, western Newfoundland (MM06) |
Ophiuroids | --- ---- --- See "fossils" section |
Orbicular texture | --- #92 --- Orbicular granite, coast of northern Chile |
Ores (and ore minerals) | --- ---- --- See individual commodities, sulphides, etc - examples: |
Ores - antimony - Sb | --- #10 --- Stibnite from South Africa |
Ores - arsenic - As | --- #180 --- Arsenic sulphides realgar and orpiment from China |
Ores - chromium - Cr | --- #60 --- UG-2 chromitite, Bushveld complex, South Africa |
Ores - cobalt - Co Ni As | --- #40 --- Cobalt-nickel arsenide ore, Cobalt district, Ontario |
Ores - copper - Cu - native Cu | --- #143 --- Native "float copper" from Houghton county, Michigan, U.S.A. (MM05) |
Ores - copper - Cu - magmatic | --- #115 --- Chalcopyrite ore, McCreedy West mine, Sudbury, Ontario |
Ores - corundum, abrasives | --- #91 --- Grenville corundum, east of Bancroft, Ontario |
Ores - gallium, germanium - Ga Ge | --- #171 --- Sphalerite in Cu Ge (Zn Ga) ore, Tsumeb, Namibia |
Ores - gold - Au | --- #80 --- Pyritic gold ore, Hemlo, Ontario |
Ores - gold - Au | --- #95 --- Green micaceous gold ore, Hemlo, Ontario |
Ores - iron - Fe | --- #88 --- Banded iron formation, Western Australia |
Ores - lead - Pb | --- #200 --- Galena crystal habits, Viburnum Trend, Missouri and Keno Hill, Yukon |
Ores - lithium - Li | --- #257 --- Spodumene, pegmatite, Maine, U.S.A. |
Ores - manganese - Mn | --- #157 --- Manganese ores, Kalahari manganese field, South Africa |
Ores - marble | --- #58 --- Marbles of the Grenville province, S.E. Ontario |
Ores - mercury - Hg | --- #4 ---- Cinnabar, mercury ore from Almaden, Spain |
Ores - molybdenum - Mo | --- #253 --- Molybdenite from Boss Mountain, British Columbia |
Ores - nickel - Ni | --- #5 ---- Violarite, nickel ore from Sudbury, Ontario |
Ores - nickel - Ni Cu Co | --- #240 ---- Loop-textured Cu Ni Co ore, Nova mine, W.Australia |
Ores - palladium - Pd | --- #15 --- Cabriite (a palladium mineral) from Noril'sk, Russia |
Ores - platinum - Pt | --- #81 --- Sperrylite, Sudbury, Ontario |
Ores - silver - Ag | --- #20 --- Silver ore, Fresnillo, Zacatecas, Mexico |
Ores - tin - Sn | --- #209 --- Rich cassiterite tin ore, Cornwall, England |
Ores - tungsten - W | --- #152 --- Quartz-wolframite vein (tin-tungsten ore) in greisen, Cligga Head, Cornwall, England |
Ores - zinc - Zn - sulphide | --- #215 --- Sphalerite (zinc ore / chemistry), Long Lake, Ontario & Balmat, New York |
Ores - zinc - Zn - oxidized | --- #195 --- Smithsonite from Tsumeb, Namibia |
Ores - zirconium - Zr | --- #138 --- Eudialyte syenite from Kipawa, Quebec (MM02) |
Ornamental stone | --- #178 --- Glomeroporphyritic amphibolitic diorite porphyry from China |
Ornamental stone | --- #203 --- Qingtian stone, superb lapidary material from China |
Ornamental stone | --- #281 --- Sodalite syenite, Bancroft, Ontario, Canada |
Orpiment - As | --- #180 --- Arsenic sulphides realgar and orpiment from China |
Orpiment - As | --- #99 --- Galena, quartz and orpiment, Peru |
Orthoclase alkali feldspar | --- ---- --- See "tectosilicates - feldspars" |
Osmium - Os | --- #177 --- Native osmium from the Urals of Russia |
Oxides - Al | --- #14 --- Corundum (ruby & sapphire) from India |
Oxides - Al | --- #91 --- Grenville corundum, east of Bancroft, Ontario |
Oxides - Cr Fe | --- #60 --- UG-2 chromitite, Bushveld complex, South Africa |
Oxides - Fe (magnetite, ilmenite) | --- #71 --- Magnetite-rich pegmatite, Grenville province, S.E. Ontario |
Oxides - Fe | --- #230 --- Magnetite in a pegmatitic leucogranite, Quetico subprovince, northwest Ontario |
Oxides - Fe | --- #164 --- Botryoidal hematite, iron oxide from Bou Azzer, Morocco |
Oxides - Fe Ti - ilmenite in kimberlite | --- #222 --- Diamond indicator minerals, kimberlite |
Oxides - Fe Ti - ilmenite | --- #270 --- Ilmenite in dolerite (diabase), W.Australia |
Oxides - water ice | --- #38 --- Ice - a mineral! |
Oxides - Mn | --- #157 --- Manganese ores, Kalahari manganese field, South Africa |
Oxides - Mn | --- #182 --- Manganese oxide (pyrolusite) dendrites, Atacama desert, Chile |
Oxides - Pb | --- #113 --- Minium from Colorado and Arizona, U.S.A. |
Oxides - Sn | --- #209 --- Rich cassiterite tin ore, Cornwall, England |
Oxides - Ti | --- #52 --- Titaniferous metagabbro, Norway |
Oxides- Zn Fe Mn | --- #198 --- Franklinite in fluorescent zinc ore, New Jersey, U.S.A. |
Pahoehoe basalts | --- #258 --- Pahoehoe basalts, Hawaii and Iceland |
Paisanite (not illustrated) | --- #241 --- Trachyte lava, Tigrai, Ethiopia |
Palaeontology | --- ---- --- See numerous entries under "fossils" |
Paleosol | --- #263 --- Stripey, spotted siltstone, East Kimberleys, W.Australia |
Pallasites | --- ---- --- See "meteorites - stony-irons" |
Pegmatites - granite (feldspar) | --- #105 --- Amazonite feldspar from Sidamo, southern Ethiopia |
Pegmatites - granite (feldspar) | --- #47 --- Granitic pegmatite from the Grenville province of S.E. Ontario |
Pegmatites - granite (feldspar) | --- #102 --- Perthitic granite pegmatite, Grenville province, Ontario |
Pegmatites - granite (leucogranite) | --- #169 --- Leucogranite textures and mineralogy |
Pegmatites - granite (leucogranite) | --- #230 --- Mica-rich pegmatitic leucogranite, Quetico subprovince, northwest Ontario |
Pegmatites - graphic granite | --- #261 --- Graphic granite, Havey pegmatite, Maine, U.S.A. |
Pegmatites - lepidolite mica - Li | --- #66 --- Lepidolite, Harding pegmatite, New Mexico, U.S.A. |
Pegmatites - granite (tourmaline) - B | --- #100 --- Pegmatitic granite, Tregonning-Godolphin stock, Cornwall, England |
Pegmatites - granite (tourmaline) - B | --- #202 --- Tourmaline and lepidolite from southern
California, U.S.A. |
Pegmatites - granite (tourmaline) | --- #283 --- Tourmaline and garnet, Mount Mica pegmatite, Maine, U.S.A. |
Pegmatites - weathering - Mn | --- #275 --- Manganese oxide (pyrolusite) dendrites, Emmons pegmatite, Maine, U.S.A. |
Pegmatites - granite (spodumene) - Li | --- #257 --- Spodumene, Plumbago North pegmatite, Maine, U.S.A. |
Pegmatites / mafic pegmatoid - oxide metagabbro | --- #71 --- Oxide-rich pegmatite, Grenville province, S.E. Ontario |
Pelecypods | --- ---- --- See "fossils - mollusca - bivalves" |
Pentlandite - Ni | --- #240 ---- Pentlandite-rich ore, Nova mine, W.Australia |
Peony stone | --- #178 --- Glomeroporphyritic amphibolitic diorite porphyry from China |
Peperite | --- #114 --- Peperite identified in outcrop in Tigrai, Ethiopia |
Peridotite | --- #82 --- Slickensides in peridotite, Current Lake, northwest Ontario |
Peridotite | --- #144 --- Keweenawan peridotite, Midcontinent Rift, Eagle project, Michigan, U.S.A. |
Peridotite | --- #210 --- Serpentinized mantle peridotite, Gros Morne, western Newfoundland (MM06) |
Peridotite | --- #217 --- Peridotite mantle xenoliths in basalt, North China craton, Hebei, China |
Perryite - Fe Si(no specific illustration) | --- #44 --- Silicides in fulgurite and ferrosilicon |
Perthite (intergrowth) | --- #102 --- Perthitic granite pegmatite, Grenville province, Ontario |
Perthite (note) | --- #261 --- Graphic granite, Havey pegmatite, Maine, U.S.A. |
Phenocrysts - K-feldspar in granite | --- #29 --- Shap granite, Lake District, England |
Phenocrysts - plagioclase and hornblende in andesite | --- #147 --- Andesite lava from Poas volcano, at Bosque de Paz, Costa Rica |
Phenocrysts | --- #237 ---
Glassy andesite ("pitchstone"), Popocatepetl volcano, Mexico |
Phenocrysts | --- ---- --- See also "porphyry", "porphyritic", "megacryst" |
Philippinite (australite) tektite | --- #156 --- Historic "soccer ball" tektite from the Philippines, and others |
Phlogopite | --- ---- --- See "phyllosilicates" |
Phonolite | --- #161 --- Gold-silver tellurides, Colorado, U.S.A., II |
Phosphates - apatite | --- #1 ---- Apatite & orange calcite from Renfrew County, Grenville province, Ontario |
Phosphates - apatite | --- #2 ---- Apatite & biotite from the Bancroft area, Grenville province, Ontario |
Phosphates - apatite | --- #107 --- Apatite and phlogopite, Palabora, South Africa |
Phosphates - graftonite, sarcopside (notes) | --- #254 --- Saint-Aubin IIIAB iron meteorite, France |
Phosphates - pyromorphite | --- #252 ---- Pyromorphite from County Wicklow, Ireland & Leadhills, Scotland |
Phosphates - wavellite | --- #199 --- Wavellite from north Devon, England |
Phosphides - schreibersite | --- #127 --- Seymchan pallasite / iron meteorite, Siberia |
Phosphides - schreibersite | --- #193 --- Agoudal IIAB iron meteorite, Morocco |
Phosphides - schreibersite | --- #254 --- Saint-Aubin IIIAB iron meteorite, France |
Photochromism | --- #281 --- Sodalite syenite, Bancroft, Ontario, Canada |
Phyllosilicates - apophyllite | --- #134 --- Apophyllite from northern San Luis Potosi, Mexico (MM01) |
Phyllosilicates - apophyllite | --- #142 --- Zeolites and apophyllite from Pune (Poona), Maharashtra, India |
Phyllosilicates - biotite | --- #281 --- Sodalite syenite, Bancroft, Ontario, Canada |
Phyllosilicates - dickite | --- #203 --- Qingtian stone, superb lapidary material from China |
Phyllosilicates - green mica - Cr | --- #35 --- Green mica in gold ore, Western Australia |
Phyllosilicates - green mica - Cr | --- #279 ---
Quartz-carbonate-green mica breccia, Timmins, Ontario |
Phyllosilicates - green mica - V | --- #95 --- Green micaceous gold ore, Hemlo, Ontario |
Phyllosilicates - illite | --- #203 --- Qingtian stone, superb lapidary material from China |
Phyllosilicates - kaolinite | --- #203 --- Qingtian stone, superb lapidary material from China |
Phyllosilicates - micas | --- #51 --- Forsterite marble, Scotland |
Phyllosilicates - micas | --- #107 --- Apatite and phlogopite, Palabora, South Africa |
Phyllosilicates - micas - Li | --- #66 --- Lepidolite, Harding pegmatite, New Mexico, U.S.A. |
Phyllosilicates - micas - Li | --- #202 --- Tourmaline and lepidolite from southern California, U.S.A. |
Phyllosilicates - micas | --- #230 --- Muscovitic, pegmatitic leucogranite, Quetico subprovince, northwest Ontario |
Phyllosilicates - nacrite | --- #203 --- Qingtian stone, superb lapidary material from China |
Phyllosilicates - pyrophyllite | --- #203 --- Qingtian stone, superb lapidary material from China |
Phyllosilicates - serpentine | --- #210 --- Serpentinized mantle peridotite, Gros Morne, western Newfoundland |
Phyllosilicates - serpentine | --- #250 --- Stichtite, Mg Cr carbonate, from Tasmania, Australia |
Pitchstone | --- #237 ---
Glassy andesite ("pitchstone"), Popocatepetl volcano, Mexico |
Pitchstone | --- #242 ---
Pitchstone from the Isle of Arran, western Scotland |
Pitchstone: craignurite | --- #245 ---
Craignurite, Isle of Mull, Scotland |
Place names - Colorado | --- #174 --- Quartzite from Quandary Peak, Colorado, U.S.A. |
Placer deposits - gold - Au | --- #77 --- Native gold from Guyana |
Placer deposits - PGE - Os | --- #177 --- Native osmium from the Urals of Russia |
Plagioclase feldspar | --- ---- --- See, e.g., "tectosilicates - feldspars", "anorthosites" |
Plagioclase feldspar | --- #50 --- Calcic anorthosite, northern Ontario |
Plagioclase feldspar | --- #17-18 Double take: igneous rocks from Earth & space |
Platinum Group Elements - PGE (see also PGM) | --- #31 --- PGE in Rhum layered intrusion, Scotland |
Platinum Group Mineral - PGM - Cu Sn Pd (cabriite) | --- #15 --- Cabriite (a palladium mineral) from Noril'sk, Russia |
Platinum Group Mineral - PGM - Pt Sb (geversite) | --- #15 --- Cabriite (a palladium mineral) from Noril'sk, Russia |
Platinum Group Mineral - PGM - Os (native osmium) | --- #177 --- Native osmium from the Urals of Russia |
Platinum Group Mineral - PGM - Pt As (sperrylite) | --- #81 --- Sperrylite, Sudbury, Ontario |
Platinum Group Mineral - PGM - Pt As (sperrylite) | --- #81b -- Sperrylite, Sudbury, Ontario (.pdf, 138 kb) |
Platinum Group Minerals - various (note) | --- #205 --- Chromitite, Luobusa ophiolite, southern Tibet |
Porcellanite (no photo) | --- #224 --- Irish stone tools made from Italian jadeitite |
Porphyry / porphyritic | --- #147 --- Andesite lava from Poas volcano, at Bosque de Paz, Costa Rica |
Porphyritic granite | --- #29 --- Shap granite, Lake District, England |
Porphyry deposits - Mo (etc) | --- #253 --- Molybdenite from Boss Mountain, British Columbia |
Potash (notes) | --- #262 --- Folded evaporite strata, New Brunswick |
Pothole structures with graphite - C | --- #46 --- Graphite from the Bushveld of South Africa |
Preselite | --- #160 --- Spotted dolerite, Preseli Hills, Dyfed, Wales |
Pressure shadows - quartz | --- #153 --- Gold skarn with arsenopyrite, Osoyoos, southern Okanagan, British Columbia |
Pulaskite | --- #57 --- Pulaskite (syenite) from Rossland, British Columbia |
Pyrargyrite - Ag Sb S | --- #20 --- Silver ore, Fresnillo, Zacatecas, Mexico |
Pyrite - Fe | --- #36 --- Pyrite from Navajun, Spain |
Pyrite - Fe | --- #42 --- Pyrite from Nanisivik, Baffin Island, Nunavut |
Pyrite - Fe | --- #68 --- Pyrite in charnockite, Kodaikanal, south India |
Pyrite - Fe | --- #172 --- Pyrite sun (concretion), Illinois, U.S.A. |
Pyrite - Fe | --- #215 --- Pyrite from Balmat, New York |
Pyroaurite (discussion only) | --- #250 --- Stichtite, Mg Cr carbonate, from Tasmania, Australia |
Pyrolusite - Mn | --- #182 --- Manganese oxide (pyrolusite) dendrites, Atacama desert, Chile |
Pyrolusite - Mn | --- #275 --- Manganese oxide (pyrolusite) dendrites on pegmatite, Maine, U.S.A. |
Pyromorphite - Pb P Cl | --- #252 ---- Pyromorphite from County Wicklow, Ireland & Leadhills, Scotland |
Pyrope - Mg Al garnet | --- #222 --- Diamond indicator minerals, kimberlite |
Pyrophyllite | --- #203 --- Qingtian stone, superb lapidary material from China |
Pyroxenes | --- ---- --- See "inosilicates - pyroxenes" |
Pyroxmangite | --- #22 --- Pyroxmangite (`rhodonite') from Colorado, U.S.A. |
Pyrrhotite - Fe | --- #68 --- Sulphidic charnockite, Kodaikanal, south India |
Pyrrhotite - Fe | --- #240 ---- Pyrrhotite in Cu Ni Co ore, Nova mine, W.Australia |
Quartz - Si | --- ---- --- See "tectosilicates - silica" |
Quartz (amethyst, etc) - Si | --- #206 --- Quartz as semi-precious stone: nine faceted examples (smoky quartz, rose quartz, etc) |
Quartz-ankerite-mariposite ("QAM") rock | --- #35 --- Green mica in gold ore, Western Australia |
Quartz-ankerite-mariposite ("QAM") rock | --- #279 ---
Quartz-carbonate-green mica breccia, Timmins, Ontario |
Quartz veins | --- #225 --- Extensional quartz veins, Cork and Kerry, southern Ireland |
Quartz veins | --- ---- --- See also "veins" (many have quartz-rich filling) |
Quartz veins | --- #279 ---
Quartz-carbonate-green mica breccia, Timmins, Ontario |
Quartzite | --- #174 --- Quartzite from Quandary Peak, Colorado, U.S.A. |
Qingsongite, cubic BN | --- #205 --- Chromitite, Luobusa ophiolite, Tibet (no illustration) |
Qingtian stone | --- #203 --- Qingtian stone, superb lapidary material from China |
Rapakivi granite texture | --- #179 --- Textures in a rapakivi granite from Beijing, China |
Realgar - As | --- #180 --- Arsenic sulphides realgar and orpiment from China |
Realgar - As | --- #268 --- Native arsenic in Sarawak |
Red Crag | --- #183 --- The bivalve Glycimeris in the Pliocene Red Crag of Essex, England |
Reichenbach lamellae (note) | --- #254 --- Saint-Aubin IIIAB iron meteorite, France |
Resistivity | --- #184--- Breithauptite, nickel antimonide, from Cobalt, Ontario |
Rhodochrosite - Mn (discussion only) | --- #174 --- Quartzite from Quandary Peak, Colorado, U.S.A. |
Rhodonite (pyroxmangite) - Mn | --- #22 --- Pyroxmangite ("rhodonite") from Colorado, U.S.A. |
Richterite | --- #166 --- Unusual amphibole from the Grenville province, Ontario |
Riebeckite | --- #241 --- Trachyte lava, Tigrai, Ethiopia |
Rizalite (philippinite) tektite | --- #156 --- Historic "soccer ball" tektite from the Philippines, and others |
Rock crystal (clear quartz) | --- #269 --- Agate (locality unknown) |
Roscoelite (V green mica) | --- #95 --- Green micaceous gold ore, Hemlo, Ontario |
Rubellite (tourmaline)- B | --- #202 --- Tourmaline and lepidolite from southern California, U.S.A. |
Ruby | --- #14 --- Corundum (ruby & sapphire) from India |
Rucklidgeite - Pb Bi Ag Te | --- #67 --- Rucklidgeite, rare telluride, N.E. Ontario |
Safflorite - Co As | --- #40 --- Cobalt-nickel arsenide ore, Cobalt district, Ontario |
Saligrams | --- #139 --- Fossil "surprise" cephalopods from Nepal |
Sand (protolith of fulgurite) | --- #37 --- Fulgurite from Ontario |
Sandstone | --- #84 --- Concretion, northwest Ontario |
Sandstone | --- #266 --- Millstone Grit from Derbyshire, England |
Sapphire | --- #14 --- Corundum (ruby & sapphire) from India |
Scapolite | --- #90 --- Scapolite from Quebec |
Scapolite | --- #65 --- Odegaardite, metagabbro from Norway |
Schorl (Fe-rich tourmaline) | --- #283 --- Tourmaline and garnet, Mount Mica pegmatite, Maine, U.S.A. |
Schreibersite - Fe Ni P | --- #127 --- Seymchan pallasite / iron meteorite, Siberia |
Schreibersite - Fe Ni P | --- #193 --- Agoudal IIAB iron meteorite, Morocco |
Schreibersite - Fe Ni P | --- #254 --- Saint-Aubin IIIAB iron meteorite, France |
Scoria | --- #108 --- Basaltic scoria and volcanic bomb, Mount Fuji, Japan |
Scotland - samples & sites index | --- #246 ---
Lamprophyre, Iona, Scotland |
Sculpture / lapidary / ornamental | --- ---- --- See also "dimension stone" |
Sculpture / lapidary / ornamental | --- #203 --- Qingtian stone, superb lapidary material from China |
Sculpture / lapidary / ornamental | --- #97 --- Massive sulphide bear as folk-art carving (Sudbury, Ontario) |
Sculpture / lapidary / ornamental | --- #160 --- Spotted dolerite and volcanic tuff, Dyfed, Wales |
Sedimentary rocks | --- ---- --- See "sediments" section below |
Sedimentary structures | --- #266 --- Cross-bedding in Millstone Grit from Derbyshire, England |
Sediments - arkose (feldspathic sandstone) | --- #272 --- Torridonian arkose from Liathach, Scotland |
Sediments - BIF | --- #88 --- Banded iron formation, Western Australia |
Sediments - BIF | --- #98 --- Banded iron formation, south India |
Sediments - sandstone breccia | --- #255 --- Brodick breccia, New Red Sandstone, Arran, Scotland |
Sediments - conglomerate | --- #72 --- Palaeobeach with igneous pebbles, Cuba |
Sediments - conglomerate | --- #272 --- Cambrian basal conglomerate from Liathach, Scotland |
Sediments - dolostone tempestite | --- #219 --- Tempestite - Jixian dolostone, Tianjin, China |
Sediments - gritstone (coarse sandstone) | --- #266 --- Millstone Grit from Derbyshire, England |
Sediments - grit (coarse sandstone) | --- #272 --- Torridonian grit from Liathach, Scotland |
Sediments - limestone (micrite) | --- #168 --- Echinodermata and the lithographic stone of Solnhofen, Germany |
Sediments - limestone with fossils | --- #208 --- Shelly Ordovician limestone, Campbellford, southeast Ontario |
Sediments - limestone with trace fossils | --- #211 --- Tyndall stone, trace fossils, Ordovician limestone, Manitoba |
Sediments - limestones | --- #256 --- Ordovician-age cherty limestone, Skye, Scotland |
Sediments - marl | --- #36 --- Pyrite from Navajun, Spain |
Sediments - quartzite | --- #174 --- Quartzite from Quandary Peak, Colorado, U.S.A. |
Sediments - quartzite | --- #272 --- Cambrian quartzite from Liathach, Scotland |
Sediments - sand (protolith of fulgurite) | --- #37 --- Fulgurite from Ontario |
Sediments - sand - Red Crag | --- #183 --- The bivalve Glycimeris in the Pliocene Red Crag of Essex, England |
Sediments - sandstone | --- #84 --- Concretion, northwest Ontario |
Sediments - sandstone | --- #266 --- Millstone Grit from Derbyshire, England |
Sediments - sandstones | --- #272 --- Torridonian and Cambrian strata, Liathach, Scotland |
Sediments - shale (black shale) | --- #172 --- Pyrite sun (concretion), Illinois, U.S.A. |
Sediments - siltstone | --- #74 --- Siltstone cobble, Slate Islands, N.W. Ontario |
Sediments - siltstone | --- #263 --- Stripey, spotted siltstone, East Kimberleys, W.Australia |
Selenides - Cu Se | --- #61 --- Umangite: selenides from Moravia and Saskatchewan |
Semi-precious stones | --- ---- --- cf. gemstones: see amethyst, quartz, jade, etc |
Serpentine | --- #250 --- Stichtite, Mg Cr carbonate, from Tasmania, Australia |
Serpentinite | --- #210 --- Serpentinized mantle peridotite, Gros Morne, western Newfoundland (MM06) |
Sheet silicates | --- ---- --- See "phyllosilicates" |
Shock melt | --- #260 --- Park Forest, L5 meteorite shower, Illinois, U.S.A., 2003 |
Shock melt | --- #282 --- Aba Panu L3.6 chondrite, a 2018 fall in Nigeria |
Silicates | --- ---- --- See "nesosilicates",
"sorosilicates", "cyclosilicates, "inosilicates",
"phyllosilicates", "tectosilicates" |
Silicides - Fe Si - at least 8 species | --- #44 --- Silicides in fulgurite and ferrosilicon |
Silicides in fulgurite - hapkeite (no photo) - Fe Si | --- #37 --- Fulgurite from Ontario |
Silicides - luobusaite - Fe Si | --- #205 --- Chromitite, Luobusa ophiolite, southern Tibet (no illustration) |
Sillimanite | --- #43 --- Khondalite from Kerala, south India |
Silver - Ag | --- ---- --- See "native elements - Ag", "tellurides" & "sulphosalts - Ag" |
Skarn (gold) - Au | --- #153 --- Gold skarn with arsenopyrite, Osoyoos, southern Okanagan, British Columbia |
Skarn (gold) - Au | --- #234 --- Garnet skarn, Rossland, British Columbia |
Skarn - Mg | --- #112 --- Brucite ophicalcite (marble) from Skye, Scotland |
Skarn - Zn Pb Ag Cu | --- #251 --- Polymetallic Zn-Pb-Ag-Cu ore, Charcas, San Luis Potosi, Mexico |
Skutterudite - Ni Co As | --- #40 --- Cobalt-nickel arsenide ore, Cobalt district, Ontario |
Slags - Sudbury, ON | --- #3 ---- Meteorite recognition - slags |
Slags - Sudbury, ON | --- #192 --- Nickel smelter slag, Sudbury, Ontario |
Slags - southern Ontario | --- #27 --- Copper-rich slag, Belleville, Ontario |
Slags - Durango, CO | --- #176 --- Slag from the Durango mining district, Colorado, U.S.A. |
Slate | --- #111 --- Graptolite fossils from Dyfed, Wales |
Slickensides | --- #82 --- Slickensides, peridotite, northwest Ontario |
Slickensides | --- #250 --- Stichtite, Mg Cr carbonate, from Tasmania, Australia |
Smithsonite - Zn | --- #195 --- Smithsonite from Tsumeb, Namibia |
Sodalite | --- #281 --- Sodalite syenite, Bancroft, Ontario, Canada |
Soil (notes) | --- #263 --- Stripey, spotted siltstone, East Kimberleys, W.Australia |
Sorosilicates - epidote | --- #50 --- Calcic anorthosite, northern Ontario |
Sorosilicates - hemimorphite | --- #195 --- Hemimorphite from Ojuela mine, Mapimi, Durango, Mexico |
Specimen labels | --- ---- --- See "labels" |
Sperrylite - Pt As | --- #81 --- Sperrylite, Sudbury, Ontario |
Sperrylite - Pt As | --- #81b -- Sperrylite, Sudbury, Ontario (.pdf, 138 kb) |
Sperrylite - Pt As | --- #15 --- Cabriite (a palladium mineral) from Noril'sk, Russia |
Spessartine - Mn Al garnet | --- #230 --- Garnet in pegmatitic leucogranite, Quetico subprovince, northwest Ontario |
Sphaerocobaltite | --- #132 --- Mimetite, cerussite, sphaerocobaltite, Morocco |
Sphalerite - Zn | --- #12 --- Banded sphalerite from Nanisivik, Baffin Island, Nunavut |
Sphalerite - Zn | --- #59 --- Sphalerite-rich ore, Lake District, N.W. England |
Sphalerite - Zn | --- #48 --- Zinc-lead vein from the Grenville province of S.E. Ontario |
Sphalerite - Zn | --- #148 --- Silica-flooded sulphidic ore, Mineral de Pozos, Guanajuato, Mexico |
Sphalerite - Zn | --- #171 --- Sphalerite in Cu Ge (Zn Ga) ore, Tsumeb, Namibia |
Sphalerite in gold ore | --- #158 --- Calaverite, Colorado, U.S.A. |
Sphalerite - Zn | --- #175 --- "Zebra rock", a lead-zinc-silver ore from Colorado, U.S.A. |
Sphalerite - Zn Pb Ag Cu | --- #251 --- Polymetallic Zn-Pb-Ag-Cu ore, Charcas, San Luis Potosi, Mexico |
Sphalerite - Zn | --- #198 --- Sphalerite in fluorescent zinc ore, New Jersey, U.S.A. |
Sphalerite - Zn Cd (etc) | --- #215 --- Sphalerite (zinc ore / chemistry), Long Lake, Ontario & Balmat, New York |
Sphene | --- #167 --- Titanite (sphene) from the Grenville province, Ontario |
Spinifex texture | --- #264 --- Komatiite, Abitibi greenstone belt, Ontario |
Spodumene - Li | --- #257 --- Spodumene, pegmatite, Maine, U.S.A. |
Stannite group - Cu Fe Sn S | --- #152 --- Quartz-wolframite vein (tin-tungsten ore) in greisen, Cligga Head, Cornwall, England |
Stibnite - Sb | --- #10 --- Stibnite from South Africa |
Stibnite - Sb | --- #137 --- Stibnite, antimony ore from Romania (MM04) |
Stibnite in cinnabar - Sb Hg | --- #4 ---- Cinnabar, mercury ore from Almaden, Spain |
Stibnite - Sb (notes) | --- #268 --- Native arsenic in Sarawak |
Stichtite - Mg Cr | --- #250 --- Stichtite, Mg Cr carbonate, from Tasmania, Australia |
Stilbite | --- #142 --- Zeolites and apophyllite from Pune (Poona), Maharashtra, India |
Strontium minerals - Sr | --- #280 --- Native sulphur on celestine, Michigan, U.S.A. |
Structures / structural geology | --- ---- --- See also "microstructures" |
Structures - folds | --- #262 --- Folded evaporite strata, New Brunswick |
Structures - shatter cones | --- #75 --- Shatter cone, Slate Islands, N.W. Ontario |
Structures - stylolites | --- #78 --- Native gold, Hoyle Pond, Timmins, Ontario |
Structures - slickensides | --- #82 --- Slickensides, northwest Ontario |
Structures - breccia | --- #89 --- Brecciated chert, Western Australia |
Structures - corona texture | --- #150 --- Coronitic Grenville metagabbro, Muskoka district, Ontario |
Stylolites | --- #78 --- Native gold, Hoyle Pond, Timmins, Ontario |
Sudbury breccia and ejecta | --- #213 --- Impact ejecta, breccias and ore, Thunder Bay and Sudbury, Ontario |
Suessite - Fe Si(no specific illustration) | --- #44 --- Silicides in fulgurite and ferrosilicon |
Sulphates - Ba | --- #228 --- Barite on quartz, Jiangxi, China |
Sulphates - Ca | --- #165 --- Sand-infused gypsum "rose", Aransas Pass, Texas, U.S.A. |
Sulphates - Ca | --- #262 --- Folded evaporite strata, New Brunswick |
Sulphates - Sr | --- #280 --- Native sulphur on celestine, Michigan, U.S.A. |
Sulphides - Cu | --- #115 --- Chalcopyrite ore, McCreedy West mine, Sudbury, Ontario |
Sulphides - Cu | --- #213 --- Impact ejecta, and chalcopyrite ore, McCreedy West mine, Sudbury, Ontario |
Sulphides - Cu | --- #190 --- Sudbury copper-PGE ore, Broken Hammer deposit |
Sulphides - Cu | --- #171 --- Germanite in Cu Ge (Zn) ore, Tsumeb, Namibia |
Sulphides - Cu | --- #148 --- Silica-flooded sulphidic ore, Mineral de Pozos, Guanajuato, Mexico |
Sulphides - iss "matte" | --- #176 --- Slag from the Durango mining district, Colorado, U.S.A. |
Sulphides - iss "matte" | --- #27 --- Copper-rich slag, Belleville, Ontario |
Sulphides - pyrite - Fe | --- #36 --- Pyrite from Navajun, Spain |
Sulphides - pyrite - Fe | --- #42 --- Pyrite from Nanisivik, Baffin Island, Nunavut |
Sulphides - pyrite - Fe | --- #68 --- Sulphidic charnockite, Kodaikanal, south India |
Sulphides - pyrite - Fe | --- #172 --- Pyrite sun (concretion), Illinois, U.S.A. |
Sulphides - pyrrhotite - Fe | --- #68 --- Sulphidic charnockite, Kodaikanal, south India |
Sulphides - troilite - Fe | --- #127 --- Seymchan pallasite / iron meteorite, Siberia |
Sulphides - Fe As | --- #153 --- Gold skarn with arsenopyrite, Osoyoos, southern Okanagan, British Columbia |
Sulphides - Fe Ni Cu | --- #97 --- Massive sulphide bear as folk-art carving (Sudbury, Ontario) |
Sulphides - Hg | --- #4 ---- Cinnabar, mercury ore from Almaden, Spain |
Sulphides - molybdenite - Mo | --- #253 --- Molybdenite from Boss Mountain, British Columbia |
Sulphides - Ni | --- #240 ---- Pentlandite-rich ore, Nova mine, W.Australia |
Sulphides - Ni | --- #5 ---- Violarite, nickel ore from Sudbury, Ontario |
Sulphides - Pb As | --- #99 --- Galena, quartz and orpiment, Peru |
Sulphides - As Sb | --- #268 --- Native arsenic in Sarawak |
Sulphides - As | --- #180 --- Arsenic sulphides realgar and orpiment from China |
Sulphides - Pb Zn | --- #48 --- Zinc-lead vein from the Grenville province of S.E. Ontario |
Sulphides - Pb Zn Ag | --- #175 --- "Zebra rock", a lead-zinc-silver ore from Colorado, U.S.A. |
Sulphides - Pb Zn | --- #196 --- Unusual galena habit from Madan, Bulgaria |
Sulphides - Pb Ag | --- #200 --- Galena crystal habits, Viburnum Trend, Missouri and Keno Hill, Yukon |
Sulphides - galena - Pb | --- #214 --- Galena crystal habits, Huanzala, Peru & Madan, Bulgaria |
Sulphides - Sb | --- #10 --- Stibnite from South Africa |
Sulphides - Sb | --- #137 --- Stibnite, antimony ore from Romania (MM04) |
Sulphides - Zn | --- #12 --- Banded sphalerite from Nanisivik, Baffin Island, Nunavut |
Sulphides - Zn | --- #59 --- Sphalerite-rich ore, Lake District, N.W. England |
Sulphides - Zn | --- #198 --- Sphalerite in fluorescent zinc ore, New Jersey, U.S.A. |
Sulphides - Zn Cd (etc) | --- #215 --- Sphalerite (zinc ore / chemistry), Long Lake, Ontario & Balmat, New York |
Sulphides - Zn Cu Ge Ga | --- #171 --- Germanite in Cu Ge (Zn) ore, Tsumeb, Namibia |
Sulphides - Zn Cu Pb Ag | --- #148 --- Silica-flooded sulphidic ore, Mineral de Pozos, Guanajuato, Mexico |
Sulphides - Zn Pb Ag Cu | --- #251 --- Polymetallic Zn-Pb-Ag-Cu ore, Charcas, San Luis Potosi, Mexico |
Sulphides - stannite group - Cu Fe Sn | --- #152 --- Quartz-wolframite vein (tin-tungsten ore) in greisen, Cligga Head, Cornwall, England |
Sulphides - Zn Pb Cu | --- #175 --- "Zebra rock", a lead-zinc-silver ore from Colorado, U.S.A. |
Sulphosalts - Ag | --- #20 --- Silver ore, Fresnillo, Zacatecas, Mexico |
Sulphosalts - Cu Pb Sb | --- #96 --- Bournonite from Pulacayo, Bolivia |
Sulphosalts - Fe Sb | --- #8 ---- Berthierite, Iron-antimony sulphide from Borneo |
Sulphosalts - Pb Sn Sb | --- #33 --- Cylindrite from Bolivia |
Sulphosalts - Tl | --- #19 --- Thallium in nature (Utah, U.S.A.) |
Sulphosalts - Cu Fe As S Ge | --- #171 --- Tennantite in Cu Ge ore, Tsumeb, Namibia |
Sulphur - S | --- #280 --- Native sulphur on celestine, Michigan, U.S.A. |
Syenites | --- #57 --- Pulaskite (syenite) from Rossland, British Columbia |
Syenites | --- #138 --- Eudialyte syenite from Kipawa, Quebec (MM02) |
Syenites | --- #281 --- Sodalite syenite, Bancroft, Ontario, Canada |
Sylvanite - Au Ag Te | --- #161 --- Gold-silver tellurides, Colorado, U.S.A., II |
Sylvinite (note) | --- #262 --- Folded evaporite strata, New Brunswick |
Tachylyte (basaltic glass) | --- #243 ---
Crinanite from the Isle of Arran, western Scotland |
Taenite - Ni Fe | --- #127 --- Seymchan pallasite / iron meteorite, Siberia |
Tectosilicates - feldspars - antiperthite (not visible) | --- #71 --- Oxide-rich pegmatite, Grenville province, S.E. Ontario |
Tectosilicates - microcline feldspar | --- #103 --- Amazonite feldspar from Quebec |
Tectosilicates - microcline feldspar | --- #105 --- Amazonite feldspar from Sidamo, southern Ethiopia |
Tectosilicates - microcline feldspar | --- #261 --- Graphic granite, Havey pegmatite, Maine, U.S.A. |
Tectosilicates - microcline feldspar | --- #281 --- Sodalite syenite, Bancroft, Ontario, Canada |
Tectosilicates - orthoclase feldspar | --- #29 --- Shap granite, Lake District, England |
Tectosilicates - orthoclase feldspar | --- #100 --- Pegmatitic granite from Cornwall, England |
Tectosilicates - orthoclase feldspar | --- #179 --- Textures in a rapakivi granite from Beijing, China |
Tectosilicates - plagioclase feldspar | --- #50 --- Calcic anorthosite, northern Ontario |
Tectosilicates - plagioclase feldspar | --- #235 --- Volcanic rocks of the Pico de Orizaba, Mexico |
Tectosilicates - plagioclase feldspar | --- #281 --- Sodalite syenite, Bancroft, Ontario, Canada |
Tectosilicates - plagioclase feldspar (notes) | --- #283 --- Cleavelandite (albite), Mount Mica pegmatite, Maine, U.S.A. |
Tectosilicates - feldspathoids | --- #281 --- Sodalite syenite, Bancroft, Ontario, Canada |
Tectosilicates - scapolite | --- #90 --- Scapolite from Quebec |
Tectosilicates - silica - agate | --- #269 --- Agate (locality unknown) |
Tectosilicates - silica | --- #206 --- Quartz as semi-precious stone, with amethyst |
Tectosilicates - quartz | --- #261 --- Graphic granite, Havey pegmatite, Maine, U.S.A. |
Tectosilicates - silica | --- #6 ---- Opal in Volcanic rock from Honduras |
Tectosilicates - silica | --- #16 --- Chert & chalcedony (Pennsylvania, U.S.A.) |
Tectosilicates - silica | --- #23 --- Chert & microfossils (Pennsylvania, U.S.A.) |
Tectosilicates - silica | --- #24 --- Chert provenance (Pennsylvania, U.S.A.) |
Tectosilicates - silica | --- #34 --- Flint walls, Essex, England |
Tectosilicates - silica (jasper) | --- #88 --- Banded iron formation, Western Australia |
Tectosilicates - silica | --- #89 --- Brecciated chert, Western Australia |
Tectosilicates - silica | --- #73 --- Amethyst, Thunder Bay, N.W. Ontario |
Tectosilicates - silica | --- #76 --- Chert from the Crowe valley, S.E. Ontario |
Tectosilicates - silica | --- #79 --- Fractured flint from Essex, England |
Tectosilicates - quartz | --- #153 --- Gold skarn with arsenopyrite, Osoyoos, southern Okanagan, British Columbia |
Tectosilicates - quartz - Si | --- #206 --- Quartz as semi-precious stone: nine faceted examples |
Tectosilicates - quartz veins | --- #225 --- Extensional quartz veins, Cork and Kerry, southern Ireland |
Tectosilicates - quartz veins | --- #253 --- Molybdenite from Boss Mountain, British Columbia |
Tectosilicates - sodalite | --- #281 --- Sodalite syenite, Bancroft, Ontario, Canada |
Tektites | --- #55 --- Tektites from China |
Tektites | --- #156 --- Historic "soccer ball" tektite from the Philippines |
Tektites (brief note) | --- #259 ---
Obsidian from southern Iceland |
Tellurides - Au Ag Te | --- #158 --- Calaverite, Colorado, U.S.A. |
Tellurides - Au Ag Te | --- #161 --- Calaverite and sylvanite, Colorado, U.S.A. |
Tellurides - Pb Bi Ag Te | --- #67 --- Rucklidgeite, volynskite, altaite, N.E. Ontario |
Temnospondyls | ---
#247 ---
Glanochthon, Permian amphibian, Germany (MM08) |
Tempestite | --- #219 --- Tempestite - Jixian dolostone, Tianjin, China |
Tenebrescence | --- #281 --- Sodalite syenite, Bancroft, Ontario, Canada |
Tennantite - Cu Fe As S | --- #171 --- Germanite in Cu Ge ore, Tsumeb, Namibia |
Tetrataenite - Ni Fe (no illustration) | --- #193 --- Agoudal IIAB iron meteorite, Morocco |
Thalassinoides - trace fossils | --- #187 --- Thalassinoides, burrow, trace fossil from lower Chalk of Norfolk, England |
Thalassinoides - trace fossils | --- #211 --- Tyndall stone, trace fossils, Ordovician limestone, Manitoba |
Thallium minerals - Tl | --- #19 --- Thallium in nature (Utah, U.S.A.) |
Thanatocoenosis - paleoecology | --- #208 --- Shelly Ordovician limestone, Campbellford, southeast Ontario |
Thomson structure | --- ---- --- See "Widmanstatten pattern" |
Thucholite | --- #64 --- Anthraxolite hydrocarbon, Sudbury, Ontario |
Time scales | --- #212 --- Geochronology, oldest rocks, Earth history |
Tin - Sn - cassiterite | --- #209 --- Rich cassiterite tin ore, Cornwall, England |
Titanite | --- #167 --- Titanite (sphene) from the Grenville province, Ontario |
Titanium carbide, TiC | --- #44 --- Silicides in fulgurite and ferrosilicon |
Todorokite - Mn | --- #157 --- Manganese ores, Kalahari manganese field, South Africa |
Topaz | --- #120 --- Quartz-tourmaline-topaz rock, Cornwall, England (photo, brief note) |
Tourmaline | --- ---- --- See "borosilicates" |
Trace fossils | --- #187 --- Thalassinoides, burrow, trace fossil from the lower Chalk of Norfolk, England |
Trace fossils | --- #211 --- Tyndall stone, trace fossils, Ordovician limestone, Manitoba |
Trace fossils (note only) | ---
#247 ---
Glanochthon, Permian amphibian, Germany (MM08) |
Trachyte | --- #241 --- Trachyte lava, Tigrai, Ethiopia |
Trachytic texture | --- #241 --- Trachytic feldspars in trachyte, Tigrai, Ethiopia |
Tranquillityite Fe Ti Zr Y | --- #270 --- Tranquillityite in dolerite (diabase), W.Australia |
Trilobites | --- ---- --- See "fossils" section |
Triphane - spodumene var. (note) | --- #257 --- Spodumene, pegmatite, Maine, U.S.A. |
Troctolite | --- #31 --- Allivalite, Rhum, Scotland |
Troilite - Fe S | --- #127 --- Seymchan pallasite / iron meteorite, Siberia |
Troilite - Fe S | --- #116 --- Springwater pallasite meteorite, Saskatchewan |
Troilite - Fe S | --- #135 --- Covert H5 ordinary chondrite meteorite, Kansas, U.S.A. |
Troilite - Fe S | --- #173 --- Maslyanino iron meteorite with silicate inclusions, Russia |
Troilite - Fe S | --- #233 --- Dronino sulphide-rich iron meteorite, Russia |
Troilite - Fe S | --- #254 --- Saint-Aubin IIIAB iron meteorite, France |
Troilite - Fe S | --- #284 --- Aletai IIIE-ANOM iron meteorite, China |
Tuff | --- #160 --- Dolerite and volcanic tuff, Dyfed, Wales |
Tuff | --- #53 --- Halleflinta from southwest Wales |
Tungstates - Fe Mn W | --- #152 --- Quartz-wolframite vein (tin-tungsten ore) in greisen, Cligga Head, Cornwall, England |
Tungsten - W | --- #152 --- Quartz-wolframite vein (tin-tungsten ore) in greisen, Cligga Head, Cornwall, England |
Tyndall stone | --- #211 --- Tyndall stone, trace fossils, Ordovician limestone, Manitoba |
Ultramafic rocks | --- ---- --- See also "dunite", "peridotite","troctolite", "chromitite" (chromite), "xenoliths", etc |
Ultramafic rocks - komatiite | --- #264 --- Komatiite, Abitibi greenstone belt, Ontario |
Ultramafic rocks | --- #144 --- Keweenawan peridotite, Midcontinent Rift, Eagle project, Michigan, U.S.A. |
Ultramafic rocks | --- #155 --- Dunitic mantle xenolith from Mount Leura, western Victoria, Australia |
Umangite - Cu Se | --- #61 --- Umangite: selenides from Moravia and Saskatchewan |
Uvarovite - Ca Cr garnet (formula only) | --- #234 --- Garnet skarn, Rossland, British Columbia |
Vanadates - Pb V | --- #131 --- Vanadinite from Morocco |
Veins - amethyst, barite - Si Ba | --- #73 --- Amethyst, Thunder Bay, N.W. Ontario |
Veins - arsenides - Co Ni As | --- #40 --- Cobalt-nickel arsenide ore, Cobalt district, Ontario |
Veins - chalcopyrite - Cu | --- #190 --- Sudbury copper-PGE ore, Broken Hammer deposit |
Veins - gold - Au | --- #78 --- Native gold from Timmins, Ontario |
Veins - quartz | --- #225 --- Extensional quartz veins, Cork and Kerry, southern Ireland |
Veins - quartz - Mo | --- #253 --- Molybdenite from Boss Mountain, British Columbia |
Veins - silver - Ag | --- #126 --- Native silver in vein, Silver Islet, Thunder Bay area, Ontario |
Veins - silver sulphosalts - Ag | --- #20 --- Silver ore, Fresnillo, Zacatecas, Mexico |
Veins - sperrylite - Pt As | --- #81 --- Sperrylite, Sudbury, Ontario |
Veins - tin-tungsten ore - Fe Mn W Sn | --- #152 --- Quartz-wolframite vein (tin-tungsten ore) in greisen, Cligga Head, Cornwall, England |
Veins - zinc and lead - Pb Zn | --- #48 --- Zinc-lead vein from the Grenville province of S.E. Ontario |
Veins - zinc-rich polymetallic - Zn | --- #148 --- Silica-flooded sulphidic ore, Mineral de Pozos, Guanajuato, Mexico |
Ventifacts (wind-shaped stones) | --- #265 --- Ventifacts from southeast Iceland |
Vertebrate fossils | --- ---- --- See "fossils" section |
Vesicles - basalts | --- #258 --- Pahoehoe basalts, Hawaii and Iceland |
Vesicles - basalts | --- #274 ---
Zeolites in basalts of Iceland and beyond |
Violarite - Ni | --- #5 ---- Violarite, nickel ore from Sudbury, Ontario |
Volcanic bomb | --- #108 --- Basaltic volcanic bomb, Mount Fuji, Japan |
Volcanics - andesite | --- #62 --- Mineralized andesite, Guanajuato, Mexico |
Volcanics - andesite | --- #147 --- Andesite lava from Poas volcano, at Bosque de Paz, Costa Rica |
Volcanics - andesite | --- #235 --- Volcanic rocks of the Pico de Orizaba, Mexico |
Volcanics - andesite | --- #236 ---
Porphyritic andesites, La Malinche volcano, Mexico |
Volcanics - basalt | --- #108 --- Basaltic volcanic bomb, Mount Fuji, Japan |
Volcanics - basalt | --- #258 --- Pahoehoe basalts, Hawaii and Iceland |
Volcanics - basalt | --- #130 --- Basalt, Bay of Fundy, Nova Scotia |
Volcanics - basalt-derived sediment | --- #141 --- Fossiliferous basalt (no, really!) from Iceland |
Volcanics - basalt with native Fe | --- #121 --- Putorana metal-rich basalt / pseudometeorite, Siberia |
Volcanics - xenolithic basalt | --- #155 --- Dunitic mantle xenolith from Mount Leura, western Victoria, Australia |
Volcanics - xenolithic basalt | --- #217 --- Peridotite mantle xenoliths in basalt, North China craton, Hebei, China |
Volcanics - zeolitic basalts | --- #274 ---
Zeolites in basalts of Iceland and beyond |
Volcanics - komatiite | --- #264 --- Komatiite, Abitibi greenstone belt, Ontario |
Volcanics - obsidian | --- #259 ---
Obsidian from southern Iceland |
Volcanics - peperite | --- #114 --- Peperite identified in outcrop in Tigrai, Ethiopia |
Volcanics - pitchstone | --- #237 ---
Glassy andesite ("pitchstone"), Popocatepetl volcano, Mexico |
Volcanics - pitchstone | --- #242 ---
Pitchstone from Arran, Scotland |
Volcanics - trachyte | --- #241 --- Trachyte, Tigrai, Ethiopia |
Volcanics - tuff | --- #160 --- Spotted dolerite and volcanic tuff, Dyfed, Wales |
Volcanic-like impact ejecta | --- #159 --- Lapilli tuff / cherty sediment of Sudbury impact event, central Ontario |
Volcanic-like impact ejecta | --- #213 --- Impact ejecta, Thunder Bay, Ontario |
Volcanoes - fissure eruption | --- #258 --- Pahoehoe basalts, Hawaii and Iceland |
Volynskite - Bi Ag Te | --- #67 --- Rucklidgeite, rare telluride, N.E. Ontario |
Wavellite | --- #199 --- Wavellite from north Devon, England |
Websterite | --- #240 ---- Mineralized rocks at the Nova mine, W.Australia |
Weissbergite - Tl | --- #19 --- Thallium in nature (Utah, U.S.A.) |
Widmanstatten pattern in iron meteorites | --- #86 --- Gibeon iron meteorite, Namibia |
Widmanstatten pattern in iron meteorites | --- #254 --- Saint-Aubin IIIAB iron meteorite, France |
Widmanstatten pattern in Seymchan | --- #127 --- Photo, slice of Seymchan pallasite, Far Eastern Russia |
Willemite - Zn | --- #198 --- Zn silicate in fluorescent zinc ore, New Jersey, U.S.A. |
Winonaites | --- ---- --- See "meteorites - achondrites" |
Wolframite - Fe Mn W | --- #152 --- Quartz-wolframite vein (tin-tungsten ore) in greisen, Cligga Head, Cornwall, England |
Xenoliths | --- #155 --- Dunitic mantle xenolith from Mount Leura, western Victoria, Australia |
Xenoliths | --- #217 --- Peridotite mantle xenoliths in basalt, North China craton, Hebei, China |
Xenoliths | --- #236 ---
Microdiorite in andesite, La Malinche volcano, Mexico |
Xifengite - Fe Si (no specific illustration) | --- #44 --- Silicides in fulgurite and ferrosilicon |
Yakutite - C | --- #26 --- Diamond and carbonado, Siberia & Africa |
Zebra ore / zebra rock | --- #175 --- "Zebra rock", a lead-zinc-silver ore from Colorado, U.S.A. |
Zebra rock (lapidary product) | --- #263 --- Stripey, spotted siltstone, East Kimberleys, W.Australia |
Zeolites | --- #142 --- Zeolites and apophyllite from Pune (Poona), Maharashtra, India |
Zeolites - analcime | --- #243 ---
Crinanite from the Isle of Arran, western Scotland |
Zeolites - various | --- #274 ---
Zeolites in basalts of Iceland and beyond |
Zeolites - natrolite / hydronephelite | --- #281 --- Sodalite syenite, Bancroft, Ontario, Canada |
Zinc - Zn | --- ---- --- See "sulphides" (Zn), "smithsonite", "franklinite", "willemite" |
Zinc minerals - short list | --- #195 --- Smithsonite from Tsumeb, Namibia |
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